01-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, the Father is your Father, Teacher & Guru. Belong to Him while alive and become threaded in the rosary around his neck.
Question: On the basis of which faith do you children become firm Brahmins ?
Answer: The first faith you have is that whatever you can see with your eyes, including your body, is old, that this world is very dirty and it is not worth living in. We receive our inheritance of the new world from the Father. On the basis of this faith, you belong to the Father and you die to this world and old world ans old body while alive . You have the faith that it is only from the Father that you receive the kingdom of the world .
Song: To live in your lane and to die in your lane...
Essence for dharna
1.Don't have love for agent who gives you knowledge, but remember Shiv Baba alone . He is the One Who gives you the donation of life .
2.Whilst keeping this unlimited play in your intellect, maintain unlimited happiness . Renounce the consciousness of the body and practice being bodiless .
Blessing: May you be a great donor and becomes full of knowledge, virtues and power and than donate them .
Slogan: No one can impress anyone who is impressed by the one Father alone .
02-03-2012, Friday
Essence: sweet children, the unlimited light is now ending and the day is about to come . You have to return home . Therefore stop wandering to every doorstep .
Question: On the basis of what practice will you children be able to do very good service ?
Answer: If you are able to maintain the practice of having at least 8 hours remembrance, you can do very good service, because it is through having remembrance that you are able to spread vibrations of peace & purity into the atmosphere of the whole world .It is only through remembrance that your sins will be absolved and you will receive a high status . This is why you must never become tired while on this spiritual pilgrimage . Renounce any awareness of the body and constantly practice being soul conscious .
Song: O traveller of the night, do not become weary ! The destination of the dawn is not far off....
Essence for dharna
1.Have firm faith in the intellect and maintain the determination of never letting go of the Father's hand and of repeatedly remembering the Father and your home .
2.Make effort to become soul conscious . In order to be liberated from Ravan's jail, the five vices, follow shrimat . Make effort to become worthy of being temple .
Blessing: May you be an image that grants blessings with the cool water of mercy to souls who are under another influence .
Slogan: Stay in the pleasure of the mela (fair) of meeting God and the jamela (chaos) of Maya will finish .
03-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet children, you have been following the dictates of human beings for half a cycle . Now follow My shrimat and become pure & you will become the masters of the pure world .
Question: Which blessings does the unlimited Father give the children, and which children receive those blessings ?
Answer: The Father gives the blessings: Children, you will remain constantly happy for 21 births . You will remain immortal ; death will never come to you . You will not experience untimely death . Kamdhenu ( cow who fulfils all desires), the mother, will fulfil all your desires, but you will have to renounce that poison (vice) . Only those who follow shrimat in this last birth to become pure, and make others pure, receive these blessings . Baba says: Children, the world is changing . Therefore, you must definitely become pure .
Sons: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Cut your bonds with knowledge and yoga . Forget this land of sorrow and remember the land of peace and the land of happiness .
2.No matter how much you have to tolerate, even if you have to shed your body, definitely obey the order that the Father has given you to become pure . Never become impure .
Blessing: May you always be in a state of happiness by remaining ever-healthy, wealthy & happy by eating the instant, visible fruit of service .
Slogan: Purity is the mirror of cleanliness and truth .
04-03-2102, Sunday
While living at home with your family, never think that those are your karmic accounts or karmic bondages, but that it is also service. By your becoming tied in the bondage of service, karmic bondages finish. Unless you have the feeling to serve, karmic bondages will continue to pull you. If there are karmic bondages, there will be waves of sorrow and if there is the bondage of service, there will be happiness. Therefore, finish karmic bondages with the bondage of service. Wherever world servers are in the world, they are there for world service.
Slogan: Maintain the awareness of your deity form and no one’s vision of waste fill fall on you.
05-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, the more you serve yagya with a lot of love, the more income tere will be . By serving, you become free from bondage and your income accumulates .
Question: What method must you adopt in order to keep yourself constantly happy ?
Answer: Keep yourself busy in service and you will remain constantly happy and also continue to earn an income . At the time of serving, you should not have thoughts of wanting to rest . The more service you do, the more happiness you should have . Be honest and serve with a lot of love . together with serving, also become sweet , You children should not have any weakness .
Song: This time is passing by...
Esence for dharna
1.During the day, perform actions for the livelihood of your body and definitely do spiritual service in the mornings & evenings to make your life a diamond . Liberate everyone from the chains of Ravan .
2.Remain very cautious that Maya doesn't make you commit any sin . Never commit any sin through the physical senses . Remove all devilish traits .
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and by staying within the line of the code of conduct become victorious by constantly experiencing the canopy of protection .
Slogan: The practice of becoming bodiless is the basis of bringing the time of completion close .
06-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, You now belong to the Father in order to die to this world . Therefore, make your stage so firm that, at the end, you remember no one but the Father .
Question: What very intense fire is raging over the world at this time ? What is the method to extinguish it ?
Answer: At present, there is the fire of lust over the whole world; this fire is the most intense . There is only one spiritual mission that can extinguish this fire . For this, you have to make yourself into a fire brigade . Without having the power of yoga, you can not extinguish this fire . The vice of lust totally destroys everyone, and this is why you should make full effort to chase away this evil spirit .
Song: The flame has ignited in the gathering for the moths....
Essence for dharna
1.This play is now ending and we have to return to to the land of liberation . Stay in this happiness and renounce arrogance of the old body .
2.Follow the directions of the one Father . Do not give the Father your own directions . Have faith in the intellect and continue to follow the shrimat you have received from the Father .
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and remain free from looking at others with the awareness of your title of " A spinner of the discs of self-realisation "
At the confluence age, the Father Himself gives you children various titles . Keep those titles in your awareness and you will easily be able to stabilise yourself in an elevated stage . Do not just speak about it with your intellect, but sit yourself on that seat; as is the title so should be your stage . If you keep the title of "A spinner f the discs of self-realisation" in your awareness, you will not then spin the discs of looking at others . A spinner of the discs of self-realisation means a conqueror of Maya . Maya will not have the courage to come in front of such a soul . No one can stay in front of the discs of self-realisation .
Slogan: Experience the stage of retirement and give that experience to others too and games of childhood will finish .
07-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet Children, on the path of knowledge, your thoughts have to be very pure . If you tell lies or do something wrong while earning a true income, there will be a great loss .
Question: What are the signs of the fortunate children who are to claim a high status ?
Answer: They never perform any bad actions . They sacrifice their bones in serving the yagna . They do not have any greed . They give a lot of happiness and only let jewels of knowledge emerge from their lips . They are very sweet . While seeing this old world, they do not see it . They never have the thought, " I will see whatever is in my fortune." Baba says: The Children who do that are of no use . You have to make very good effort .
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique....
Essence for dharna
1.Become sweet and reveal the Mother & Father . If there is the slightest bitterness you must remove it . You must be definitely become as sweet and lovely as the Father .
2.You must not do anything without taking shrimat . Only through shrimat is a true income earned .
Blessing: May you be free from attachment and attain God's love by remaining detached from worldliness while living at home with your family .
Slogan: Remain constantly content and full of treasures and then though situation will come, they will change .
08-03-2011, Thursday
Essence: Sweet Children, you have to make your fortune like a diamond . Make effort to claim your full inheritance of heaven from the Father .
Question: By keeping what secret in your intellect in a very vise manner will you experience limitless happiness ?
Answer: That of the drama . Every actor in this drama has received an imperishable part which he has to play . No one's part can be erased or ended . That which is predestined is taking place . There can not be any change in this . When the cycle ends, that same part will repeat second by second . this is a very deep secret and if you keep it in your intellect in a fully wise manner you will remain happy . Otherwise, there will be confusion . Baba says : Children, don't be confused . Have faith in the Father and make efforts to claim your full inheritance .
Song: having found you, we have found the whole world; the sky and the earth all belongs to us.
Essence for dharna
1.Don't go crazy about the old world. Transfer your bags & baggage . Insure everything you have .
2.If you don't have attachment to anything, do the service of changing shells into diamonds . Only by donating your wealth of knowledge will it increase .
Blessing: May you be an avyakt angel and bodiless and with powerful breaks go beyond gross feelings in a second .
Slogan: Continue to eat the nourishment of happiness and your mind and intellect will become powerful .
09-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, you have the faith that you are studying at confluence age in order to earn an income for the future . The Father teaches us and gives us an inheritance for 21 births .
Question: What is the method to have mercy & blessings for yourself ?
Answer: In order to have mercy & blessings for yourself, continue to study the Father's knowledge every day . Never become careless in study being influenced by bad company . Those who constantly follow shrimat have mercy for themselves . They also continue to receive blessings from the Father .
Song: I am a small child; You are Almighty God .
Essence for dharna
1.Become free from your karmic bandages and study this spiritual knowledge everyday . Definitely study for as long as you live .
2.Renounce attachment to your limited relations and your own body, and remember your land of peace and land of happiness . Guard yourself from the influence of bad company .
Blessing: May you be a self-transformer and so a world transformer who transforms the negative into positive .
Slogan: Only those who keep the knowledge of the drama in their awareness are able to become victorious with the method of "nothing new" .
10-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet Children, Baba has come to make you into true Vaishnavas . You are now being transferred and being changed from ugly to beautiful .
Question: What is the title of those who fulfill everyone's desires ? Which desires do you have to fulfill ?
Answer: You are Kandhenu, children of the world Mother, the ones who fulfill everyone's desires
Everyone desires to receive liberation and liberation-in-life . Therefore, the children of the world Mother & the world Father have to continue to show everyone the path to liberation and liberation-in-life . This is your business .
Song: Mother, you are the World Mother....
Essence for dharna
1.Make full effort to become worthy of being worshiped . Do not allow yourself to be worshiped. Only when the soul and the body are both pure will you be worthy of worship .
2.Become sensible and clever and do service while having benevolent feelings . Become a true Vaishnava with divine virtues .
Blessing: May you be an easy effort-maker and make the specialty of your Brahmin birth your natural nature .
Slogan: In order to remain double light, be a destroyer of obstacles .
11-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Bapdada Revised 30-05-1974
Slogan: In order to become a carefree emperor, surrender your body, mind and wealth to God.
12-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, stay awake at night and earn an income. Instil the habit of waking up at amrit vela.
Question: What is the method to keep the intoxication you experience permanent when you come into knowledge?
Answer: When you first come and new into knowledge your intoxication rises very high. At that time you promise yourself many things. Baba says: Note those promises down in your diary and then continue to revise them and your intoxication will remain permanent. Otherwise, when you become caught in the storms of Maya, that intoxication decreases. If, while moving along, you make a mistake, instantly tell Baba about it and become light so that you don’t make the same mistake again. Otherwise, it will continue to increase.
Song: Have mercy for those who are unhappy, Mother and Father of mine.
Essence for dharna:
1. Become completely soul conscious in this beggary life. Don’t have too much greed for anything. Whatever you receive is fine. It is better to die than to ask for anything.
2. Don’t keep any of your own arrogance but give a status to the mothers. Become as incorporeal and egoless as the Father. Donate the wealth of knowledge.
Blessing: May you be master merciful and, transform the world of sorrow and suffering by letting your feelings of mercy emerge.
Slogan: When both the wings of knowledge and yoga are strong, you will be able to experience the flying stage.
13-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, the Father is your Father, Teacher & Guru. Belong to Him while alive and become threaded in the rosary around his neck.
Question: On the basis of which faith do you children become firm Brahmins ?
Answer: The first faith you have is that whatever you can see with your eyes, including your body, is old, that this world is very dirty and it is not worth living in. We receive our inheritance of the new world from the Father. On the basis of this faith, you belong to the Father and you die to this world and old world ans old body while alive . You have the faith that it is only from the Father that you receive the kingdom of the world .
Song: To live in your lane and to die in your lane...
Essence for dharna
1.Don't have love for agent who gives you knowledge, but remember Shiv Baba alone . He is the One Who gives you the donation of life .
2.Whilst keeping this unlimited play in your intellect, maintain unlimited happiness . Renounce the consciousness of the body and practice being bodiless .
Blessing: May you be a great donor and becomes full of knowledge, virtues and power and than donate them .
Slogan: No one can impress anyone who is impressed by the one Father alone .
02-03-2012, Friday
Essence: sweet children, the unlimited light is now ending and the day is about to come . You have to return home . Therefore stop wandering to every doorstep .
Question: On the basis of what practice will you children be able to do very good service ?
Answer: If you are able to maintain the practice of having at least 8 hours remembrance, you can do very good service, because it is through having remembrance that you are able to spread vibrations of peace & purity into the atmosphere of the whole world .It is only through remembrance that your sins will be absolved and you will receive a high status . This is why you must never become tired while on this spiritual pilgrimage . Renounce any awareness of the body and constantly practice being soul conscious .
Song: O traveller of the night, do not become weary ! The destination of the dawn is not far off....
Essence for dharna
1.Have firm faith in the intellect and maintain the determination of never letting go of the Father's hand and of repeatedly remembering the Father and your home .
2.Make effort to become soul conscious . In order to be liberated from Ravan's jail, the five vices, follow shrimat . Make effort to become worthy of being temple .
Blessing: May you be an image that grants blessings with the cool water of mercy to souls who are under another influence .
Slogan: Stay in the pleasure of the mela (fair) of meeting God and the jamela (chaos) of Maya will finish .
03-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet children, you have been following the dictates of human beings for half a cycle . Now follow My shrimat and become pure & you will become the masters of the pure world .
Question: Which blessings does the unlimited Father give the children, and which children receive those blessings ?
Answer: The Father gives the blessings: Children, you will remain constantly happy for 21 births . You will remain immortal ; death will never come to you . You will not experience untimely death . Kamdhenu ( cow who fulfils all desires), the mother, will fulfil all your desires, but you will have to renounce that poison (vice) . Only those who follow shrimat in this last birth to become pure, and make others pure, receive these blessings . Baba says: Children, the world is changing . Therefore, you must definitely become pure .
Sons: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Cut your bonds with knowledge and yoga . Forget this land of sorrow and remember the land of peace and the land of happiness .
2.No matter how much you have to tolerate, even if you have to shed your body, definitely obey the order that the Father has given you to become pure . Never become impure .
Blessing: May you always be in a state of happiness by remaining ever-healthy, wealthy & happy by eating the instant, visible fruit of service .
Slogan: Purity is the mirror of cleanliness and truth .
04-03-2102, Sunday
Become free from attachment even in your dreams
Blessing: May you be a world server and finish any bondage of karma with the bondage of service. While living at home with your family, never think that those are your karmic accounts or karmic bondages, but that it is also service. By your becoming tied in the bondage of service, karmic bondages finish. Unless you have the feeling to serve, karmic bondages will continue to pull you. If there are karmic bondages, there will be waves of sorrow and if there is the bondage of service, there will be happiness. Therefore, finish karmic bondages with the bondage of service. Wherever world servers are in the world, they are there for world service.
Slogan: Maintain the awareness of your deity form and no one’s vision of waste fill fall on you.
05-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, the more you serve yagya with a lot of love, the more income tere will be . By serving, you become free from bondage and your income accumulates .
Question: What method must you adopt in order to keep yourself constantly happy ?
Answer: Keep yourself busy in service and you will remain constantly happy and also continue to earn an income . At the time of serving, you should not have thoughts of wanting to rest . The more service you do, the more happiness you should have . Be honest and serve with a lot of love . together with serving, also become sweet , You children should not have any weakness .
Song: This time is passing by...
Esence for dharna
1.During the day, perform actions for the livelihood of your body and definitely do spiritual service in the mornings & evenings to make your life a diamond . Liberate everyone from the chains of Ravan .
2.Remain very cautious that Maya doesn't make you commit any sin . Never commit any sin through the physical senses . Remove all devilish traits .
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and by staying within the line of the code of conduct become victorious by constantly experiencing the canopy of protection .
Slogan: The practice of becoming bodiless is the basis of bringing the time of completion close .
06-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, You now belong to the Father in order to die to this world . Therefore, make your stage so firm that, at the end, you remember no one but the Father .
Question: What very intense fire is raging over the world at this time ? What is the method to extinguish it ?
Answer: At present, there is the fire of lust over the whole world; this fire is the most intense . There is only one spiritual mission that can extinguish this fire . For this, you have to make yourself into a fire brigade . Without having the power of yoga, you can not extinguish this fire . The vice of lust totally destroys everyone, and this is why you should make full effort to chase away this evil spirit .
Song: The flame has ignited in the gathering for the moths....
Essence for dharna
1.This play is now ending and we have to return to to the land of liberation . Stay in this happiness and renounce arrogance of the old body .
2.Follow the directions of the one Father . Do not give the Father your own directions . Have faith in the intellect and continue to follow the shrimat you have received from the Father .
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and remain free from looking at others with the awareness of your title of " A spinner of the discs of self-realisation "
At the confluence age, the Father Himself gives you children various titles . Keep those titles in your awareness and you will easily be able to stabilise yourself in an elevated stage . Do not just speak about it with your intellect, but sit yourself on that seat; as is the title so should be your stage . If you keep the title of "A spinner f the discs of self-realisation" in your awareness, you will not then spin the discs of looking at others . A spinner of the discs of self-realisation means a conqueror of Maya . Maya will not have the courage to come in front of such a soul . No one can stay in front of the discs of self-realisation .
Slogan: Experience the stage of retirement and give that experience to others too and games of childhood will finish .
07-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet Children, on the path of knowledge, your thoughts have to be very pure . If you tell lies or do something wrong while earning a true income, there will be a great loss .
Question: What are the signs of the fortunate children who are to claim a high status ?
Answer: They never perform any bad actions . They sacrifice their bones in serving the yagna . They do not have any greed . They give a lot of happiness and only let jewels of knowledge emerge from their lips . They are very sweet . While seeing this old world, they do not see it . They never have the thought, " I will see whatever is in my fortune." Baba says: The Children who do that are of no use . You have to make very good effort .
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique....
Essence for dharna
1.Become sweet and reveal the Mother & Father . If there is the slightest bitterness you must remove it . You must be definitely become as sweet and lovely as the Father .
2.You must not do anything without taking shrimat . Only through shrimat is a true income earned .
Blessing: May you be free from attachment and attain God's love by remaining detached from worldliness while living at home with your family .
Slogan: Remain constantly content and full of treasures and then though situation will come, they will change .
08-03-2011, Thursday
Essence: Sweet Children, you have to make your fortune like a diamond . Make effort to claim your full inheritance of heaven from the Father .
Question: By keeping what secret in your intellect in a very vise manner will you experience limitless happiness ?
Answer: That of the drama . Every actor in this drama has received an imperishable part which he has to play . No one's part can be erased or ended . That which is predestined is taking place . There can not be any change in this . When the cycle ends, that same part will repeat second by second . this is a very deep secret and if you keep it in your intellect in a fully wise manner you will remain happy . Otherwise, there will be confusion . Baba says : Children, don't be confused . Have faith in the Father and make efforts to claim your full inheritance .
Song: having found you, we have found the whole world; the sky and the earth all belongs to us.
Essence for dharna
1.Don't go crazy about the old world. Transfer your bags & baggage . Insure everything you have .
2.If you don't have attachment to anything, do the service of changing shells into diamonds . Only by donating your wealth of knowledge will it increase .
Blessing: May you be an avyakt angel and bodiless and with powerful breaks go beyond gross feelings in a second .
Slogan: Continue to eat the nourishment of happiness and your mind and intellect will become powerful .
09-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, you have the faith that you are studying at confluence age in order to earn an income for the future . The Father teaches us and gives us an inheritance for 21 births .
Question: What is the method to have mercy & blessings for yourself ?
Answer: In order to have mercy & blessings for yourself, continue to study the Father's knowledge every day . Never become careless in study being influenced by bad company . Those who constantly follow shrimat have mercy for themselves . They also continue to receive blessings from the Father .
Song: I am a small child; You are Almighty God .
Essence for dharna
1.Become free from your karmic bandages and study this spiritual knowledge everyday . Definitely study for as long as you live .
2.Renounce attachment to your limited relations and your own body, and remember your land of peace and land of happiness . Guard yourself from the influence of bad company .
Blessing: May you be a self-transformer and so a world transformer who transforms the negative into positive .
Slogan: Only those who keep the knowledge of the drama in their awareness are able to become victorious with the method of "nothing new" .
10-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet Children, Baba has come to make you into true Vaishnavas . You are now being transferred and being changed from ugly to beautiful .
Question: What is the title of those who fulfill everyone's desires ? Which desires do you have to fulfill ?
Answer: You are Kandhenu, children of the world Mother, the ones who fulfill everyone's desires
Everyone desires to receive liberation and liberation-in-life . Therefore, the children of the world Mother & the world Father have to continue to show everyone the path to liberation and liberation-in-life . This is your business .
Song: Mother, you are the World Mother....
Essence for dharna
1.Make full effort to become worthy of being worshiped . Do not allow yourself to be worshiped. Only when the soul and the body are both pure will you be worthy of worship .
2.Become sensible and clever and do service while having benevolent feelings . Become a true Vaishnava with divine virtues .
Blessing: May you be an easy effort-maker and make the specialty of your Brahmin birth your natural nature .
Slogan: In order to remain double light, be a destroyer of obstacles .
11-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Bapdada Revised 30-05-1974
Constantly co-operate with the Father and be ever ready for spiritual service !
Avyakt Bapdada Revised 21-06-1974
In order to make a booking for an elevated status, it is essential to have subtle checking !
Blessing: May you be an intense effort-maker and with the awareness of being the form of light remain light from the burden of waste .Slogan: In order to become a carefree emperor, surrender your body, mind and wealth to God.
12-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, stay awake at night and earn an income. Instil the habit of waking up at amrit vela.
Question: What is the method to keep the intoxication you experience permanent when you come into knowledge?
Answer: When you first come and new into knowledge your intoxication rises very high. At that time you promise yourself many things. Baba says: Note those promises down in your diary and then continue to revise them and your intoxication will remain permanent. Otherwise, when you become caught in the storms of Maya, that intoxication decreases. If, while moving along, you make a mistake, instantly tell Baba about it and become light so that you don’t make the same mistake again. Otherwise, it will continue to increase.
Song: Have mercy for those who are unhappy, Mother and Father of mine.
Essence for dharna:
1. Become completely soul conscious in this beggary life. Don’t have too much greed for anything. Whatever you receive is fine. It is better to die than to ask for anything.
2. Don’t keep any of your own arrogance but give a status to the mothers. Become as incorporeal and egoless as the Father. Donate the wealth of knowledge.
Blessing: May you be master merciful and, transform the world of sorrow and suffering by letting your feelings of mercy emerge.
Slogan: When both the wings of knowledge and yoga are strong, you will be able to experience the flying stage.
13-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, you have received good sense from the Father and the locks on your intellects have opened . Therefore, it is your duty to give everyone the co-operation of your intellects .
Question: What desire is created within you children at the confluence age which only the Father fulfills ?
Answer: At the confluence age, you children desire to go to heaven . Previously, you never even thought that you would go to heaven . This new desire is created now and only the Father fulfills it . When this desire is fulfilled, you will not have any more desires . It is sung that nothing is lacking in the treasure-store of the deities .
Song: At last the day for which we had been waiting has come....
Essence for dharna
1.Be very cautious at every step . do not become confused when following shrimat . Never defame the clan .
2.In order to go to the Father, settle all your accounts . make full effort to become bodiless .
Blessing: May you be constantly happy and carefree by staying under the canopy of the Father's protection and remain safe from the shadow of Maya .
The means to save yourself from the shadow of Maya is the Father’s canopy of protection. To remain under the canopy of protection means to remain happy. You have handed over all your worries to the Father. Those who lose their happiness become weak and they can then be influenced by the shadow of Maya because weakness invokes Maya. If there is the shadow of Maya, even in your dreams, you will continue to be distressed and you will have to battle. Therefore, constantly remain under the Father’s canopy of protection. Remembrance is the canopy of protection.
The means to save yourself from the shadow of Maya is the Father’s canopy of protection. To remain under the canopy of protection means to remain happy. You have handed over all your worries to the Father. Those who lose their happiness become weak and they can then be influenced by the shadow of Maya because weakness invokes Maya. If there is the shadow of Maya, even in your dreams, you will continue to be distressed and you will have to battle. Therefore, constantly remain under the Father’s canopy of protection. Remembrance is the canopy of protection.
Slogan: Those who have love for the murali are master murlidhar .
14-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet Children, experience happiness as you repeatedly remember the God. Remember the Father and all the pain and suffering of the body will be removed and you will become free from disease .
Question: At this time you children are on a battlefield, and so what is the basis of your victory and defeat ?
Answer: By your following shrimat, there is victory and by following the dictates of your own mind or those of others, there is defeat . On one side are those who follow the dictates of Ravan and on the other side are those who follow the directions of Rama . The father says: children, Ravan has harassed you a great deal . Now connect your intellect's yoga to Me and you will become the masters of the world . If you follow the dictates of your own mind for one reason or another, or if there is any conflict and you stop studying, Maya will turn your face away and you will be defeated . Therefore remain, very, very cautious .
Song: Look at the condition Your world in, dear God....
Essence for dharna
1.Renounce body consciousness and remember Baba internally so that your final thoughts lead you to your destination. Make your intellect golden-aged through remembrance.
2.Never stop studying because of following the dictates of your own mind or due to conflict of opinion . Keep your face towards heaven and forget hell .
Blessing: May you be a holy swan and finish any waste of impurity and become completely clean .
Slogan: If the boat and the boatman are strong, even storms become a gift.
15-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, have true love for the one Father. Follow His shrimat and this will break your attachment away from all your friends and relatives.
Question: At this time you children are on a battlefield, and so what is the basis of your victory and defeat ?
Answer: By your following shrimat, there is victory and by following the dictates of your own mind or those of others, there is defeat . On one side are those who follow the dictates of Ravan and on the other side are those who follow the directions of Rama . The father says: children, Ravan has harassed you a great deal . Now connect your intellect's yoga to Me and you will become the masters of the world . If you follow the dictates of your own mind for one reason or another, or if there is any conflict and you stop studying, Maya will turn your face away and you will be defeated . Therefore remain, very, very cautious .
Song: Look at the condition Your world in, dear God....
Essence for dharna
1.Renounce body consciousness and remember Baba internally so that your final thoughts lead you to your destination. Make your intellect golden-aged through remembrance.
2.Never stop studying because of following the dictates of your own mind or due to conflict of opinion . Keep your face towards heaven and forget hell .
Blessing: May you be a holy swan and finish any waste of impurity and become completely clean .
Slogan: If the boat and the boatman are strong, even storms become a gift.
15-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, have true love for the one Father. Follow His shrimat and this will break your attachment away from all your friends and relatives.
Question: Which words can only be spoken by the Father and by no human being?
Answer: I, the Father of you souls, have come to teach you. I will take you back home with Me. No human being, only the Father, has the power to speak these words. You have the faith that this new knowledge is for the new world and that the spiritual Father Himself is teaching us. We are Godly students.
Song: No one is Unique like the Lord....
Essence for dharna:
1.Do not get trapped by attachment to relations. You must become free from bondage with internal honesty and cleanliness. You have to settle your account of sinful actions.
2.You have to do service sweetly and with completely tactful words. Make effort and pass with good marks.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world and gain victory over the power of Maya with the power of knowledge and yoga.
In the world, there is the power of science, the power of a kingdom and the power of devotion. However, you have the power of knowledge and yoga. This is the most elevated power of all. This power of yoga makes you constantly victorious over Maya. The power of Maya is nothing in front of this power. Souls who are conquerors of Maya cannot be defeated even in their dreams. Even their dreams would be powerful. Always have the awareness that you are a soul with the power of yoga; you are constantly victorious and will remain victorious.
Slogan: To remain free from the bondage of actions while performing actions is to become an angel.
16-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, forget the consciousness of your old bodies . Remove your attachment from them and you will receive first-class bodies. Those bodies are already finished .
Question: What is the firm discipline of this drama that human beings don't know ?
Answer: When there is knowledge, there is no devotion and when there is devotion there is no knowledge. When the world is pure, there is no impure beings and when the world is impure, there are no pure beings. This is the firm discipline of the drama that human beings don't know about .
Question: what would you call the true sacrifice to Kashi ?
Answer: not to remember anyone at the end. Let there be the remembrance of only the one Father. This is the true sacrifice to Kashi, To sacrifice yourself to Kashi means to pass with honour so that there isn't the slightest punishment experienced .
Song: I have come to your doorstep having taken an oath...
Essence for dharna
1.Don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. Don't keep anything of anyone in your heart. Become an ocean of love, the same as the Father.
2.Sit in solitude and churn the ocean of knowledge . Churn knowledge and then explain with love. Become Baba's helper in service.
Blessing: May you be completely knowledgeable and yogi by knowing the importance of the confluence age and becoming merged in the experience of love .
Slogan: Those who remain beyond any feeling of waste become conqueror of Maya .
17-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet children, God, the One whom the whole world is remembering is personally sitting in front of you . Claim our full inheritance from such a Father; do not forget Him.
Question: Which children have the power to follow the Father's shrimat accurately ?
Answer: Those who tell the Father their chart accurately and take advice from the Father at every step . When you take advice from the father, you also receive the power to follow it . The Father gives you children shrimat: Don't miss out on earning this income while chasing after that income because that income worth a few pennies is going to end . Take shrimat in every situation and remain very cautious and move carefully . Don't allow the dictates of your own mind .
Song: Leave Your throne of the sky and come down to earth....
Essence for dharna
1.Become as ego less and humble as the Father . Do your own service for yourself . Don't show your ego in any situation .
2.Always remain ready for service . Offer yourself for service . Do the service of making human beings who are worth shells in to diamonds .
Blessing: May you have a right to the first number by becoming powerful through avyakt sustenance and, even though you have come last, go fast.
Souls who have an avyakt part have easily received the fortune of making effort at a fast speed. This avyakt sustenance will easily make you powerful . Therefore, whoever wants to move forward can do that as much as possible . At this time, you receive the blessing of coming last and going fast, going fast and coming first . So, use this blessing, that is, put this blessing into practical form according to the time . Use whatever you have received and you will receive the right to claim the first number .
Slogan: Remain set on the seat of self-respect and you will automatically receive everyone's respect .
18-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Bapdada Revised 25-11-1995
The thoughts that enter your intellect are the seed . Words and deeds are the expansion of the seed. If you check your thoughts, that is, the seed by remaining stable in the trikaldarshi stage, and make your stage powerful you will then automatically have success in your words and deeds . If the seed is not powerful then even words and deeds do not have the power to bring about success . you definitely had become embodiment of success in the living form for that is how souls attain success through your non-living images .
Slogan: Burn the rubbish of waste with the fire of yoga and your intellect will become clean .
19-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, if you want to claim the inheritance of constant happiness from the the unlimited Father, remove all the defects from within you . Study well & also teach others .
Question: What special virtue do you need in order to become an instrument for service in the same way as the Father ?
Answer: 'Tolerance' . don't be too attached to the body . All your actions should be through the strength and might of yoga . when all internal ills of vices end through the power of yoga, you will become a Father-like instrument of service of humanity .
Question: Through which great sin, does the intellect becomes locked ?
Answer: Indulging in in vices 'after' belonging to the Father is referred to as the 'The great sin' . Thus one defames the Father and under influence of one's own ghosts of vices does disservice by not being faithful and obedient .
Song: Who has come to the door of my mind with the sound of ankle bells ???
Essence for dharna
1.Do not perform any sinful actions through physical organs or behave in a way that would make other people have bad wishes for you .
2.Remove the ugliness of the ghosts of vices within you due to body-consciousness . Beauty yourself with ornaments of divine knowledge and become an obedient child .
Blessing: May you experience the stage of a tri-kaal-darshi(knower of all three Aspects of time) with a divine intellect and there by become an embodiment of success.
The special gift of Brahmin life is the Divine Intellect . With it you can clearly know the Father, yourself and all the three aspects of past-present-future time periods . You know of Golden Age in past, the Diamond age in present and the Golden-Aged future shall repeat itself again in future . A Divine Intellect allows you to imbibe all the powers and experience the stage of a Tri-Kaal-Darshi . Your actions shall reflect the thinking process of consequences beforehand .
Slogan: In order to make a right decision, remain stable in a carefree stage of Spiritual Intoxication .
20-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, This is your final birth .Therefore, renounce the vices . In the final birth, liberate yourself from the chains of Ravan .
Question: Which children receive the Father's support ? With which children is the Father always pleased ?
Answer: The children with honest hearts receive the Father's support . It is said that the Lord is pleased with an honest heart . The Father is pleased with those who put every direction of His into practice . The Father's directions are to stay in remembrance, become pure and do service to show others the path: to take care of yourself in the company of shudras and not to perform wrong actions through your physical senses . The Father is pleased with those who imbibe all of these things .
Song: The heart says thanks to the One who has given it support...
Essence for dharna
1.Remove your attachment from this decayed world and decayed body and remember the Father and the Home . Protect yourself from the company of shudras .
2.In order to become a conqueror of sinful action , wake up at amrit vela and stay in remembrance . Practice becoming detached from your body .
Blesssing: May you be a master Bestower of happiness who becomes an embodiment of happiness and gives everyone happiness .
To be a confluence-aged Brahmin means there is no name or trace of sorrow because children of the Bestower of Happiness are master Bestower of happiness . How can those who are master bestowers of happiness, embodiments of happiness be in sorrow ? With your intellect you have stepped away from the land of sorrow . You yourselves remain embodiments of happiness and you also constantly give happiness to others . Just as the Father always gives happiness to all souls, in the same way, the Father's task is also the children's task . Even if others are causing you sorrow, you can not cause them sorrow . Your slogan is: Do not cause sorrow, do not take sorrow .
Slogan: Imbibe the balance of remaining cheerful and being serious and mature and remain in a stable stage .
21-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, see the Father with the third eye of knowledge and only remember the Father . while seeing this body, do not see it .
Question: What direction have you children received while living in this world ?
Answer: Sweet Children; this old world in which you are living is to become a graveyard . There is the kingdom of Ravan over it, and you must therefore not attach your hearts to it . While living here, your intellect should be attracted to the new world . You may live in your households, but become as pure as a lotus . Fulfill your responsibility to everyone . Let your intellect's yoga be connected to the one Father . Become firm in knowledge and yoga . Due to no circumstances should the mercy of your happiness fall . Have patience and continue to cut away the karmic bondages .
Song: Have patience, O man ! your days of happiness are about to come....
Essence for dharna
1.Become the Godly Salvation Army and take the sinking boat of the world across . You have to change human beings who are worthless shells into valuable diamonds . Do not be misery in donating the wealth of knowledge .
2.Attach your heart to the Father and the new world . Have unlimited distastes for this old world.
Blessing: May you be constantly carefree by having the awareness of your unlimited right and by staying in limitless happiness .
Nowadays, even if people receives what is ordinarily their right, they do so with so much effort whereas you have received all rights without any effort . To be a child means to claim your right. You accept Baba as yours and you receive the right . So, it is the wonder of 'myself' , the elevated soul, who has all rights . Maintain the happiness of this unlimited right . This imperishable right is fixed and where something is fixed, you remain carefree .
Slogan: With everyone's blessings fly at a fast speed and you will easily cross over any mountain of problems.
22-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, you have found the Father, who is the Father, Teacher and Satguru, all three in one. Therefore, now stop wandering around, and engage yourself in earning a true income.
Question: Who can become worthy enough to rule the kingdom in the new world?
Answer: Those who attain all powers at this time from the Father, the Almighty Authority, the One with all powers. You children are spiritual warriors. You are establishing your kingdom by following the Father’s directions. The Father gives you shrimat: Gain victory with the power of yoga.
Question: Which children accumulate an income at every stage ?
Answer: Those who perform every action according to shrimat earn an income at every step . To stay in remembrance is an income, to do service is an income and to serve the yagya is also an income .
Song: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Perform every action according to shrimat . Serve the yagya while staying in remembrance and accumulate your income .
2.Stop wandering around and study for the future new world . Imbibe knowledge and become gods & goddesses of knowledge .
Blessing: May you be free from spinning between remembrance and forgetfulness and make your life as valuable as a diamond .
This confluence age is the age of remembrance and the iron age is the age of forgetfulness . If you constantly have awareness of your elevated part and your elevated fortune, you are then as valuable as a diamond but, if you forget this, you are like a stone . This is a play of remembrance and forgetfulness . Those who reside in the confluence age can never go on a tour of iron age . If your intellect is even slightly drawn there, you would then be caught in that trap because, although there is a lot of splendour in the iron age that splendour is very deceitful.
Slogan: Only those who use their physical senses with law and order are true Raj Yogis .
23-03-2012, Friday
Esence: Sweet Children, you Brahmins are protectors of the scricificial fire . It is this scricificial fire that give you the fruit you desire .
Question: On the basis of what two aspects can you be liberated from all sorrow of 21 births ?
Answer: Serve the sacrificial fire with love and remember the Father and you will not be unhappy for 21 births; you will not shed tears of sorrow . You children have received the Father's shrimat: Children only remember the Father; don't remember any of your friends or relatives. Become free from bondage and look after the sacrificial fire with love and you will receive whatever fruit you desire.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood...
Essence for dharna
1.Remove your attachment from everyone including your own body, and have attachment to the Father and the imperishable jewels of knowledge. donate the jewels of knowledge .
2.Pay full attention to the study and service .Become as sweet as the Father. Neither listen to worldly news nor make your mouth bitter by relating to others.
Blessing: May you be a yogi soul who makes the impossible possible with the power of silence .
The power of silence is the most elevated power; all other powers emerge through this one power. The power of science has also emerged from this one power of silence. With the power of silence, you can make the impossible possible. What the world consider to be impossible is easily possible for you children who are yogi souls. They say that God is very high up above and brighter than a thousand suns, whereas you speak from your own experience; We have attained Him we merge into the Ocean of Love through the power of silence .
Slogan: Only those who carry out the task of renewal as instruments are true servers.
24-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet Children, Instead of telling entertaining stories of devotion, tell everyone spiritual things. Do the service of liberating everyone from Ravan's kingdom .
Question: What main virtue is required to attain success in service ?
Answer: The virtue of being ego less. It is shown of Mahaviras (brave warriors) that, whenever there was a spiritual gathering somewhere, Mahavira (Hanuman) would go and sit among the shoes because he didn't have body consciousness . However, this requires courage. You can go to any spiritual gathering dressed as you wish and listen to them . Go dressed in an incognito way and serve them.
Song: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Liberate all Sitas, the devotees, from Ravan's jail. Show everyone the path to liberation and liberation-in-life in a second.
2.Remember the Father and the inheritance. Renounce body consciousness, be a brave warrior and do service. Churn the ocean of knowledge and invent new methods of service.
Blessing: May you be an immortal image seated on an immortal throne and, by remaining stable in your self-respect, finish all body consciousness.
At the confluence age, you have received many forms of self-respect from the Father. Everyday keep a new form of self-respect in your awareness. Then, in front of your self-respect, body consciousness will run away just as darkness runs away in front of light; it does not take any time or effort. You have the direct connection of God's light. Simply put on the switch of awareness through the direct line and, so much light will come to you that, not only will you be in the light, but you will also become a lighthouse for the others. Only those who maintain their self-respect in this way are said to be immortal images who are seated on the immortal thrones.
Slogan: Make your stage elevated and adverse situations will diminish.
25-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Baapdada Revised 24-06-1974
26-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, the fog of Maya is very powerful .Remain cautious of it. Never become confused because of the fog.
Question: What task did the mahavir children perform which is remembered as a memorial in the scriptures.
Answer: The mahavir children gave the life giving herb to those who had become unconscious to make them conscious. The memorial of this is shown in the scriptures. You Children should feel mercy. Write a letter and revive those who had been doing service and claiming their inheritance from the Father and who then let go of the Father's hand and left due to some reason. Write to them and ask; What happened to you that you stopped studying ? Why have you become so unfortunate ? you should save those who are falling !
Song: Show the path to those who are blind, dear God....
Esence for dharna
1.Break all strings of attachment and remove your attachment from your old body and the old world and engage yourself in service. Remember the Father and the inheritances and accumulate an income .
2.Become a good swimmer and serve to take everyone across. Follow shrimat and don't engross your intellect in rubbish.
Blessing: May you be a protector of the yagya and make the fortress strong with the vibrations of the current of yoga.
Just as you have planning to expand the Brahmin family, in the same way, now make a plan so that no soul steps away from the Brahmin family. Make the fortress so strong that no one can go away from it. Just as you put electric wires all around, in the same way, put the wires of the current of the vibrations of yoga all around. When you have the thought to make the fortress strong and powerful vibrations of yoga emerge, you can then be called a protector of the yagya.
Slogan: Though his actions may be ordinary a gyani soul is one whose stage is powerful.
27-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, the Father has come to take you away from this world of sorrow and send you to the world of happiness (Sukhdham) .The word "dham" is associated with a pure place.
Question: On what two words is this unlimited play based ?
Answer: Inheritance & curse. The Father gives you the inheritance of happiness and Ravan gives you curse of sorrow. This is an unlimited aspect. Those who belong to the deity religion claim their inheritance from the Father. Then, after half a cycle, Ravan curses them. You children have now remembered that you used to reside in the incorporeal world, and that you then came here and played your parts of happiness. You became deities, warriors, merchants and shudras and have now become Brahmins in order to become deities again.
Song: Salutations to Shiva....
Essence for dharna
1.Follow the directions of Rama in this last birth. Never leave refuge of Rama and go into the refuge of Ravan and there by defame the Father's name.
2.In order to be liberated from punishment, become yogis and have your sins absolved. In order to go to the pure world, you must definitely become pure.
Blessing: May you be number one victorious soul and renounce all traces of the vices and become completely pure.
Those who do not have the slightest trace of impurity are completely pure. Purity is the personality of Brahmin life. This personality easily enables you to attain success in service. However, if there is any trace of even one vice, then its companions will also definitely be with that one vice. Just as peace and happiness go with purity, in the same way, the five vices have a deep relationship with impurity. Therefore, when there isn't a trace of even one vice remaining, you can be a number one victorious soul.
Slogan: Take one step of courage and you will receive a thousand steps of help.
28-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, use whatever you have in a worthwhile way by using it for God's service. Continue to open college-cum-hospitals.
Question: Which very deep and entertaining relationship do you have with Shivbaba ?
Answer: You say that Shivbaba is your Father and also your Child. How the Father can also be the Child is something very deep and entertaining. You consider Him to be your Child because you surrender yourself to Him completely. First you give Him your whole inheritance. Those who make Shivbaba their heir receive an for 21 births. That Child (Shivbaba) says: I do not want your wealth. Simply follow shrimat and you will receive the kingdom.
Song: Mother, O mother, you are the bestower of fortune for the whole world....
Essence for dharna
1.You must now follow shrimat and renounce following dictates of Ravan. Remove your intellect from everyone else and connect it to only One.
2.You must definitely have faith in the intellect and study. Do not let go of the Father's hand because of any obstacle. Receive good health through yoga and the kingdom by studying.
Blessing: May you be angelic and incorporeal by renouncing even the subtle traces of body consciousness and arrogance .
Many do not have arrogance or attachment to the body in a gross way, but, in terms of the body, they do have pride, that is, ego, intoxication or bossiness of their special sanskar, their special intellect, their special virtue, their special talents or their special powers. This is a subtle form of body consciousness. This pride will never allow you to be a subtle angel or incorporeal. Therefore, renounce even its trace and you will easily be able to become angelic and incorporeal.
Slogan: Be co-operative at the right time and you will receive a multimillion-fold return.
29-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet Children, if you wish to celebrate a meeting with the Father, if you wish to become pure, become true spiritual lovers. Remember no one but the one Father.
Question: Why is the status of Brahmins who are to become deities even more elevated than the status of deities ?
Answer: At present, Brahmins are true spiritual social workers. They give human souls the injection of purity and yoga and take sinking boat of Bharat across by following shrimat. They make the people of Bharat, who are residents of hell, into residents of heaven. Deities do not do such service. They experience the reward of the service done at this time. That is why Brahmins are even more elevated than deities.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique...
Essence for dharna
1.You have to become completely pure, that is, beautiful, by sitting on the pyre of knowledge. Purity is the number one beauty, and so you must imbibe this beauty and claim the right to be called a child of the Father.
2.By having remembrance of the one Father, remove the burden of sin that is on your head at this time of settlement. In order to become pure, charitable soul, perform elevated actions.
Blessing: May you with the greatness of humility, receive blessings from everyone and become a master bestower of happiness.
The sign of greatness is humility. To the extent that you become humble, accordingly you will automatically become great in everyone's heart. Humility easily makes you ego less. The seed of humility automatically enables you to attain the fruit of greatness. Humility is the easy means to receive everyone's blessings. Humility makes you praiseworthy. Humility creates a place of love for you in everyone's mind. Such a soul becomes a master bestower of happiness, the same as the Father.
Slogan: In order to experience a great life, the foundation of faith should be strong.
30-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, be very careful that none of your actions is sinful. Before performing any action take shrimat from the Father at every step.
Question: Who can be saved from performing sinful actions ? Which children receive help from the Father ?
Answer: Those who are constantly honest with the Father, and have no thought of taking back the donation of vice that they gave in their promise to the Father are saved from performing sinful action. The Father's help is received by those who take advice before any action becomes a sinful action. They relate their news accurately to the corporeal father. Baba says: Children, you must never hide your illness from surgeon. If you hide your sins, they will increase, your status will be destroyed and you will also have to experience punishment.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood...
Essence for dharna:
1.Never get trapped in vice by becoming body conscious. In order for action not to be a sinful action, first take advice from the Father.
2.Follow the Mother and Father. In order to claim the highest status, you must become completely pure.
Blessing: May you be free from the bondage of body and remain stable in your original stage with the awareness of the word "I'.
The one word "I" enables you to fly and the same word "I" can make you fall. By saying, "I", you should remember your original incorporeal form. This should become natural. When the "I" of body consciousness finishes, you will become free from the bondage of the body because the word "I" brings ego of the body and binds you in karmic bondage. However, when you have this awareness, "I am an corporeal soul", you go beyond the consciousness of the body and have a relationship of karma and not a bondage of karma.
Slogan: In order to experience guaranteed victory and carefree stage, become one who has full faith in the intellect.
31-03-0212, Saturday
Answer: I, the Father of you souls, have come to teach you. I will take you back home with Me. No human being, only the Father, has the power to speak these words. You have the faith that this new knowledge is for the new world and that the spiritual Father Himself is teaching us. We are Godly students.
Song: No one is Unique like the Lord....
Essence for dharna:
1.Do not get trapped by attachment to relations. You must become free from bondage with internal honesty and cleanliness. You have to settle your account of sinful actions.
2.You have to do service sweetly and with completely tactful words. Make effort and pass with good marks.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the world and gain victory over the power of Maya with the power of knowledge and yoga.
In the world, there is the power of science, the power of a kingdom and the power of devotion. However, you have the power of knowledge and yoga. This is the most elevated power of all. This power of yoga makes you constantly victorious over Maya. The power of Maya is nothing in front of this power. Souls who are conquerors of Maya cannot be defeated even in their dreams. Even their dreams would be powerful. Always have the awareness that you are a soul with the power of yoga; you are constantly victorious and will remain victorious.
Slogan: To remain free from the bondage of actions while performing actions is to become an angel.
16-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, forget the consciousness of your old bodies . Remove your attachment from them and you will receive first-class bodies. Those bodies are already finished .
Question: What is the firm discipline of this drama that human beings don't know ?
Answer: When there is knowledge, there is no devotion and when there is devotion there is no knowledge. When the world is pure, there is no impure beings and when the world is impure, there are no pure beings. This is the firm discipline of the drama that human beings don't know about .
Question: what would you call the true sacrifice to Kashi ?
Answer: not to remember anyone at the end. Let there be the remembrance of only the one Father. This is the true sacrifice to Kashi, To sacrifice yourself to Kashi means to pass with honour so that there isn't the slightest punishment experienced .
Song: I have come to your doorstep having taken an oath...
Essence for dharna
1.Don't cause anyone sorrow through your thoughts, words or deeds. Don't keep anything of anyone in your heart. Become an ocean of love, the same as the Father.
2.Sit in solitude and churn the ocean of knowledge . Churn knowledge and then explain with love. Become Baba's helper in service.
Blessing: May you be completely knowledgeable and yogi by knowing the importance of the confluence age and becoming merged in the experience of love .
Slogan: Those who remain beyond any feeling of waste become conqueror of Maya .
17-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet children, God, the One whom the whole world is remembering is personally sitting in front of you . Claim our full inheritance from such a Father; do not forget Him.
Question: Which children have the power to follow the Father's shrimat accurately ?
Answer: Those who tell the Father their chart accurately and take advice from the Father at every step . When you take advice from the father, you also receive the power to follow it . The Father gives you children shrimat: Don't miss out on earning this income while chasing after that income because that income worth a few pennies is going to end . Take shrimat in every situation and remain very cautious and move carefully . Don't allow the dictates of your own mind .
Song: Leave Your throne of the sky and come down to earth....
Essence for dharna
1.Become as ego less and humble as the Father . Do your own service for yourself . Don't show your ego in any situation .
2.Always remain ready for service . Offer yourself for service . Do the service of making human beings who are worth shells in to diamonds .
Blessing: May you have a right to the first number by becoming powerful through avyakt sustenance and, even though you have come last, go fast.
Souls who have an avyakt part have easily received the fortune of making effort at a fast speed. This avyakt sustenance will easily make you powerful . Therefore, whoever wants to move forward can do that as much as possible . At this time, you receive the blessing of coming last and going fast, going fast and coming first . So, use this blessing, that is, put this blessing into practical form according to the time . Use whatever you have received and you will receive the right to claim the first number .
Slogan: Remain set on the seat of self-respect and you will automatically receive everyone's respect .
18-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Bapdada Revised 25-11-1995
Become free from following dictates of others, thinking of others and looking at others, and become one who uplifts others
Blessing May you be an embodiment of success and attain success in your words and deeds with the seed of thought .The thoughts that enter your intellect are the seed . Words and deeds are the expansion of the seed. If you check your thoughts, that is, the seed by remaining stable in the trikaldarshi stage, and make your stage powerful you will then automatically have success in your words and deeds . If the seed is not powerful then even words and deeds do not have the power to bring about success . you definitely had become embodiment of success in the living form for that is how souls attain success through your non-living images .
Slogan: Burn the rubbish of waste with the fire of yoga and your intellect will become clean .
19-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, if you want to claim the inheritance of constant happiness from the the unlimited Father, remove all the defects from within you . Study well & also teach others .
Question: What special virtue do you need in order to become an instrument for service in the same way as the Father ?
Answer: 'Tolerance' . don't be too attached to the body . All your actions should be through the strength and might of yoga . when all internal ills of vices end through the power of yoga, you will become a Father-like instrument of service of humanity .
Question: Through which great sin, does the intellect becomes locked ?
Answer: Indulging in in vices 'after' belonging to the Father is referred to as the 'The great sin' . Thus one defames the Father and under influence of one's own ghosts of vices does disservice by not being faithful and obedient .
Song: Who has come to the door of my mind with the sound of ankle bells ???
Essence for dharna
1.Do not perform any sinful actions through physical organs or behave in a way that would make other people have bad wishes for you .
2.Remove the ugliness of the ghosts of vices within you due to body-consciousness . Beauty yourself with ornaments of divine knowledge and become an obedient child .
Blessing: May you experience the stage of a tri-kaal-darshi(knower of all three Aspects of time) with a divine intellect and there by become an embodiment of success.
The special gift of Brahmin life is the Divine Intellect . With it you can clearly know the Father, yourself and all the three aspects of past-present-future time periods . You know of Golden Age in past, the Diamond age in present and the Golden-Aged future shall repeat itself again in future . A Divine Intellect allows you to imbibe all the powers and experience the stage of a Tri-Kaal-Darshi . Your actions shall reflect the thinking process of consequences beforehand .
Slogan: In order to make a right decision, remain stable in a carefree stage of Spiritual Intoxication .
20-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, This is your final birth .Therefore, renounce the vices . In the final birth, liberate yourself from the chains of Ravan .
Question: Which children receive the Father's support ? With which children is the Father always pleased ?
Answer: The children with honest hearts receive the Father's support . It is said that the Lord is pleased with an honest heart . The Father is pleased with those who put every direction of His into practice . The Father's directions are to stay in remembrance, become pure and do service to show others the path: to take care of yourself in the company of shudras and not to perform wrong actions through your physical senses . The Father is pleased with those who imbibe all of these things .
Song: The heart says thanks to the One who has given it support...
Essence for dharna
1.Remove your attachment from this decayed world and decayed body and remember the Father and the Home . Protect yourself from the company of shudras .
2.In order to become a conqueror of sinful action , wake up at amrit vela and stay in remembrance . Practice becoming detached from your body .
Blesssing: May you be a master Bestower of happiness who becomes an embodiment of happiness and gives everyone happiness .
To be a confluence-aged Brahmin means there is no name or trace of sorrow because children of the Bestower of Happiness are master Bestower of happiness . How can those who are master bestowers of happiness, embodiments of happiness be in sorrow ? With your intellect you have stepped away from the land of sorrow . You yourselves remain embodiments of happiness and you also constantly give happiness to others . Just as the Father always gives happiness to all souls, in the same way, the Father's task is also the children's task . Even if others are causing you sorrow, you can not cause them sorrow . Your slogan is: Do not cause sorrow, do not take sorrow .
Slogan: Imbibe the balance of remaining cheerful and being serious and mature and remain in a stable stage .
21-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, see the Father with the third eye of knowledge and only remember the Father . while seeing this body, do not see it .
Question: What direction have you children received while living in this world ?
Answer: Sweet Children; this old world in which you are living is to become a graveyard . There is the kingdom of Ravan over it, and you must therefore not attach your hearts to it . While living here, your intellect should be attracted to the new world . You may live in your households, but become as pure as a lotus . Fulfill your responsibility to everyone . Let your intellect's yoga be connected to the one Father . Become firm in knowledge and yoga . Due to no circumstances should the mercy of your happiness fall . Have patience and continue to cut away the karmic bondages .
Song: Have patience, O man ! your days of happiness are about to come....
Essence for dharna
1.Become the Godly Salvation Army and take the sinking boat of the world across . You have to change human beings who are worthless shells into valuable diamonds . Do not be misery in donating the wealth of knowledge .
2.Attach your heart to the Father and the new world . Have unlimited distastes for this old world.
Blessing: May you be constantly carefree by having the awareness of your unlimited right and by staying in limitless happiness .
Nowadays, even if people receives what is ordinarily their right, they do so with so much effort whereas you have received all rights without any effort . To be a child means to claim your right. You accept Baba as yours and you receive the right . So, it is the wonder of 'myself' , the elevated soul, who has all rights . Maintain the happiness of this unlimited right . This imperishable right is fixed and where something is fixed, you remain carefree .
Slogan: With everyone's blessings fly at a fast speed and you will easily cross over any mountain of problems.
22-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, you have found the Father, who is the Father, Teacher and Satguru, all three in one. Therefore, now stop wandering around, and engage yourself in earning a true income.
Question: Who can become worthy enough to rule the kingdom in the new world?
Answer: Those who attain all powers at this time from the Father, the Almighty Authority, the One with all powers. You children are spiritual warriors. You are establishing your kingdom by following the Father’s directions. The Father gives you shrimat: Gain victory with the power of yoga.
Question: Which children accumulate an income at every stage ?
Answer: Those who perform every action according to shrimat earn an income at every step . To stay in remembrance is an income, to do service is an income and to serve the yagya is also an income .
Song: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Perform every action according to shrimat . Serve the yagya while staying in remembrance and accumulate your income .
2.Stop wandering around and study for the future new world . Imbibe knowledge and become gods & goddesses of knowledge .
Blessing: May you be free from spinning between remembrance and forgetfulness and make your life as valuable as a diamond .
This confluence age is the age of remembrance and the iron age is the age of forgetfulness . If you constantly have awareness of your elevated part and your elevated fortune, you are then as valuable as a diamond but, if you forget this, you are like a stone . This is a play of remembrance and forgetfulness . Those who reside in the confluence age can never go on a tour of iron age . If your intellect is even slightly drawn there, you would then be caught in that trap because, although there is a lot of splendour in the iron age that splendour is very deceitful.
Slogan: Only those who use their physical senses with law and order are true Raj Yogis .
23-03-2012, Friday
Esence: Sweet Children, you Brahmins are protectors of the scricificial fire . It is this scricificial fire that give you the fruit you desire .
Question: On the basis of what two aspects can you be liberated from all sorrow of 21 births ?
Answer: Serve the sacrificial fire with love and remember the Father and you will not be unhappy for 21 births; you will not shed tears of sorrow . You children have received the Father's shrimat: Children only remember the Father; don't remember any of your friends or relatives. Become free from bondage and look after the sacrificial fire with love and you will receive whatever fruit you desire.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood...
Essence for dharna
1.Remove your attachment from everyone including your own body, and have attachment to the Father and the imperishable jewels of knowledge. donate the jewels of knowledge .
2.Pay full attention to the study and service .Become as sweet as the Father. Neither listen to worldly news nor make your mouth bitter by relating to others.
Blessing: May you be a yogi soul who makes the impossible possible with the power of silence .
The power of silence is the most elevated power; all other powers emerge through this one power. The power of science has also emerged from this one power of silence. With the power of silence, you can make the impossible possible. What the world consider to be impossible is easily possible for you children who are yogi souls. They say that God is very high up above and brighter than a thousand suns, whereas you speak from your own experience; We have attained Him we merge into the Ocean of Love through the power of silence .
Slogan: Only those who carry out the task of renewal as instruments are true servers.
24-03-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet Children, Instead of telling entertaining stories of devotion, tell everyone spiritual things. Do the service of liberating everyone from Ravan's kingdom .
Question: What main virtue is required to attain success in service ?
Answer: The virtue of being ego less. It is shown of Mahaviras (brave warriors) that, whenever there was a spiritual gathering somewhere, Mahavira (Hanuman) would go and sit among the shoes because he didn't have body consciousness . However, this requires courage. You can go to any spiritual gathering dressed as you wish and listen to them . Go dressed in an incognito way and serve them.
Song: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Liberate all Sitas, the devotees, from Ravan's jail. Show everyone the path to liberation and liberation-in-life in a second.
2.Remember the Father and the inheritance. Renounce body consciousness, be a brave warrior and do service. Churn the ocean of knowledge and invent new methods of service.
Blessing: May you be an immortal image seated on an immortal throne and, by remaining stable in your self-respect, finish all body consciousness.
At the confluence age, you have received many forms of self-respect from the Father. Everyday keep a new form of self-respect in your awareness. Then, in front of your self-respect, body consciousness will run away just as darkness runs away in front of light; it does not take any time or effort. You have the direct connection of God's light. Simply put on the switch of awareness through the direct line and, so much light will come to you that, not only will you be in the light, but you will also become a lighthouse for the others. Only those who maintain their self-respect in this way are said to be immortal images who are seated on the immortal thrones.
Slogan: Make your stage elevated and adverse situations will diminish.
25-03-2012, Sunday
Avyakt Baapdada Revised 24-06-1974
Only a Raj Yogi claims the right to world sovereignty
Remain constantly stable in the spiritual intoxication of attaining complete success.
26-03-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet Children, the fog of Maya is very powerful .Remain cautious of it. Never become confused because of the fog.
Question: What task did the mahavir children perform which is remembered as a memorial in the scriptures.
Answer: The mahavir children gave the life giving herb to those who had become unconscious to make them conscious. The memorial of this is shown in the scriptures. You Children should feel mercy. Write a letter and revive those who had been doing service and claiming their inheritance from the Father and who then let go of the Father's hand and left due to some reason. Write to them and ask; What happened to you that you stopped studying ? Why have you become so unfortunate ? you should save those who are falling !
Song: Show the path to those who are blind, dear God....
Esence for dharna
1.Break all strings of attachment and remove your attachment from your old body and the old world and engage yourself in service. Remember the Father and the inheritances and accumulate an income .
2.Become a good swimmer and serve to take everyone across. Follow shrimat and don't engross your intellect in rubbish.
Blessing: May you be a protector of the yagya and make the fortress strong with the vibrations of the current of yoga.
Just as you have planning to expand the Brahmin family, in the same way, now make a plan so that no soul steps away from the Brahmin family. Make the fortress so strong that no one can go away from it. Just as you put electric wires all around, in the same way, put the wires of the current of the vibrations of yoga all around. When you have the thought to make the fortress strong and powerful vibrations of yoga emerge, you can then be called a protector of the yagya.
Slogan: Though his actions may be ordinary a gyani soul is one whose stage is powerful.
27-03-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet Children, the Father has come to take you away from this world of sorrow and send you to the world of happiness (Sukhdham) .The word "dham" is associated with a pure place.
Question: On what two words is this unlimited play based ?
Answer: Inheritance & curse. The Father gives you the inheritance of happiness and Ravan gives you curse of sorrow. This is an unlimited aspect. Those who belong to the deity religion claim their inheritance from the Father. Then, after half a cycle, Ravan curses them. You children have now remembered that you used to reside in the incorporeal world, and that you then came here and played your parts of happiness. You became deities, warriors, merchants and shudras and have now become Brahmins in order to become deities again.
Song: Salutations to Shiva....
Essence for dharna
1.Follow the directions of Rama in this last birth. Never leave refuge of Rama and go into the refuge of Ravan and there by defame the Father's name.
2.In order to be liberated from punishment, become yogis and have your sins absolved. In order to go to the pure world, you must definitely become pure.
Blessing: May you be number one victorious soul and renounce all traces of the vices and become completely pure.
Those who do not have the slightest trace of impurity are completely pure. Purity is the personality of Brahmin life. This personality easily enables you to attain success in service. However, if there is any trace of even one vice, then its companions will also definitely be with that one vice. Just as peace and happiness go with purity, in the same way, the five vices have a deep relationship with impurity. Therefore, when there isn't a trace of even one vice remaining, you can be a number one victorious soul.
Slogan: Take one step of courage and you will receive a thousand steps of help.
28-03-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, use whatever you have in a worthwhile way by using it for God's service. Continue to open college-cum-hospitals.
Question: Which very deep and entertaining relationship do you have with Shivbaba ?
Answer: You say that Shivbaba is your Father and also your Child. How the Father can also be the Child is something very deep and entertaining. You consider Him to be your Child because you surrender yourself to Him completely. First you give Him your whole inheritance. Those who make Shivbaba their heir receive an for 21 births. That Child (Shivbaba) says: I do not want your wealth. Simply follow shrimat and you will receive the kingdom.
Song: Mother, O mother, you are the bestower of fortune for the whole world....
Essence for dharna
1.You must now follow shrimat and renounce following dictates of Ravan. Remove your intellect from everyone else and connect it to only One.
2.You must definitely have faith in the intellect and study. Do not let go of the Father's hand because of any obstacle. Receive good health through yoga and the kingdom by studying.
Blessing: May you be angelic and incorporeal by renouncing even the subtle traces of body consciousness and arrogance .
Many do not have arrogance or attachment to the body in a gross way, but, in terms of the body, they do have pride, that is, ego, intoxication or bossiness of their special sanskar, their special intellect, their special virtue, their special talents or their special powers. This is a subtle form of body consciousness. This pride will never allow you to be a subtle angel or incorporeal. Therefore, renounce even its trace and you will easily be able to become angelic and incorporeal.
Slogan: Be co-operative at the right time and you will receive a multimillion-fold return.
29-03-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet Children, if you wish to celebrate a meeting with the Father, if you wish to become pure, become true spiritual lovers. Remember no one but the one Father.
Question: Why is the status of Brahmins who are to become deities even more elevated than the status of deities ?
Answer: At present, Brahmins are true spiritual social workers. They give human souls the injection of purity and yoga and take sinking boat of Bharat across by following shrimat. They make the people of Bharat, who are residents of hell, into residents of heaven. Deities do not do such service. They experience the reward of the service done at this time. That is why Brahmins are even more elevated than deities.
Song: Our pilgrimage is unique...
Essence for dharna
1.You have to become completely pure, that is, beautiful, by sitting on the pyre of knowledge. Purity is the number one beauty, and so you must imbibe this beauty and claim the right to be called a child of the Father.
2.By having remembrance of the one Father, remove the burden of sin that is on your head at this time of settlement. In order to become pure, charitable soul, perform elevated actions.
Blessing: May you with the greatness of humility, receive blessings from everyone and become a master bestower of happiness.
The sign of greatness is humility. To the extent that you become humble, accordingly you will automatically become great in everyone's heart. Humility easily makes you ego less. The seed of humility automatically enables you to attain the fruit of greatness. Humility is the easy means to receive everyone's blessings. Humility makes you praiseworthy. Humility creates a place of love for you in everyone's mind. Such a soul becomes a master bestower of happiness, the same as the Father.
Slogan: In order to experience a great life, the foundation of faith should be strong.
30-03-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, be very careful that none of your actions is sinful. Before performing any action take shrimat from the Father at every step.
Question: Who can be saved from performing sinful actions ? Which children receive help from the Father ?
Answer: Those who are constantly honest with the Father, and have no thought of taking back the donation of vice that they gave in their promise to the Father are saved from performing sinful action. The Father's help is received by those who take advice before any action becomes a sinful action. They relate their news accurately to the corporeal father. Baba says: Children, you must never hide your illness from surgeon. If you hide your sins, they will increase, your status will be destroyed and you will also have to experience punishment.
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood...
Essence for dharna:
1.Never get trapped in vice by becoming body conscious. In order for action not to be a sinful action, first take advice from the Father.
2.Follow the Mother and Father. In order to claim the highest status, you must become completely pure.
Blessing: May you be free from the bondage of body and remain stable in your original stage with the awareness of the word "I'.
The one word "I" enables you to fly and the same word "I" can make you fall. By saying, "I", you should remember your original incorporeal form. This should become natural. When the "I" of body consciousness finishes, you will become free from the bondage of the body because the word "I" brings ego of the body and binds you in karmic bondage. However, when you have this awareness, "I am an corporeal soul", you go beyond the consciousness of the body and have a relationship of karma and not a bondage of karma.
Slogan: In order to experience guaranteed victory and carefree stage, become one who has full faith in the intellect.
31-03-0212, Saturday
Essence: Sweet Children, sit in solitude and study the knowledge and you will be able to imbibe it very well. Wake up early in the morning and instill the habit of churning the ocean of knowledge.
Question: In order to pass fully, what thoughts should you have and what thoughts should you not have ?
Answer: In order to pass fully, constantly think that you must make effort day and night. make your stage so elevated that you are able to sit on the throne of Bapdada's heart. You must become a conqueror of sleep. Maintain this happiness. Never think that you will receive whatever is in your fortune or drama. This thought makes you careless.
Song: Having found you, we have found the whole world: the earth and the sky all belongs to us.
Essence for dharna:
1.Whatever act you perform, those who see you will do the same. Therefore, pay attention to your every act. You must be very humble and ego less. You must break your arrogance.
2.In order to make your fortune elevated, study very well. Have the interest to wake up early in the morning and remember the father.
Blessing: May you be a double server who does the service of spreading spiritual vibrations with words as well as with your attitude.
Just as you serve through your words, in the same way, also serve through your attitude and fast service will then take place. This is because words are forgotten after some time, but the mind and intellect are stamped through the vibrations. So, in order to do this service, you must not have any wasteful vibrations for anyone in your attitude. Wasteful vibrations become a wall in front of spiritual vibrations. Therefore, keep your mind and intellect free from wasteful vibrations for only then you will be able to do double service.
Slogan: Instead of complaining, stay in remembrance and you will receive all rights.
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