Saturday, September 29, 2012

28-09-2012's Murli

२८-०९-२०१२, शुक्रवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - इस दु:ख के घाट पर बैठ शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम को याद करो, इस दु:खधाम को भूल जाओ, यहाँ बुद्धि भटकनी नहीं चाहिए ।
प्रश्न: तुम्हारे पुरूषार्थ का आधार क्या है ? 
उत्तर: निश्चय। तुम्हें निश्चय है-बाप नई दुनिया की सौगात लाये हैं, इस पुरानी दुनिया का विनाश होना ही है। इस निश्चय से तुम पुरूषार्थ करते हो। अगर निश्चय नहीं है तो सुधरेंगे नहीं। आगे चल अखबारों द्वारा तुम्हारा मैसेज सबको मिलेगा, आवाज निकलेगा। तुम्हारा निश्चय भी पक्का होता जायेगा। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 

१.पढ़ाई को अच्छी तरह पढ़कर ऊंच पद पाना है। आफतें आने के पहले नई दुनिया के लिए तैयार होना है। 
२.अपने को सुधारने के लिए निश्चयबुद्धि बनना है। वाणी से परे वानप्रस्थ में जाना है इसलिए इस दु:खधाम को भूल शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम को याद करना है। 
वरदान: बड़ी दिल रख सेवा का प्रत्यक्षफल निकालने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव ।
जो बच्चे बड़ी दिल रखकर सेवा करते हैं तो सेवा का प्रत्यक्षफल भी बड़ा निकलता है। कोई भी कार्य करो तो स्वयं करने में भी बड़ी दिल और दूसरों को सहयोगी बनाने में भी बड़ी दिल हो। स्वयं प्रति वा साथी सहयोगी आत्माओं प्रति संकुचित दिल नहीं रखो। बड़ी दिल रखने से मिट्टी भी सोना हो जाती है, कमजोर साथी भी शक्तिशाली बन जाते हैं, असम्भव सफलता सम्भव हो जाती है। इसके लिए मैं-मैं की बलि चढ़ा दो तो बड़ी दिल वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी बन जायेंगे। 
स्लोगन: कारण को निवारण में परिवर्तन करना ही शुभ-चिंतक बनना है। 

Essence: Sweet children, while sitting in this land of sorrow, remember the land of peace and the land of happiness. Forget this land of sorrow. Your intellects should not wander here. 

Question: What is the basis of your efforts ? 
Answer: Faith. You have the faith that the Father has brought you the gift of the new world. This old world is definitely going to be destroyed. You are making effort with this faith. If you don't have faith, you won't reform yourself. As you progress further and everyone receives your message through the newspapers, your sound will spread and your faith will continue to become stronger. 
Om shanti. Tower of silence and tower of happiness. You children are sitting here, but your intellects should go to the home. That is the Tower of Peace. The highest of all is said to be a tower. You are towers of peace. You are making effort to go home. How do you go there? The Father who resides in the Tower is giving you these teachings: Remember Me and you will go to the Tower of Peace. That is called a home and also the abode of peace. These things are explained to you. Stay in remembrance of your land of peace and land of happiness. If you are unable to do this, it means you are thorns of the forest and that is why you experience sorrow. Consider yourself to be a resident of the land of peace. You have to remember your home; you mustn't forget it. The home belongs to the Father. This is the land of sorrow. It wouldn't be said of those who remember the things outside while sitting here that they are remembering their home. This is why the Father gives you these teachings every day: Repeatedly remember the land of peace and the land of happiness. The Father's elevated versions are also mentioned in the Gita: Remember Me alone! What would God make you? He would make you into the masters of heaven, what else? Since you are sitting here to become the masters of heaven, you have to follow completely the shrimat that the Father gives you to attain the home and heaven. There are so many types of guru in the world. The Father has explained: No founder of a religion can be called a guru. They just come here to establish a religion. They don't come here to take anyone back. A guru means one who takes you back home to the land beyond sound, the land of nirvana. However, not a single guru would take anyone back. Not a single person goes to the land of nirvana. 'Beyond sound' (Nirvana) means the home. Neither do the gurus know the meaning of being beyond sound, nor do their followers know it. So much is explained to you children. These pictures are of the golden age and the others are of the silver age. They are not called God. Even Lakshmi and Narayan cannot be called a goddess and god. The eternal and original religion is the deity religion. No one, apart from the deities, is permanently pure. It is just the one religion that remains pure for 21 births. Then, gradually, that stage decreases. In the silver age, there are two degrees less and so the happiness is also reduced. That is called the silver age, 14 degrees. You now have the Father's introduction and the knowledge of the world cycle. You remember Him. but the intellects of many continue to wander around somewhere or other. They don't remember the Father. OK, if you can't understand anything else, then just be a theist and at least keep the Father in your intellect. You know the Father and the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. You cannot speak of the beginning, the middle or the end of the other tree. There is the beginning, middle and end of this tree because Ravan's kingdom begins in the middle. Thorns begin to be created at that time. The garden begins to turn into a forest. At this time, the whole tree has reached a state of total decay. The whole tree has dried up and become tamopradhan. The whole tree has now dried up; the sapling now has to be planted again. The sapling of this is now being planted. If the sapling were not planted, annihilation would take place. Annihilation doesn't take place, that is, not everything is flooded with water. Just Bharat remains, but they speak of everything being flooded with water. You sweetest children know that everywhere becomes covered with water and only Bharat is left. It is like when a wave comes in and then goes out. People say that the BKs only speak about death throughout the whole day. "Death is about to come." Therefore, they think that we say inauspicious things. Tell them: No, we don't speak of destruction. We are saying that the religion of purity, happiness and peace is being established. If destruction didn't take place, how could there be peace? The lands of peace and happiness are being established in an incognito way. We are speaking of auspicious things. You say: O Purifier, come! Purify us and take us back with You! You yourselves also say: Take us with You! We are saying auspicious things and you are also saying auspicious things. We say: Purify us and take us from this world of the land of sorrow to the land of peace! These things we speak about are auspicious. When we ask Him to come, it means we are saying: Come and destroy the impure world and establish the pure world. We ask for Him to come and establish peace in the world. Only in the golden age does peace exist. Peace in the world is being established in an incognito way. Until you explain the meaning to them, they won't be able to understand anything. No one, apart from the Father, can bring death. The Father is said to be the Death of all Deaths. He brings death to everyone. He brings death to so many people. There are so few human beings in the golden age. All the rest receive death. You call out to Him to take you to the pure world. Therefore, the pure world would surely be the new world; it wouldn't be this world. People don't even understand what is meant by 'old world'. There are very few human beings in the pure world. There is peace there. It is so easy to understand and explain these things. However, it doesn't sit in their intellects because it isn't the right time for it. It is said that all are sleeping in the sleep of Kumbhakarna; they will not awaken. This drama is unique. So this whole cycle should turn around in your intellects. The Father comes and gives you all the knowledge. He is called the Knowledge-full One, the Ocean of Knowledge. Only the one Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. You know that there are so many oceans of water. There are as many oceans as there are names for them, or you could say that it is just the one ocean, but that it has been partitioned and given different names. Physically, there is just one ocean. Vasco de Gama went round the earth and came back to where he started. So, there is just one ocean, but they have partitioned it into parts and made it into separate oceans. The earth is also just one land, but it is all divided into pieces. When it is your kingdom, there is just one land and one kingdom; there are no pieces there. The Father comes and gives you the kingdom. It is your kingdom over the whole ocean, the whole land and the whole sky. Everyone will go into liberation. However, to go into liberation-in-life is not like going to your aunty's home! It is common to go into liberation. Everyone will return home. They will definitely go back to where they came from. However, not everyone will go to the new world. It is just your kingdom there. Some come so late, that is, they come just before the new world is about to begin, that is, they come about two to four hundred years before the new world. What is that worth? Those who don't study well will come for a shorter period towards the end of the silver age. They can never become 16 celestial degrees. They would come at the end of the 14 degrees. They will see the world of sorrow in front of them. They will come down, closer to the world of thorns. There, they are not aware of any of this. You have all the knowledge at this time and it has to be imbibed by your intellects. At this time, look how much money people have! Look how palaces continue to be built! They build buildings so many storeys high. They believe that Bharat is now more elevated than in the golden age. Even now, they continue to build buildings with 18 to 20 floors. So, with how many floors will they build buildings by the end? Day by day, they continue to make them higher and higher. There are not even two-storey buildings in the golden and silver ages, nor in the copper age. It is only when there are so many people in the iron age that they build buildings from two to ten storeys. This is because the number of people continues to grow. So where would they all go? There is a lot of business and so they also build huge buildings for show; they continue to change a jungle into a 'mangal' (a place of comfort). So many beautiful buildings continue to be created. They continue to buy land. What was Bombay before? Look what it has become in 80 to 90 years! At first, there were so few people, whereas look how many people there are now! They have drained the ocean. Even now they have reclaimed so much land from the ocean. It is as though the water is becoming less and less. The number of people continues to grow and so where would water come from? The water continues to become less as the ocean continues to be reduced. Where land replaces the sea, they build buildings there. Later, when the water rises, most of the parts of Karachi and Bombay will be covered with water. You know that all the other lands will finish. Calamities are to come and this is why the Father says: Continue to become ready quickly. For instance, only when the fire is about to burn out at the cremation grounds do people go back home. The Father has also come to destroy everything and so He won't go back after only half completing His task. When the fire is extinguished, you will all go back home. What would you do sitting here any longer? As soon as the fire goes out, everyone will go back home. He will take everyone back with Him. This has to happen. Everyone understands this, but they have told a big lie about the time. You children have to explain the Gita. This is the Gita episode through which the deity religion is established. There, there will be only one religion, and all the other religions will be destroyed. It is only this Gita that God spoke. People have sat and created scriptures for the path of devotion. Imbibe such points and then relate them to others. Some say: Baba, I forget. I am unable to imbibe these things. Baba says: What can I do? A kingdom is being established. Everyone is required in this numberwise. If the Father had the power to bless everyone, He would make everyone into a master of heaven, but no! All of you are to be created numberwise. Anyone can understand that God has come. God would definitely bring the gift of heaven. He comes to establish the new world and so He would surely come at the confluence age to establish the new world. You listen to Him and make effort with that faith. Those who don't have faith will never reform themselves, no matter how much you beat your head. Therefore, give everyone the message of the Father's incarnation. You have to give everyone the message. As you progress further, it will be printed in the papers. Just as your name was defamed by the newspapers, so it will also be glorified by the newspapers. The world is very big, and you children won't be able to go everywhere; there are so many cities, so many languages. The sound reaches everywhere through the newspapers. Anyone who comes will say that they heard about this from the newspapers. So your name will be glorified through the newspapers. Don't think that you will have to go everywhere. In that case, you never know how long it would take you. People will hear about this accurately from the newspapers. You even say: Remember the Father and your sins will be cut way. You have to read this in the papers. Now, your name will be glorified and then it will continue to grow. They will know about it at the same time as they heard about it in the previous cycle. Everyone will receive the message. There are many methods for this. Many journalists will write about this. It will just sit in someone's intellect and he will print it in a newspaper. Those of every religion will come to know about this, and then it would be said: O God, Your divine activity is unique! At the end, everyone will remember the Father, but they won't be able to do anything. This is a play. They will know the play. The play of 84 births will be written about in all the papers. Wherever you go, there are definitely newspapers there. The sound definitely spreads through the newspaper. The things you speak of are the most elevated. The time of destruction is also definitely to come again according to the drama plan. Just as people found out about this in the previous cycle, so they will come to know about it now. Establishment takes place gradually. If you remember the confluence age, you will also remember heaven. Remember heaven and be manmanabhav. Also remember the Father and your boat will go across. How could there be peace until destruction takes place? The very name of destruction is very strong. People become very afraid of it when they hear about it. However, this is something right, is it not? There are so many types of sorrow in the impure world and so many types of happiness in the pure world. Look at the gift that the Father brings for you! Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Study well and claim a high status. Be ready for the new world before the calamities come. 
2.In order to reform yourself, have faith in the intellect. You have to go beyond sound into the stage of retirement. Therefore, forget this land of sorrow and remember the lands of peace and happiness. 
Blessing: May you be a world benefactor who has a big heart and bring instant results in service. 

Children who do service with a big heart are able to bring huge instant results in service. Whatever task you perform, have a big heart and also have a big heart in making others co-operative. Do not have a small heart for the self or for your co-operative companions. By your having a big heart, even dust becomes like gold, weak companions become powerful and the impossible becomes possible. For this, sacrifice the consciousness of "I" and you will become a world benefactor with a big heart. 
Slogan: To transform reasons into solutions is to be someone who has pure and positive thoughts for others. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

27-09-2012's Murli

२७-०९-२०१२, गुरुवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - बाप सामान पतितों को पावन बनांने का पुरुषार्थ करो, यह समय बहुत वैल्युबुल है, इसलिए व्यर्थ बातों में अपना समय बर्बाद मत करो |
प्रश्न: बाप बच्चों की किस एक बात पर बहुत तरस खाते हैं ? 
उत्तर: कई बच्चे आपस में झरमुई झगमुई कर अपना समय बहुत गंवाते हैं । घुमने फिरने जाते हैं तो बाप को याद करने के बजाए व्यर्थ चिंतन करते हैं । बाप को उन बच्चों पर बहुत तरस पड़ता है । बाप कहते मीठे बच्चे - अब अपना जीवन सुधार लो । व्यर्थ समय नहीं गंवाओ । तमोप्रधान से सतोप्रधान बनने के लिए सच्ची दिल से बाप को युक्तियुक्त याद करो, लाचारी याद नहीं करो ।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.बाप जो सुनाते हैं उसे बहुत प्यार से आत्म-अभिमानी होकर सुनना है। सामने बैठकर बाप को देखते रहना है। झुटका नहीं खाना है। पढ़ाई में बहुत रूचि रखनी है। भोजन त्यागकर भी पढ़ाई जरूर करनी है।
२.एक बाप को सच्चा दोस्त बनाना है, आपस में दुश्मनी समाप्त करने के लिए मैं आत्मा भाई-भाई हूँ, यह अभ्यास करना है। शरीर को देखते हुए भी नहीं देखना है। 
वरदान: मन और बुद्धि को सदा सेवा में बिज़ी रखने वाले निर्विघ्न सेवाधारी भव ।
जो जितना सेवा का उमंग-उत्साह रखते हैं उतना निर्विघ्न रहते हैं क्योंकि सेवा में बुद्धि बिजी रहती है। खाली रहने से किसी और को आने का चांस है और बिजी रहने से सहज निर्विघ्न बन जाते हैं। मन और बुद्धि को बिजी रखने के लिए उसका टाइम-टेबल बनाओ। सेवा वा स्वयं के प्रति जो लक्ष्य रखते हो उस लक्ष्य को प्रैक्टिकल में लाने के लिए बीच-बीच में अटेन्शन जरूर चाहिए। अटेन्शन कभी टेन्शन में बदली न हो, जहाँ टेन्शन होता है वहाँ मुश्किल हो जाता है। 
स्लोगन: सेवा से जो दुआयें मिलती हैं-वही तन्दरूस्त रहने का साधन हैं। 
27-09-2012, Thursday

Essence: Sweet children, make effort to make impure ones pure, like the Father. This time is very valuable. So don't waste your time in useless matters. 
Question: Due to which one aspect does the Father feel a lot of mercy for you children ? 
Answer: Some children gossip among themselves and waste a lot of their time. When they go sightseeing somewhere, instead of remembering the Father, they have wasteful thoughts. The Father feels a lot of mercy for such children. Baba says: Sweet children, now reform your lives. Don't waste time unnecessarily. In order to become satopradhan from tamopradhan. remember the Father accurately with an honest heart. Don't remember the Father just in desperate circumstances. 
Om Shanti. God speaks. You children must surely understand that God is teaching you. We are very old students. No one studies with the same teacher all the time. They would study for 12 months and then their teacher would change. Here, this main Teacher doesn't change, but there are many daughters to teach you Raja Yoga. Not everything can be accomplished by just one. So many people call out to become pure. They all call out to the One. It is only the one Teacher who purifies everyone. It is a wonder that they call out to the Purifier, but they don't understand anything. Draupadi also called out for protection when they were stripping her. You have been calling out for half the cycle. Tell them: All of you used to call out, did you not? The example of Draupadi is given. The whole world is impure. There is the difference of day and night between those who are impure and those who are pure. Those who are impure have stone intellects. The Father comes and inspires you to dislike all the vices. The soul understands that the body he has at this time is impure. You also understand that this body is impure and rusty. Those who had pure and first-class bodies ruled the kingdom of the whole world. They are called those with divine intellects. Only in Bharat are those with stone intellects and those with divine intellects remembered. Therefore, you children should be concerned about how to make this impure Bharat pure. However, numberwise serviceable children would have such thoughts and would be making effort to purify the impure. This is the Father's first duty. The Father comes to make you satopradhan from tamopradhan. So. you children should be just as concerned as the Father is. The Father says: I make you even more elevated than I am. You should think more about this. You children do even more service than I do. Baba doesn't sit and explain for three to four hours at the exhibitions. The Father praises you children, but that happiness and that yoga are not so visible. This is why the unlimited Father who is teaching through this one is the closest of all. Have you ever seen a father and grandfather being so close together? The soul is the main thing. If the soul leaves, the body is of no use. The bodies of human beings have no value. They are of no use at all; they turn to ashes. The bones and even the skin of animals are useful. Nothing of human beings is useful. They throw the bones in the water and completely finish everything, no sign of anything remains. At least there are signs of the animals in the jungles. Human beings have value from the golden age to the end of the silver age. When they are deities, they are worthy of being worshipped. Then, later, they don't even have the value of a few pennies. This is why they are called those with stone intellects. They continue to bow down in front of others and worry about money etc. There, they remain totally carefree. The Father says: Those bodies of yours are very valuable. This time is also valuable; don't waste it! Don't waste your time in useless matters. You souls have to make yourselves satopradhan with the power of remembrance. There is no other way to become pure. "God speaks" is mentioned in just the one scripture which is called the Shrimad Bhagawad Gita. The Father says: Come, children who are poverty-stricken, I will make you crowned. You too understand that you truly are poverty-stricken, even though many are wealthy or multimillionaires and their photographs etc. are taken. You children, too. are wealthy, numberwise. You say that you are truly wealthy permanently. It is this wealth that will go with you. Although all of those people may be called multimillionaires, in front of you, they are poverty-stricken. The Satguru, Baba has given you the name "eternal multimillionaires". You are the multimillionaires of heaven whereas they are the multimillionaires of hell. You understand heaven and hell. Those with stone intellects don't understand anything at all. As you progress further, they will come to you. When they see destruction taking place, they will understand that the old world is being destroyed. Then they will say that these Brahma Kumars and Kumaris were telling the truth. OK, what do you have to do now? They won't be able to do anything. All the money etc. will all be burnt and finished. When bombs are dropped, all the buildings and property etc. are destroyed; even the bodies are destroyed. You will see very fearsome scenes happening. At that time they won't be able to come to hear knowledge. God sits here and explains all of this at this time. You children know that you have come to God to study. You are so fortunate! Not everyone has this faith. If they had faith, why would they not study with God? They would keep the lights on all night, not be concerned about themselves, not eat food, but begin to study very intensely. This is wonderful; this is an income for 21 births! They would begin to study very well. What is this study after all? The main thing is to remember the Father. Baba feels a lot of mercy. Baba knows that when children tour around, not even one child stays in remembrance of Baba. They gossip a great deal. You children should be very concerned. There is very little time remaining. Bharat is so big and there is so much service to do. First of all reform your lives. Baba tells you many times: Children, don't gossip! Renounce those things and reform your lives! Everyone is to fight among themselves and die. The destiny of the drama is such. It takes time to become satopradhan from tamopradhan. Ask your heart for how long you stay in remembrance. Scarcely anyone remembers the Father accurately with an honest heart and with a lot of love for even five minutes. You have to remember Him with a lot of love. Would anyone remember anyone if there wasn't love? There are many who simply remember Baba when they are in desperate circumstances. They don't know how to remember Baba with love. The Lord is pleased with an honest heart. Look! Baba just makes one sound: Manmanabhav! That is, remember Me and all your sins will be cut away. I am your Friend and all the rest are your enemies. You are enemies of one another. Many people fight and quarrel among themselves and so how can they be friends? The Father says: If you consider souls to be brothers, all animosity would end. If you had no nose, no ears and no mouth, whom would you have animosity for? Don't even look at the body. You are a soul and the other person is a soul and so all enmity is ended. This requires a lot of effort. Would you receive anything without making effort for it? People beat their heads so much for that study. It is so easy! The Father says: Constantly remember Me and receive happiness. You know that you only received sorrow on the path of devotion even though you remembered God. You didn't know the occupation of the One you were remembering. People remember so many: Remember Hanuman! Remember Ganesh! One is to remember God and experience happiness and the other is to remember God and receive sorrow because devotion is the night. There cannot be the night for Shiv Baba. People stumble in the night. It is this Brahma who stumbles the most at first. You Brahmins are his companions. There is the whole clan of Brahmins. All those who become Brahmins come and experience happiness by remembering God. You tell everyone: Remember Shiv Baba and your sins will be cut away. You remember the one Father whereas human beings remember many and become sinful souls. They continue to come down the ladder. You now remember the one Father meaningfully. The Father says: I have come to give you your inheritance and to purify you. This is meaningful, is it not? No one even knows that Shiv Baba is the Purifier. Someone should come and tell us how He purifies everyone. Even those who are sitting here with you don't know this fully. Maya, who makes you forget, is no less. You yourselves say: Baba, I remember You, but Maya makes me forget. Baba says: But if you don't remember Baba. how would you receive your inheritance? Would anyone other than the Father give you an inheritance? The more you remember the Father, the more you automatically receive your inheritance. He explains to you in a straightforward way: A kingdom is being established and even those of the sun dynasty are created here. The sound has to reach the ears of so many human beings. Baba says: Children, go to the temples and into every street and do service. Devotees of Baba are also devotees of the deities. They just continue to sit in the temples and at spiritual gatherings while their intellects run to their business, friends and relatives so that they imbibe nothing at all. It is the same here too; there are those who don't listen to anything but simply continue to nod off. They don't even look at the Father. O, here, you should look at such a Father so well! The Teacher is sitting in front of you. The Father says: I teach you through these physical organs. It is the soul that studies. The Father speaks to souls. Is it the eyes, ears or nose that study? It is the soul that studies. No one in the world knows this because they have body consciousness. All the sanskars are in the soul. The Father says: Look at the soul. This is a matter of so much effort. How can you become a master of the world without making effort? It is only when you make effort that you become a master of the world. Look at the wonder! This is an unlimited study and the One who is teaching you is the unlimited Father. Everyone -from kings to paupers - is created here through this study. To the extent that you study and teach others, so you claim a high status. The Father only comes to teach you make you pure from impure. If you don't even look at the Father, what can one understand from that? That you will claim a status worth a few pennies and become maids or servants. Just as kings have maids and servants, so the subjects also have maids and servants. Both types are called maids and servants. Perhaps they receive a little lift at the end. They experience punishment and receive a little reward at the end. Therefore, your efforts should be very good. Listen to the Father with a lot of love. Then repeat it to yourself. Students study at school and then go home and do homework. It isn't that you should just continue to tour around. There should be the concern to study. Here, there are even some who don't understand anything at all. It is as though they have old-fashioned, stone intellects. After belonging to Baba, if someone makes a severe mistake, there is one hundred-fold punishment accumulated. Therefore, the Father explains: Sweetest children, don't waste your time. The destination is very high. Your status will become like that every cycle. You have come here to change from an ordinary man to Narayan. You haven't come here to become maids or servants. At the end, everyone will have accurate visions of what they are going to become. The intellect also says: What status would those who don't benefit anyone claim? Some do a lot of service day and night. A lot of service is done at exhibitions and melas. Baba says: Create such good things at the museums that people have the desire in their hearts to see them and that they feel that it is like heaven here. The centres cannot be called heaven. Day by day, new things continue to take place. Pictures are also created. You continue to churn the ocean of knowledge. The pictures etc. are made to explain to people. Baba is now making human beings into those with divine virtues. So the soul becomes new and also receives a new body. New means new! When you have changed into new clothes, you would no longer wear old clothes. God would come and definitely show wonders, would He not? God is the One who establishes heaven. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Listen with a lot of love and in the stage of soul consciousness to what the Father tells you. Sit in front of the Father and continue to look at Him. Don't nod off. Have a lot of interest in studying. Definitely study, even if you have to renounce your food. 
2.Make the one Father your true Friend. In order to end animosity among yourselves, practise: We souls are brothers. Even while seeing the body, do not see it. 
Blessing: May you be a server who is free from obstacles by keeping your mind and intellect constantly busy in service. 
To the extent that you have zeal and enthusiasm for service, to that extent you remain free from obstacles because your intellect remains busy in service. When it is empty, there is a chance for something else to enter your intellect whereas by remaining busy, you easily become free from obstacles. In order to keep your mind and intellect busy, make a timetable for them. In order to put the aim you have for yourself and service into a practical form, you definitely need to pay attention every now and again. Attention should never change into tension. Where there is tension, there is difficulty. 
Slogan: The blessings that you receive in service are the way to remain healthy.

26-09-2012's Murli

२६-०९-२०१२, बुधवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम फिर से राजयोग सीख रहे हो, तुम्हें भगवान फिर से पढ़ाते हैं, तुम राजाई के लिए यह पढ़ाई पढ़ रहे हो, अपनी एम-आब्जेक्ट सदा याद रखो |
प्रश्न: अभी तुम बच्चे कौन सी तैयारी बहुत खुशी से कर रहे हो ? 
उत्तर: तुम अपना यह पुराना शरीर छोड़ बाप के पास जाने की तैयारी बहुत खुशी-खुशी से कर रहे हो। एक बाप की ही याद में शरीर छूटे, घुटका न खाना पड़े-ऐसी प्रैक्टिस यहाँ ही करनी है। तुम्हारी अभी स्टूडेन्ट लाइफ बेपरवाह लाइफ है, इसलिए घुटका प्रूफ बनना है। 
१.धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 

 सदा तन्दरूस्त रहने के लिए याद में रहकर भोजन बनाना वा खाना है। भोजन करते समय स्मृति रहे - हम बाबा के साथ खा रहे हैं तो भोजन में ताकत भर जायेगी। 
२.देवता बनने के लिए शंखध्वनि करनी है। स्वदर्शन चक्र फिराते रहना है। कमल फूल समान पवित्र जीवन बनाना है। 
वरदान: दाता बन अखुट खजानों का दान करने वाले महादानी सो विश्व सेवाधारी भव ।
सदा याद रखो कि बाप द्वारा जो भी अखुट खजाने मिले हैं, वह देने ही हैं। खजानों को कार्य में लगाओ। चाहे मन्सा, चाहे वाचा, चाहे सम्बन्ध-सम्पर्क में सफल करते चलो, दाता के बच्चे एक दिन भी देने के बिना रह नहीं सकते। विश्व सेवाधारी को हर दिन सेवा करनी ही है। अगर वाचा का चांस नहीं मिलता तो मन्सा करो, मन्सा नहीं कर सकते तो अपने कर्म वा प्रैक्टिकल लाइफ द्वारा करो। जितना आप मन्सा से, वाणी से, स्वयं सैम्पल बनेंगे तो सैम्पल को देखकरके स्वत: सब आकर्षित होंगे। 
स्लोगन: जिसके पास दृढ़ता की शक्ति है उसके लिए असम्भव भी सम्भव हो जाता है। 
26-09-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, you are once again studying Raja Yoga. God is teaching you once again and you are studying in order to claim a kingdom. Constantly remember your aim and objective. 
Question: What preparations are you children making now in great happiness ? 
Answer: You are now preparing to shed your old bodies in great happiness and return to the Father. You have to practise this here so that you can shed your bodies in remembrance of Baba alone and not have to choke at that time. Your student life is a carefree life. Therefore, become choke-proof. 

Song: Hey traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of the dawn is not far off 
Om shanti. You spiritual children are studying. When a student studies, he knows what he is studying. He knows who is teaching him, what his aim and objective is and what the attainment is; he knows all of that very well. All of you now know that you are changing from humans into deities. At this time you have become Brahmins, the mouth-bom creation of Brahma. What are you studying? Raja Yoga. You understand that you are studying Raja Yoga once again. Other students wouldn't say that they are studying once again. Here, you children have the faith that you are once again studying Raja Yoga, which you also studied 5000 years ago. Only you have this knowledge. God has come and is teaching once again; this is no small matter! You children also know that there is only one God, but many devotees. This proves that there is one Father and many children. Everyone accepts that the Father is the Creator. The creation receives the inheritance from the Creator. A question was asked last night about how the Father can be recognized. The Father Himself says: I have made you My children. This is why you are able to sit in front of Me. I am once again changing you from humans into deities. I am teaching you Raja Yoga through which you will become Lakshmi or Narayan. Your aim and objective should remain in your intellects. It is in your intellects that when it was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan, there was only one kingdom over the whole world. Therefore, you children should sit and explain the pictures to show what you are studying. This is our aim and object. When a child is studying at school, his parents are aware of what he is studying. You are studying here to claim the kingdom once again. Therefore, you should also tell your friends and relatives that you are studying Raja Yoga in this Gita Pathshala, through which you will become the kings of kings. Elderly, young and children all come to this school. This is a wonder! This does not usually happen in a school, which is why this is called a satsang (spiritual gathering). All go to a satsang. None of those who go to a satsang would say: We are going to study Raja Yoga. It is not God who is teaching them. God Himself is teaching you. These pictures should be put up in every home. Explain to whoever comes - your mother, father, friends and relatives - that this is what you are studying. This study is very easy. The name is easy knowledge and easy Raja Yoga. King Janak received knowledge and became liberated-in-life in a second. People say: We want to receive knowledge like King Janak, knowledge that can be acquired while living in our household. This study is very elevated. You have to change from humans into deities. The praise of the deities is so great: full of all divine virtues, 16 celestial degrees pure. This is the land of death. That is the land of immortality. The impure world is devilish and the pure world is divine. In order to go to the pure world, you have to become pure. Lakshmi and Narayan were pure but they no longer exist. This is an impure kingdom. You have to become pure once again. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is very good. Everyone loves Lakshmi and Narayan. This is why people build very big beautiful temples to them. They only build small temples to Krishna, as though they are for small children. They don't know that Radhe and Krishna become Lakshmi and Narayan. You can explain that 5000 years ago it became the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan in Bharat. There aren't any pictures of anyone else. The sun dynasty is very famous. There were the dynasties of Lakshmi and Narayan and Rama and Sita, and then the world became copper-aged and iron-aged. Now it is the end of the iron age, and we are studying the same Raja Yoga once again. We studied Raja Yoga 5000 years ago and claimed the kingdom. Surely, they (the deities) were completely viceless. The world has now become impure. Therefore, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has to come. They even sing: O Purifier, come! He is incorporeal. Krishna is the prince of the golden age. How could he come and purify anyone? Therefore, it has to be explained that no corporeal being can be called God. People of other religions believe God to be incorporeal. He is the Liberator, the Guide and Blissful God, the Father. He is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness for All. When the Father removes sorrow, He must also be giving happiness. You can explain to your friends and relatives etc. that many people out there speak the Vedas and scriptures, whereas everyone here listens to the One. The Father says: Only listen to Me. God speaks, and so He would surely have to enter someone's body. It is also remembered that Brahmins were created through Brahma. You are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Five thousand years ago, Brahmins were created through the lotus lips of Brahma at the confluence, and those Brahmins later became deities. We have now changed from shudras into Brahmins and we will later become deities. We are studying Raja Yoga once again; we also studied it a cycle ago. Then, people will realize that you are speaking with great faith. God speaks: I make you into kings of kings once again. These words are accurately written in the Gita. Through Raja Yoga we claimed the kingdom. Then, in the copper age, Ravan's kingdom began. Ravan's kingdom is now coming to an end and we are once again studying Raja Yoga. In other schools, they don't say that they are studying once again. This is only in the intellects of you children. Baba says: I have come once again to teach Raja Yoga. The Mahabharat War took place at that time; the Pandavas used to listen to the Gita. You are spiritual guides. O spiritual children, that is, spiritual guides, don't become tired. The Father says: God definitely speaks the Gita. These are the versions of God. You understand that you are studying Raja Yoga to attain the happiness of heaven. God is incorporeal. They celebrate Shiva Jayanti, which means that Shiva must have taken birth to do something. He would have given the inheritance. In the golden age there were definitely the deities of the sun dynasty. There are many in a dynasty. Just as there were the dynasties of Edward the First, Second, Third etc., so it is the same there. You children can explain the pictures very well. This Brahma says: I am not God. The One who created me must be someone else. With whom did I study? If my guru were human, there would then be hundreds of thousands who studied with him. Would it only have been this one who studied? Where did all the rest of the followers go? These are the versions of God. He has explained the significance of this and has had these pictures etc. made. Lakshmi and Narayan in their childhood were Radhe and Krishna. The God of the Gita says: I come cycle after cycle at the confluence of the cycles. There is no question of annihilation. You say that you are becoming deities once again. Shiva Jayanti is also remembered, but that didn't happen hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Father sits here and says: There is no essence in those scriptures etc. While you have been studying them your degrees have decreased. There are now no celestial degrees left. The Father says: No one is able to meet Me through performing devotion. I have to come. It is said that God will come in some form or other. Krishna is the prince of the golden age, whereas Shiva is incorporeal. He must definitely have entered someone. He is the Purifier, and so He must surely have come at the end of the iron age. It doesn't seem right for Krishna to exist in the copper age. The Father says: I come at the confluence age. I fit in this boot (Brahma). Nothing can change in this drama. They have created so much confusion. This is why the question is asked: Who is the God of the Gita? This is very essential. All the confusion arises because of that. Who is the One who transforms hell into heaven? Only the Father can carry out this task. Lakshmi and Narayan were very active. The Father says: Remember Me alone and, through this fire of yoga, your sins will be destroyed. Not everyone will understand this. Some like this very much but do not have the courage to remain pure. The sapling of the deity religion is now being planted. Those who became Brahmins a cycle ago are the ones who will become Brahmins again. No one except the Father can plant this sapling. Those who belong to the deity religion must definitely change from shudras into Brahmins, the mouth-born creation of Brahma. Otherwise, how could they become deities? The variety-form image also has to be explained. Shiva is also shown above the topknot. They have removed Shiva and the Brahmin clan, and just shown the deities and warriors. The variety-form that they show is also in the form of Vishnu. The knowledge of how humans go around the cycle of 84 births has to be understood. No one else has this knowledge. The Father says: This knowledge disappears; it cannot continue for all time. Deities do not have the discus of self-realization; you have this. However, because you are not complete, this symbol is portrayed as belonging to the deities. By spinning the discus of self-realization, by becoming as pure as a lotus flower, by blowing the conch shell, you become deities. Shiv Baba is establishing the land of Vishnu through Brahma. These aspects are not in anyone else's intellect. God is teaching you and you are becoming the masters of the world. Therefore, how happy you should be! A student life is the best; a life of study is a good, carefree life. Afterwards, people get trapped in the web; it is the web of so many types of sorrow. In the golden age, there is no such thing. The soul leaves the body in happiness. In Ravan's kingdom, death takes place after choking. You are happily making preparations in the consciousness that you are going to Baba. You are sitting here in order to shed your old bodies. Then, for 21 births there will be no question of choking. You should not choke at all in this birth; you are changing from impure to pure. Stay in great happiness. Achcha, it is good that you are going from here to the subtle region. You are to become angels. You have been choking for half a cycle. You are happily preparing yourselves to go to Baba. You are becoming choke-proof here. There have been many sannyasis who left their bodies while just sitting somewhere, and there was dead silence all around. They think that they will merge into the brahm element. However, no one goes there until the Father comes. Shiv Baba's treasure-store (bhandara) is constantly full. It is said that all the sorrow and pain of those who eat from that treasure-store are removed. Untimely death takes place here. Anyone who comes to the treasure-store of Shiv Baba, the Purifier, will become pure. That is why this is called Brahma Bhojan, for which there is great praise. Very good yoga is also needed. Prepare food and eat it in a state of yoga and you will make a great deal of progress. Such food is filled with a lot of power. You receive a great deal of power if you eat in a state of yoga and you also remain healthy. Baba himself says: I eat in remembrance as though Baba and I are eating together. However, I still forget Baba. The body has to be shed in remembrance of the Father alone. There should be no choking. You should practise in this way. When you stay in remembrance of Baba, you receive peace and also become healthy; the food becomes pure. There is the praise of your final stage: If you want to know about supersensuous joy, ask the gopes and gopis. The explanation in the picture of the tree is very good. The Trimurti and the cycle are also necessary. Day by day, your name will be glorified a great deal. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.In order to remain constantly healthy, prepare and eat food in remembrance. At the time of eating, let there be the consciousness "I am eating with Baba", and that food will then be filled with strength. 
2.In order to become a deity, blow the conch shell and continue to spin the discus of self-realization. Make your life as pure as a lotus flower. 
Blessing: May you be a world server and a great donor who donates the infinite treasures as a bestower. 
Always remember that you have to donate the infinite treasures you have received from the Father. Use your treasures: continue to use them in a worthwhile way through your thoughts, words, relationships and connections. Children of the Bestower cannot stay without giving for even one day: a world server has to do service every day. If you do not get a chance to serve through words, then serve through your mind. If you are unable to serve through your mind, then serve through your deeds and practical life. To the extent that you become a sample through your thoughts and words, to that extent, everyone will automatically be attracted on seeing the sample. 

Slogan: For those who have the power of determination, even the impossible becomes possible.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25-09-2012's Murli

२५-०९-२०१२, मंगळवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम्हारी यह लाइफ मोस्ट वैल्युबुल है, तुम्हें इस जन्म में कौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बनना है, इसलिए जितना हो सके बाप को याद करो |
प्रश्न: किस एक बात में खबरदार न रहने से सारा रजिस्टर खराब हो जाता है ? 
उत्तर: अगर किसी को भी दु:ख दिया तो दु:ख देने से रजिस्टर खराब हो जाता है। इस बात में बड़ी खबरदारी चाहिए। दूसरे को भी दु:ख देना माना स्वयं को दु:खी करना। जब बाप कभी किसी को दु:ख नहीं देते तो बच्चों को बाप समान बनना है। 21 जन्मों का राज्य भाग्य लेने के लिए एक तो पवित्र बनो, दूसरा - मन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणा किसी को भी दु:ख न दो। गृहस्थ व्यवहार में बहुत मीठा व्यवहार करो। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.सच्चा प्यार एक बाप से रखना है। बाकी सबसे नष्टोमोहा बनना है। मुख से वा कर्मेन्द्रियों से कोई भी पाप कर्म नहीं करना है। रजिस्टर सदा ठीक रखना है। 
२.सर्विस में कभी थकना नहीं है। अपना टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करना है। घर-घर में रूहानी हॉस्पिटल खोल सबको याद की दवाई देनी है। 
वरदान: दृढ़ संकल्प द्वारा असम्भव को सम्भव कर सफलता का अनुभव करने वाले निश्चित विजयी भव ।
संगमयुग को विशेष वरदान है - असम्भव को सम्भव करना इसलिए कभी यह नहीं सोचो कि यह कैसे होगा। 'कैसे' के बजाए सोचो कि 'ऐसे' होगा। निश्चय रखकर चलो कि यह हुआ ही पड़ा है सिर्फ प्रैक्टिकल में लाना है, रिपीट करना है। दृढ़ संकल्प को यूज़ करो। संकल्प में भी क्या-क्यों की हलचल न हो तो विजय निश्चित है ही। दृढ़ संकल्प यूज़ करना अर्थात् सहज सफलता प्राप्त कर लेना। 
स्लोगन: सदा करनकरावनहार बाप की स्मृति रहे तो भान और अभिमान समाप्त हो जायेगा। 
25-09-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, this life of yours is your most valuable one. In this birth you have to become diamonds from shells. Therefore, remember the Father as much as possible. 
Question: By not being cautious about which one aspect does your register become spoilt? 
Answer: If you cause anyone sorrow then your register is spoilt. You have to be very cautious about this aspect. To cause sorrow for others means to cause sorrow for oneself. The Father doesn't cause anyone sorrow; you children have to become equal to the Father. In order to claim your fortune of a kingdom for 21 births, firstly become pure and secondly don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. While living at home with your family, remain very sweet in your interaction with everyone. 
Song: I have come having awakened my fortune. 
Om shanti. You souls know what fortune you have made for yourselves and come here. We are now making our fortune for the new world. You also know that those people are in a physical war whereas you Brahmins are in a spiritual war. You are at war in order to conquer Ravan and become the masters of the new world. At this time, the Father personally sits in front of you and explains to you and so you enjoy it. However, as soon as you go outside, you forget such good points; you wilt. The Father is the One who gives you shrimat. He is the One who gives you sovereignty of the new world. The self, that is, the soul, says: Previously I had a 'donkeyship' and I am now receiving the kingdom. Why is that called a 'donkeyship'? The example of the donkey is given because when a laundryman decorates his donkey and places a bundle of laundry on it, the donkey begins to roll in the dust. So the Father has come here in order to give you self-sovereignty. He decorates you. However, while moving along, you children fall in the dust of Maya and spoil all your decoration. You children understand for yourselves that Baba is decorating you very well, but Maya is so powerful that she makes you roll in the dust and spoil your decoration. The worst dust is that of the vices. Your war is especially with the vices. The Father says: Lust is the greatest enemy. No one knows how it became your enemy. The Father gave us the sovereignty and we then lost it. The Father has now come and is showing us methods to conquer the vices. In fact, your war is with the great enemy of lust. The Father now says: From being lustful (kaami), become one who is selfless (niskaami - free from desires). To be selfless means to have no desires. Those who have no vices are said to be selfless. The Father enables you to conquer the vice of lust. No one knows when Ravan's kingdom began. In the Jagannath Temple they have placed dirty idols of the deities. This proves that when the deities went on to the path of sin, human beings became lustful. You are now changing from lustful human beings into deities who are free from lust. Your war is unique. Baba inspires you to have disinterest in the dirty world. This is the river of poison. This life of yours is most valuable. You have to become like diamonds from shells in this life. It is all a matter of the intellect. You have to stay in remembrance of Baba. Nowadays, they have made so many bombs for death. It is not the fault of human beings. Earlier, battles always took place outside the city, on a battlefield, and then after gaining victory, they would enter the city. Nowadays, they just drop bombs wherever they want. When you children go or come from anywhere, you have to stay in remembrance of the Father and remind others to stay in remembrance too. Your branches will continue to open. Only you children understand what it is that you have to donate. The highest of all donations is the donation of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. You can open this hospital in every home. You don't have medicine etc. in your hospital. You simply have to give the Father's introduction: While sitting, walking and moving around, continue to remember the Father. It isn't that you just have to sit in one place. It is just that when someone doesn't sit in remembrance, he is made to sit in a gathering so that he receives power from the gathering. Good company takes you across and bad company drowns you. As soon as you go outside, you forget. The Father has explained: Wake up early in the morning and remember the Father. Maintain your chart of remembrance. The ancient yoga of Bharat is very well known. There are yoga ashrams in many places. All of those people teach hatha yoga, but there is no benefit in that. That is called hatha yoga. Human beings cannot teach human beings Raja Yoga. People go abroad to teach the ancient yoga of Bharat, but all of that is deception. The most elevated renunciation is yours: you renounce the old world. The Father comes and teaches you this. The Father says: Remove the old world from your intellect. You have to live at home with your family and remain pure. Renounce the five vices; you receive a method for this. How can all the sins of the many births and also of this birth be absolved? How can you atone for them? The Father says: I explain to you children every cycle. Remember the Father and also spin the discus. Your discus of self-realisation continues to spin. All your sins are absolved when you spin this discus. There is so much praise of the discus of self-realisation. They have portrayed Shri Krishna using his discus and killing very many. All of those things are tall stories. The meaning of this is explained to you children. The Father explains to you children: Firstly, don't cause anyone sorrow. Baba never causes anyone sorrow and so you children also have to become the same. To cause sorrow for others means to cause sorrow for yourself. When you cause sorrow for someone, it means you are spoiling your own register. You have to be very cautious about this. Don't perform any sinful actions through which your register would be spoilt. Children write: Baba, today, I made this mistake. I became angry with someone. Today, I fell down. Baba, I have attachment to this one. Baba receives many reports. Then Baba explains to them. You made a promise: When You come, I will connect my intellect's yoga to You alone. I will become a conqueror of attachment. Sannyasis renounce everything and go away. They have no attainment. You have a lot of attainment. This is why you must become complete conquerors of attachment. Love only the one Father! Remember Him alone! There are many who shed tears out of love for Baba: Why am I far away from such a Father? I just want to cling to Shiv Baba. Here, the attainment is very great. Outside, so many people go to spiritual gatherings. They have no attainment there. They never explain to others that lust is the greatest enemy. Human beings cannot teach human beings Raja Yoga. Yes, some become kings for temporary happiness. If someone has donated a lot to the poor and performed a lot of charity, he takes birth to a king. Here, you receive your fortune of a kingdom for 21 births. The Father says: Firstly, become pure and, secondly, don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. Otherwise you will be instrumental in receiving punishment, because Dharamraj, who is Baba's right hand, is also sitting here. Your register will be spoilt. You will be instrumental in receiving a lot of punishment. Whether you say something through your mouth, or perform a bad action through your physical senses, that will be an action. The Father explains: Don't put any of that into action. Let storms come, but you have to become very sweet. You mustn't become angry with someone who is angry; you just have to smile. When, people are angry, they insult others. Then you would understand that that person is influenced by the evil spirit of anger. You have to explain with knowledge. While living at home with your family, your interaction has to be very sweet. They say of many people: Previously, this one had a lot of anger and he has now become very sweet. They praise him. Some become upset because of purity and think: How would the world continue without vice? Oh! But sannyasis don't indulge in vice, so why don't you say anything about them? It is good to become pure. Here, you are not even told to leave your home and family. You have to be very sweet with everyone. Remember the one Father. He is the Creator and we are the creation. You receive an inheritance from the Father. Brothers cannot receive an inheritance from brothers. People sing: We are all brothers. So there must surely also be the Father. Could there be brothers without a father? Look how you have now become brothers and sisters. You receive an inheritance from the Grandfather. You are the mouth-bom creation. Prajapita has been remembered. There are so many people and so they must surely be adopted; they couldn't be a physical creation. You Brahmins then become deities. You do this somersault and the cycle continues to turn. This is called the new creation. The fortune of you children is now becoming very good. You have come here to change from an ordinary man into Narayan. This is your aim and objective. You are becoming Lakshmi and Narayan. The pictures are in front of you. So. why then do people say that they will only believe this if they have a vision? If your father were to die, you would still have a picture of him. You wouldn't say that only if that father were to become alive again and you had a vision of him would you accept him. If you want to see the Father, then do intense devotion and Baba will grant you a vision. However, what will happen through visions? Here, you have visions that you will become deities and princes and princesses. Therefore, these things have to be understood. You must just have this concern. You know that the kingdom is not yet established. The war cannot take place yet. You haven't yet reached your karmateet stage. You will see that spiritual hospitals and colleges will continue to open in every street. Baba will continue to open the locks on your intellects. The number of Brahmins will continue to increase. It is Brahmins who then have to become deities. You will continue to receive strength. Now, when you give lectures, one or two people emerge. Later, 50 to 100 people will emerge and they will begin to make effort. This has to happen. You also have to live at home with your family. You don't have to renounce it. Some are thrown out of their home. However, you have to be a very good conqueror of attachment about that. This is why it is after great consideration that the Father gives you refuge. Otherwise, some come here and then cause trouble. You children have to become very sweet. Your knowledge is incognito. You are given a mantra in your ear. You also tell others: Remember Shiv Baba. As you make further progress, as soon as you say something it will strike their intellects and they will quickly begin to make effort. The tree will continue to grow slowly. You children have to make a lot of effort. You have to become sticks for the blind. You become this numberwise. Not everyone is the same. Yes, in the golden age, everyone will be pure. There is no name or trace of sorrow there. Deepmala (Festival of Lights) takes place in the golden age. Dashera (burning of Ravan) takes place at the confluence age. There, it is constantly Diwali. The meaning of Diwali is that the lights of all souls are ignited. It isn't that anyone celebrates Deepawali in the golden age or that they ignite lamps. No, there they simply celebrate in happiness when the coronation takes place. These are things of knowledge. Each soul there is pure and clean. There everyone is pure. You have now been enlightened. Just as Baba has knowledge, similarly, you children also have knowledge. However, everyone there is pure anyway. So. there is nothing but happiness. So the Father explains: You children mustn't be afraid. Your war is completely different. Your war is with the old enemy Ravan. You conquer Maya and then become conquerors of the world. The Father is making you into the masters of the world. No one can become a master of the world through physical power. There is very little time remaining; destruction is just ahead. We are studying Raja Yoga in an incognito way as we did in the previous cycle. This study is so incognito that no one knows about it. Those who claimed their fortune of the kingdom in the previous cycle will claim it now. They are the ones who will continue to make effort. The more you continue to conquer Ravan, the more power you will receive through remembrance. You children shouldn't waste your time. Baba says: Children, while doing service, don't become tired. Only a handful out of multimillions emerge. Even then, when Maya slaps them, they fail. Maya is an almighty authority and Baba too is the Almighty Authority. Maya also wins for half the cycle. Therefore, remember the Father and continue to take shrimat from Him. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Have true love for the one Father and destroy your attachment to everyone else. Don't perform any sinful actions through your mouth or physical senses. Always keep your register good. 
2.Never become tired of service. Don't waste your time. Open a spiritual hospital in every home and give everyone the medicine of remembrance. 
Blessing: May you have a guarantee of being victorious and make the impossible possible and experience success through your determined thoughts. 
The special blessing of the confluence age is to make the impossible possible. Therefore, never think, "How is this going to happen?" Instead of thinking "How? (kaise)", think, "It will happen like this (aise). Continue to move along with the faith that it is already accomplished and that you just have to put it into the practical form and repeat it. Use your determined thoughts. Let there not be any upheaval of "What?" or "Why?" in your thoughts and victory is then definitely guaranteed. To use determined thoughts means to attain success easily. 
Slogan: Always have the awareness of the Father who is Karankaravanhar and the consciousness of the body and ego will finish. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

24-09-2012's Murli

२४-०९-२०१२, सोमवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - यह पूज्य और पुजारी, ज्ञान और भक्ति का वन्डरफुल खेल है, तुम्हें अब फिर से सतोप्रधान पूज्य बनना है, पतितपने की निशानी भी समाप्त करनी है |
प्रश्न: बाप जब आते हैं तो कौन सा एक तराजू बच्चों को दिखाते हैं ? 
उत्तर: ज्ञान और भक्ति का तराजू। जिसमें एक पुर (पलड़ा) है ज्ञान का, दूसरा है भक्ति का। अभी ज्ञान का पुर हल्का है, भक्ति का भारी है। धीरे-धीरे ज्ञान का पुर भारी होता जायेगा फिर सतयुग में केवल एक ही पुर होगा। वहाँ इस तराजू की दरकार ही नहीं है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.यह जीवन बाप की सेवा में लगानी है। बहुत-बहुत सुखदाई बनना है। कोई उल्टा-सुल्टा बोले तो शान्त रहना है। बाप समान सबके दु:ख दूर करने हैं। 
२.अपने रजिस्टर की जाँच करनी है। दैवीगुण धारण कर चरित्रवान बनना है। अवगुण निकाल देने हैं। 
वरदान: मन से दृढ़ प्रतिज्ञा कर मनमनाभव के मन्त्र को यन्त्र बनाने वाले सदा शक्तिशाली भव ।
जो बच्चे सच्चे मन से प्रतिज्ञा करते हैं तो मन मन्मनाभव हो जाता है और यह मन्मनाभव का मन्त्र किसी भी परिस्थिति को पार करने में यन्त्र बन जाता है। लेकिन मन में आये कि मुझे यह करना ही है। यही संकल्प हो कि जो बाप ने कहा वह हुआ ही पड़ा है इसलिए कोई भी प्रतिज्ञा मन से करो और दृढ़ करो तो शक्तिशाली बन जायेंगे। बार-बार अपने को चेक करो कि प्रतिज्ञा पावरफुल है या परीक्षा पावरफुल है? परीक्षा प्रतिज्ञा को कमजोर न कर दे। 
स्लोगन: जो स्वमान में रहने वाली श्रेष्ठ आत्मा हैं उन्हें अपमान की फीलिंग नहीं आ सकती। 
24-09-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, this is the wonderful play of being worthy of worship and a worshipper, of knowledge and devotion. You now have to become satopradhan and worthy of worship once again and also end all signs of impurity. 
Question: When the Father comes, what scales does He show you children ? 
Answer: The scales of knowledge and devotion. On one side of the scales is knowledge and on the other side is devotion. The side of knowledge is now light and that of devotion is heavy. Gradually, the side of knowledge will become heavy and then, in the golden age, there will be just one side of the scales. There is no need for scales there. 
Om shanti. The spiritual Father explains to you sweetest spiritual children the secret of knowledge and devotion. You children also know that the Father has now truly come and is once again making you into worthy-of-worship deities. Those who became the devilish community are now once again becoming the deity community, that is, the cycle of devotion is now ending. You also now know when devotion began, and when Ravan's kingdom began and when it ends, and then, when Rama's kingdom begins. You children have the history and geography of the world in your intellects. There are truly four ages. Now the cycle or the drama of the confluence age is continuing. All of this is in the intellects of you children. In whose intellects are all of these things? They are now in the intellects of the Brahmins who are the mouth-born creation of Prajapita Brahma. Some name has to be mentioned. You cannot mention any name other than the Brahmins" name. The play is created in this way: Brahmins, then deities, then warriors... This cycle continues to turn in this way. You children are now learning the pilgrimage of remembrance, that is, you are becoming pure from impure. You have to explain in this way. We are now establishing Rama's kingdom and it would therefore surely be Ravan's kingdom before that. This also proves that the tree is very big because it is now Ravan's kingdom. We are now establishing the religion of worthy-of-worship deities. The old tree will end and establishment of the new one is taking place. You children understand this account. We ourselves were worthy of worship and satopradhan and then, having taken 84 births, we have become tamopradhan. From being worthy of worship, we have become worshippers and this has to repeat. It is easy to understand how the cycle has continued to turn. It is like actors who play their parts from the beginning to the end. So this is an unlimited secret. It is the secret of knowledge and devotion, which is now very clearly embedded in your intellects. We were worthy-of-worship, golden-aged deities and then we came down the ladder and became worshippers. You know the accurate date and time when Ravan's kingdom begins. We have taken rebirth in this way. At first we were sun-dynasty deities and then we became part of the moon dynasty. We have now become the dynasty of Brahmins and we will then become deities. You are now the Brahmin dynasty or God's dynasty. All of you know that you are all the children of God and this is why you say that you are brothers. In fact, brothers are in the incorporeal world and then you have to come down to play your parts. You children know that you change from shudras into Brahmins and then, after studying, you carry those sanskars with you. You are becoming deities. Yesterday we were shudras and today we are Brahmins and tomorrow we will become deities. You children have to explain this secret. You have to awaken everyone. You can explain to anyone that the new world is the golden age and that the old world is the iron age. There is no happiness here. You children understand that when the tree was new, we were deities and there was a lot of happiness. Then, as we continued around the cycle, the world became old. There are many human beings and also a lot of sorrow. The Father explains how you were so happy in the golden age. No one remains happy for ever. It is the law to take rebirth. While going through rebirth and coming down, your 84 births have now ended. The cycle has to turn anew. Knowledge and devotion: for half the cycle it is the day, the new world, and then for half the cycle it is the night, the old world. You have to remember this study. You also have to remember Shiv Baba. The Teacher remembers everything. You say that Baba has the knowledge of this whole world. You also understand that you, who were pure, worthy-of-worship deities, have now become impure worshippers. You understand the stages of satopradhan, sato, rajo, tamo and the history and geography of the drama. This play of being worthy of worship and a worshipper is predestined. Talk to yourself in this way. The main things to become satopradhan are knowledge and yoga. The knowledge is of the world cycle and through yoga we become pure. It is so easy! You too can explain to anyone just as Baba explains. It is just that Baba doesn't go outside because the Father is with him. No human being knows about salvation. It is only when they understand the things of salvation that they can recognise the Bestower of Salvation. You, too, know this numberwise. You understand this and also explain to others. The main thing is to become pure from impure. It is only through remembrance that you will become satopradhan from tamopradhan. Children here and also children outside ask, "How can we have yoga?" and, "What is the way to become pure from impure?" because they are confused about this. Therefore, you should explain to them that this play that is created is about victory and defeat. It is Bharat that becomes pure from impure and impure from pure. For half the cycle, there is knowledge, that is, it is pure, and for half the cycle, there is devotion, that is, it is impure. You now have to become pure from impure once again. This ancient pilgrimage of remembrance is very well known. Those people go on physical pilgrimages for birth after birth and continue to come down. It isn't that they became pure through that. It is only the one Father who purifies you. He only comes once. You wouldn't say that Shiv Baba takes rebirth. It is only human beings who have to go through the cycle of 84 births. Baba says: This story is very easy. It is just that you definitely have to change your character. When you were deities your character was first-class. Then your character gradually began to be spoilt. Now, in Ravan's kingdom, it has been completely spoilt. By being impure for half the cycle on the path of devotion, there has been a lot of upheaval. From being the pure Temple of Shiva it became the impure brothel. Ravan conquered you. No one even tries to create the kingdom of Rama (God). The Father Himself has to come. This is also predestined in the drama. We continued to fall in the kingdom of Ravan and we now have to climb up. The Father comes and awakens you because everyone is sleeping in devotion. Even though the Father has come, they are still sleeping. The Father comes at the end when all are sleeping in the sleep of ignorance. Just as the Father is the Ocean of Knowledge and knows the beginning, the middle and the end of the world, so you also know it. All of you many children study with the Father. You study with the one Father and then expansion takes place. You were made into deities from human beings in the previous cycle too. You now definitely have to become that. Some make very light effort and some make very intense effort; it is numberwise. Some have dull intellects. It is numberwise in a worldly school too. There are so many classes for BA and MA in other studies. So many people study for those. So many people in the world would be studying for an MA. All the people of Bharat have been studying for so long. Some become teachers and some become something else. They continue to earn their livelihood. If they die, they have to take a new birth and start studying afresh. There, in the golden age, there is no study for an MA. etc. It is fixed in the drama for this time and you study it, and then you will study again after a cycle. There, there are no books etc. Whatever happens on the path of devotion doesn't happen on the path of knowledge. On the path of devotion, they teach whatever happened in the past. The Father has told you from when it is Rama's kingdom and from when it is Ravan's kingdom, and how we have continued to come down. All of these secrets have sat in your intellects very well. You now have to make effort to become the highest of all. However, not everyone can become the same in a kingdom. Some make very good effort and imbibe divine virtues to become pure. You have a Godly register. Check yourself to see that you have no defects. People sing: I am without virtue and have no virtues. Everyone understands that they have defects. When we had all the virtues, we were 16 celestial degrees full. It was their kingdom. There are the pictures of them. These temples etc. will not exist there. There won't be any trace of the path of devotion there. Then, on the path of devotion, there won't be the slightest trace of knowledge. You know this numberwise. Those who study well and imbibe everything continue to develop those qualifications. It enters your heart how much you should become a helper of the Father from whom you claim the sovereignty of the world. We are God's children. The Father has come to make you all into bestowers of happiness. He never causes anyone sorrow. You children have to become so elevated. Baba repeatedly tells you: Note down whether you caused anyone sorrow. The Father gives everyone happiness, so we too should give happiness. We have given this life for Baba's service. Make effort to become very sweet. Even if some say wrong things, just quieten them. Give everyone happiness. Show everyone the path to happiness so that you can become masters of the land of peace and the land of happiness. You have to become bestowers of happiness because the Father is always the Bestower of Happiness. He removes everyone's sorrow. It enters your intellects that you were those who gave a lot of happiness. When we were in happiness there was no name or trace of vice; we didn't use the sword of lust. In the golden age, no one makes anyone unhappy. The Father continues to tell you children: Consider yourself to be a soul. It is the soul that has to become pure. No sign of impurity should remain in you souls. You will continue to progress day by day. You claimed the kingdom, numberwise, according to the effort you made. You are now making effort to claim that same kingdom again. You continue to see how much effort each one makes. To how many do I give happiness? You children know that you will not cause sorrow for anyone in the golden age. If you make less effort, there will be punishment and a low status will be received; you will be dishonoured. Some children continue to do a lot of service. They make so much effort at the museums and exhibitions. These exhibitions and museums etc. will continue to grow. On the scales, the side of knowledge will continue to become heavier. On one side is knowledge and on the other side is devotion. At this time, the devotion side is so heavy that it has gone right down to the ground. It will become very heavy and go right down to the bottom. It will seem as if there are 10 kilos on one side and just a quarter of a kilo of knowledge on the other. Then the side of knowledge will become heavy. In the golden age there is just the one side of the scales, and then in the iron age there is just the other side. At the confluence age there are the two sides. There are so few people on the side of knowledge; it is so light. Then they will be transferred from that side and continue to fill this side and then devotion will end. And just the side of knowledge will then remain. There will no longer be two sides. The Father comes and shows you the scales. It continues to be less and more. Sometimes, there are more on that side, and at other times there are more on this side. They come into knowledge and then become a member of the devotion side. Those who are strong know that establishment definitely has to take place. When it is our kingdom, only we will exist. Then, the side of the incorporeal world will become bigger. Many souls will remain there. So that side will become bigger. Then, from the copper age onwards, after half the cycle, they will continue to come down. The world cycle continues to turn in this way. When you are impure, there is no need for scales. Scales are only needed when the Father comes. The Father brings the scales with Him. You have the knowledge of the tree in your intellects. At first, a tree is very small and then it continues to grow. All the leaves dry up and finish, and it then repeats. When it receives water, the small leaves grow. It also bears fruit. The tree becomes empty every year. Everything will become new. Now, there isn't a single person of the deity religion. They definitely did exist; it used to be their kingdom, but when? They have forgotten this. The clan of you Brahmins also continues to grow day by day. Therefore, churn this knowledge in this way and continue to imbibe it and explain to others. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Engage this life of yours in the Father's service. Become a bestower of a lot of happiness. If someone says wrong things, remain quiet. Become equal to the Father in removing everyone's sorrow. 
2.Check your own register. Imbibe divine virtues and become one with a good character. Remove all defects. 
Blessing: May you be constantly powerful and with your mind, with a determined promise, make the mantra of manmanabhav into a tool. 
When children make a promise with an honest mind, their mind becomes manmanabhav and this mantra of manmanabhav becomes a tool to overcome any situation. However, it should enter your mind: I definitely want to do this. Have the thought that whatever the Father has said is already accomplished. Therefore, whatever promise you made in your mind, let it be firm and you will become powerful. Repeatedly check yourself as to whether your promise is powerful or whether the tests are powerful. The test should not weaken your promise. 
Slogan: Elevated souls who keep their self-respect cannot have any feeling of being insulted.