१२-११-२०१२, सोमवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम्हें गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते सभी से तोड़ निभाना है, एक बार बेहद का सन्यास कर 21 जन्म की प्रालब्ध बनानी है |
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम्हें गृहस्थ व्यवहार में रहते सभी से तोड़ निभाना है, एक बार बेहद का सन्यास कर 21 जन्म की प्रालब्ध बनानी है |
प्रश्न: चलते-फिरते कौन सी एक बात याद रहे तो भी तुम रूहानी यात्रा पर हो ?
उत्तर- चलते फिरते याद रहे कि हम एक्टर हैं, हमको अब वापिस घर जाना है। बाप यही याद दिलाते हैं। बच्चे मैं तुम्हें वापिस ले जाने आया हूँ, इस स्मृति में रहना ही मनमनाभव, मध्याजी भव है। यही रूहानी यात्रा है जो तुम्हें बाप सिखलाते हैं।
प्रश्न: सद्गति के लक्षण कौन से हैं ?
उत्तर: सर्वगुण सम्पन्न 16 कला सम्पूर्ण... यह जो महिमा है यही सद्गति के लक्षण हैं, जो तुम्हें बाप द्वारा प्राप्त होते हैं।
गीत: धीरज धर मनुवा...
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.किसी भी बात का अफ़सोस नहीं करना है। अपनी बुद्धि की लाइन सदा क्लीयर रखनी है। गृहचारी से अपनी सम्भाल करनी है।
२.गृहस्थ व्यवहार से तोड़ निभाना है, नफ़रत नहीं करनी है। कमल फूल समान रहना है। आस्तिक बन सबको आस्तिक बनाना है।
वरदान: मेरे-मेरे को समाप्त कर पुरानी दुनिया से मरने वाले निर्भय व ट्रस्ट्री भव ।
लोग मरने से डरते हैं और आप तो हो ही मरे हुए। नई दुनिया में जीते हो, पुरानी दुनिया से मरे हुए हो तो मरे हुए को मरने से क्या डर, वे तो स्वत: निर्भय होंगे ही। लेकिन यदि कोई भी मेरा-मेरा होगा तो माया बिल्ली म्याऊं-म्याऊं करेगी। लोगों को मरने का, चीज़ों का या परिवार का फिक्र होता है, आप ट्रस्टी हो, यह शरीर भी मेरा नहीं, इसलिए न्यारे हो, जरा भी किसी में लगाव नहीं।
स्लोगन: अपनी दिल को ऐसा विशाल बनाओ जो स्वप्न में भी हद के संस्कार इमर्ज न हों।
12-11-2012, Monday
12-11-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, while living at home with your family you have to fulfil your responsibility to
everyone. Have unlimited renunciation once and create a reward for 21 births.
Question: While walking and moving around, what one thing should you remember so that you can still remain on the spiritual pilgrimage ?
Answer: While walking and moving around, remember that you are all actors and that you now have to return home. The Father reminds you of this: Children, I have come to take you back home. To maintain this awareness is to be manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. This is the spiritual pilgrimage that the Father teaches you.
Question: What are the qualifications for salvation ?
Answer: The praise of being full of all virtues and 16 celestial degrees full are the qualifications for salvation, which you receive from the Father.
Song: Have patience o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come.
Om shanti. Children, you know, numberwise, according to the effort you make, that the old play is now about to end. Days of sorrow will remain for only a short while and then there will be constant happiness and nothing but happiness. When you know about happiness, you then understand that this is the land of sorrow. There is a lot of difference between the two. You are now making effort for happiness, that is, you are following shrimat. It is easy to explain this to anyone. You now have to go to Baba. Baba has come to take you back. While living at home with your family, live as pure as a lotus and definitely fulfil your responsibilities. If you don't fulfil your responsibilities, you become the same as the sannyasis. Those who don't fulfil their responsibilities are said to be those of the path of isolation or hatha yogis. God is now teaching us Raja Yoga, which we are learning. The religious scripture of Bharat is the Gita. We have no connection with whatever religious scripture others have. Sannyasis don't belong to the family path. Theirs is hatha yoga. They renounce their homes and families and go to the forests. They have to have renunciation for birth after birth. You live at home with the family, have renunciation once and then receive its reward for 21 births. Theirs is limited renunciation whereas yours is unlimited renunciation. This Raja Yoga of yours is praised a great deal. God taught you Raja Yoga. The Highest on High alone is called God. Shri Krishna cannot be God. The unlimited Father is the incorporeal One. Only He can give you the unlimited sovereignty. Here, the household path is not disliked. The Father says: In this final birth, become pure while living at home with your family. None of the sannyasis can be called the Purifier. They too want a pure world. There is just that one world for which they call out to the Purifier Father. Since they do not belong to the household path, they don't believe in the deities. They can never teach Raja Yoga nor can the Father ever teach hatha yoga. This is something to be understood. In Delhi, a world conference is to take place. Explain these things there. Give it to them in writing. If it is in writing, they will all understand. We now belong to the highest-on-high Brahmin clan. Those people belong to the shudra clan. We are theists and they are atheists. They are those who don't know God and we are those who have yoga with God. So, there is a difference of opinion, is there not? Only the Father comes and makes you into theists. By belonging to the Father, you receive the Father's inheritance. These are very tricky things. First of all, it should sit in your intellects that the God of the Gita is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who established the original eternal deity religion. The deity religion of Bharat is the main one. The people of Bharat have forgotten their own religion. You know that, according to the drama, the people of Bharat have to forget their own religion. Only then can the Father come and carry out establishment. Why else would He come? He says: I come when the deity religion disappears. It definitely has to disappear. It is said: One leg of the bull is broken and the world is standing on three legs. There are four main religions. The leg of the deity religion has now broken, that is, that religion has now disappeared. This is why they give the example of the banyan tree and how the foundation is decayed but the branches and stems twigs exist. So, here, too, the foundation of the deity religion doesn't exist now, but there are many sects and cults etc. You have complete enlightenment in your intellects. The Father says: You children now know the secrets of this drama and how the whole tree has now become old. After the iron age, the golden age definitely has to come; the cycle definitely has to turn. Let it remain in your intellects that the play is about to end and that we are going home. While walking and moving around, remember that you now have to return home. This is the meaning of manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. When you have to give lectures in large gatherings, explain that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is once again telling you: O children, renounce your bodies and all bodily religions, consider yourselves to be souls, remember the Father and your sins will be burnt away. I teach you Raja Yoga. While living at home with your families, become like a lotus, remember Me, remain pure and also imbibe knowledge. Now, all are in degradation. Baba comes and grants them salvation. In the golden age, the deities were in salvation. To be full of all virtues and 16 celestial degrees full are the qualifications for salvation. Who gives you these qualifications? The Father. What are His qualifications? He is the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ocean of Peace. His praise is completely separate. It isn't that all are one. The Father is only One and all of us souls are His children. A new creation is now being created. All of you are the children of Prajapita Brahma. However, those people are unable to understand these things. The Brahmin clan is the highest on high. Only the clans of Bharat are remembered. You have to go through these clans while taking 84 births. Brahmins only exist at the confluence age. Achcha. Silence is very good. You have a garland of peace around your necks. There is the story of a queen who lost her necklace. You now remember your home, the land of peace, very much. Everyone wants to go to the home of peace, but who would show them the way? No one, apart from the Father, the Ocean of Peace, can show you the path. The Father's praise, "The Ocean of Peace, the Ocean of Bliss," is very good. He is the Seed of the human world tree. There is such a difference of day and night! Krishna cannot be called the Seed of the human world. The praise of the Father is separate. By His being called omnipresent, His praise is not proven. It isn't that God would sit and worship Himself. God is ever worthy of worship. He never becomes a worshipper. Those who come from up above become worshippers from being worthy of worship. There are many points. Look how so many people come here, but only a handful out of multimillions emerge because the destination is very high. There will continue to be many subjects created. However, only a handful out of multimillions become beads of the rosary. There is the example of Narad. You now look at your own faces and see whether you have become worthy of marrying Lakshmi. Only a few will become kings. There are many subjects created for one king. You should make effort to become elevated. Among the kings, some are big kings and others are little kings. There are many kings in Bharat. The kingdoms have continued in Bharat. In the golden age, there are many kings and emperors. There, emperors have princes and princesses. They have a lot of property. The kings have less property. It is now the rule of the people over the people. The kingdom is now being established. This is the knowledge for becoming Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan. You are making effort for this. Baba asks: Will you claim the status of Lakshmi and Narayan or Rama and Sita? Then, you all reply: We will claim the status of Lakshmi and Narayan. We will claim the full inheritance from the Father. These are wonderful things. Nowhere else do they speak of these things nor are these things mentioned in the scriptures. The locks on your intellects have now opened. The Father explains: While walking and moving around, consider yourselves to be actors. We now have to return home. Always remember this. This is called being manmanabhav and madhyajibhav. The Father repeatedly reminds you: Children, I have come to take you back home. This is the spiritual pilgrimage. No one, apart from the Father, can inspire you to do this. You also have to praise Bharat. This Bharat is the holiest land. It is the birthplace of the Father, the Remover of Sorrow, the Bestower of Happiness and the Bestower of Salvation for All. That same Father is also the Liberator of everyone. This is the greatest pilgrimage place of all. Although the people of Bharat go to a Shiva Temple, they don't know the Father. They know Gandhiji. They believe that he was a very good person and this is why they go and offer flowers to his statue and spend hundreds of thousands of rupees. At this time, it is their kingdom; they can do whatever they want. The Father sits here and carries out establishment in an incognito way. At first, there was the kingdom of deities in Bharat. They have shown that a war took place between the devils and the deities but it did not happen like that. It is here on the battlefield that you conquer Maya. It would definitely be the Almighty Authority Father who enables you to conquer Maya. Krishna cannot be called the Almighty Authority. Only the Father liberates you from Ravan's kingdom and establishes the kingdom of Rama; there is no question of war there. Krishna cannot be called the Almighty Authority. We now see that Christians are the almighty authorities among human beings; they can conquer anyone. However, it is not the law that they become the masters of the world. Only you know these secrets. At this time, the almighty authority kingdom is that of the Christians. Otherwise, their population should be the least of all because they have come last. However, out of all three religions, that one is the most powerful; they control everyone. This drama is also fixed. It is from them that we are to take our kingdom. There is a story of two monkeys fighting and a third one taking the butter from between them. They fight among themselves and the people of Bharat receive the butter. The story isjust worth 'pennies' (little), but it has such a great meaning. Even though people are actors, they don't know the drama. It is only the poor who understand this knowledge. Wealthy people don't understand anything. The Father is remembered as the Lord of the Poor and the Purifier. He is now playing His part in a practical way. You have to explain this to big gatherings. The intellect says that your praise will gradually emerge. The gong will sound at the last moment. There is now an eclipse by bad omens over the children. Their lines are not clear and there continues to be obstacles. To the extent that you make effort, so the reward you will accordingly receive. The Pandavas were unable to find three square feet of land. That praise is of this time. However, no one knows that you will then become the masters of the world there. You children now know this in a practical way. There is no need for any regret about this. It happened like this in the previous cycle too. You have to be alert on the rails of the drama and not shake. The play is now coming to an end and we arc going to the land of happiness. Study in such a way that you claim a high status. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1.Don't have any regrets about anything. Let the line of your intellect remain constantly clear. Protect yourself from the eclipse of bad omens.
2.Fulfil your responsibility to the household. Don't dislike anyone. Remain like a lotus flower. Become theists and make everyone theists.
Blessing: May you be fearless and be a trustee and finish any consciousness of "mine" and die to the old world.
People are afraid of dying whereas you have already died. You are living in the new world and have died to the old world, and so how can those who are already dead be afraid of dying. They would naturally be fearless. However, if there is any consciousness of "mine"' about anything, then Maya, the cat, will meouw. People are worried about dying, about their possessions and their family whereas you are trustees. Even that body is not yours. Therefore, you are detached and there isn't the slightest attachment to anyone.
Slogan: Make your heart so big that limited sanskars do not emerge even in your dreams.
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