Friday, December 28, 2012

06-12-2012's Murli

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम्हें शिव जयन्ति का त्योहार बड़ी धूमधाम से मनाना है। यह तुम्हारे लिए बहुत बड़ा खुशी का दिन है, सबको बाप का परिचय देना है ।
प्रश्न: कौन से बच्चे अपना बहुत बड़ा नुकसान करते हैं? घाटा कब पड़ता है ? 
उत्तर: जो बच्चे चलते-चलते पढ़ाई छोड़ देते हैं, वे अपना बहुत बड़ा नुकसान करते हैं। बाबा रोज़ इतने हीरे रत्न देते हैं, गुह्य प्वाइंटस सुनाते हैं, अगर कोई रेगुलर नहीं सुनते हैं तो घाटा पड़ जाता है। नापास हो जाते हैं, स्वर्ग की ऊंची बादशाही गंवा देते हैं। पद भ्रष्ट हो जाता है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.इस पुराने शरीर का श्रृंगार नहीं करना है। वनवाह में रह नये घर में चलने की तैयारी करनी है। 
२.ज्ञान स्नान रोज़ करना है। कभी भी पढ़ाई मिस नहीं करनी है। 
वरदान: संगमयुग पर सदा प्रत्यक्ष वा ताजा फल खाने वाले शक्तिशाली वा तन्दरूस्त भव ।
संगमयुग की ही विशेषता है जो एक की पदमगुणा प्राप्ति होती है और प्रत्यक्षफल भी मिलता है। अभी-अभी सेवा की और अभी-अभी खुशी रूपी फल मिला। तो जो प्रत्यक्षफल अर्थात् ताजा फ्रूट खाने वाले हैं वह शक्तिशाली वा तन्दरूस्त होते हैं। कोई कमजोरी उनके पास आ नहीं सकती। कमजोरी तब आती है जब अलबेले होकर कुम्भकरण की नींद में सो जाते हो। अलर्ट रहो तो सर्व शक्तियां साथ रहेंगी और सदा तन्दरूस्त रहेंगे। 
स्लोगन: फालो एक ब्रह्मा बाप को करो बाकी सबसे गुण ग्रहण करो। 

06-12-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, you have to celebrate the festival of Shiv Jayanti with a lot of pomp and splendour. This is a day of great happiness for you. Give everyone the Father's introduction. 
Question: Which children cause great harm to themselves? When do they incur a loss ? 
Answer: The children who stop studying while moving along cause themselves great harm.Every day Baba gives so many diamonds and jewels and tells you so many deep points. If you don't study regularly, you incur a loss. You would fail, lose your elevated sovereignty of heaven and destroy your status. 
Song: O traveler of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off. 
Om shanti. This night and day is for human beings. There isn't night and day for Shiv Baba. It is for you children; it is for human beings. The night of Brahma and the day of Brahma are remembered. The saying is not 'the night of Shiva and the day of Shiva'. It would not be said about just Brahma atone; it isn't the night of just one. It is remembered as the night of Brahmins. You know that it is now the end of the path of devotion. Together with that, it is also the end of extreme darkness. The Father says: I come when it is the night of Brahma. You have now begun to start moving towards the morning. When you come and become the children of Brahma you are called Brahmins. After the night of Brahmins comes to an end, the day of deities begins. Brahmins then become deities. A very big change takes place through this yagya. The old world changes and becomes new. The iron age is the old age and the golden age is the new age. Then the silver age is 25% old and the copper age is 50% old. The name of the age also changes. Everyone would call the iron age the old world. The Father is called Ishwar (God). He establishes the Godly kingdom. The Father says: I come at the confluence age of every cycle. It takes time. In fact, it is a matter of a second but it takes time for your sins to be absolved because there are the sins of half the cycle on your head. The Father creates heaven and so you children will become the masters of heaven. However, it takes time to remove the burden of sin from your heads. You have to have yoga. You definitely have to consider yourselves to be souls. Previously, when you said "Baba", you remembered your physical father. Now, when you say "Baba", your intellects go upwards. It wouldn't be in the intellect of anyone else in the world that we souls are the children of the spiritual Father. All three, our Father, Teacher and Guru, are spiritual. We have to remember Him. That is an old body and so why should you decorate it? However, internally, you understand that you are now in the stage of simplicity. You are about to go to your in-laws' home in the new world. Nothing will remain at the end. We will then become the masters of the world. At this time it is as though the whole world is in exile. What does it have to offer? Nothing at all! When it was your in- laws' house, there were palaces studded with diamonds and jewels; there were a lot of riches. You now have to go from your parents' home to your in-laws' home. Whom have you now come to? You would say that you have come to BapDada. The Father has entered Dada. Dada is a resident of this place. So Bap and Dada are both combined. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Purifier. If His soul had been in Krishna when He related knowledge, then Krishna would also be called BapDada. However, it doesn't seem right to call Krishna BapDada. Only Brahma is remembered as Prajapita. The Father has explained that this is a cycle of 5000 years. When you children hold an exhibition, also write this in it: We showed you this exhibition 5000 years ago and also explained to you how you can claim your inheritance of heaven from the unlimited Father. We are once again celebrating Trimurti Shiva Jayanti exactly as we did 5000 years ago. You definitely have to write these words. Baba is giving these directions and you have to follow them. You have to make preparations for Shiva Jayanti. When people see new things they will be amazed. You should have a lot of splendour. We are celebrating Trimurti Shiva Jayanti. We are going to take a holiday for this. The holiday for Shiva Jayanti is official. Some have a holiday and others don't. This is a very big day for you, just as Christians celebrate Christmas. They celebrate with a lot of happiness. You should now celebrate with happiness. Tell everyone that we are claiming our inheritance from the unlimited Father. Those who know this will celebrate in happiness. They will meet among themselves at the centres. Not everyone can come here. We are celebrating the birthday. There cannot be death for Shiv Baba. Just as Shiv Baba has come, so He will go away. The knowledge is completed, the war will begin; that's all! That One doesn't have a body of His own. You children have to consider yourselves to be souls and become completely soul conscious. This requires effort. You are soul conscious in the golden age. There will be no untimely death there. Here, death comes while you are just sitting; you have heart failure. They would then say that that is God's will. However, that is not God's will. You would say that it is the destiny of the drama, that such was his part in the drama. It is now the iron age and the new world will be the golden age.The palaces of the golden age will be decorated with so many diamonds. There will be plenty of wealth there. However, there cannot be a full description of it. When there are earthquakes etc. everything breaks up and goes down below. So you have to use your intellects and think about all of these things. This is food for the intellect. Your intellects have now gone up above. By knowing the Creator you also know the creation. You have the secrets of the whole world in your intellect. God is the Highest on High in the drama. Then there are Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. We can tell you the occupation of all these three and what their parts are. Such a big mela takes place for Jagadamba. What is the relationship between Jagadamba and Jagadpita? No one knows this because it is something incognito. This one sitting here is the mother; that one was adopted. This is why the pictures are made of that one. That one is called Jagadamba. She is Saraswati, the daughter of Brahma. Although she is given the title Mother, she is a daughter. She used to sign her name Brahma Kumari Saraswati. You used to call her Mama. It doesn't seem right to call Brahma 'Mother'. A very refined intellect is needed to understand and explain all of these things. These are deep matters. Whoever's temple you go to, you would instantly know their occupation. When you go to the temple of Guru Nanak you would instantly be able to tell them when he will come again. Those people don't know anything because they have elongated the duration of the cycle. You can speak about this. The Father says: Look how I am teaching you! Look how T come! This doesn't refer to Krishna. People continue to study the Gita. Some remember the 18 chapters and they are praised so much. If one of them relates even one slokha (verse), people sing his praise and say that there is no other great soul like him. Nowadays, there is also a lot of occult power; they perform a lot of black magic. There is a lot of cheating in the world. The Father gives you such easy teachings, but it all depends on those who are studying. The Teacher teaches the same to everyone, but if some don't study, they fail. This definitely has to happen. A whole kingdom is to be established. You bathe in knowledge, take a dip in knowledge and then become angels of the land of angels, that is, you become the masters of heaven. There is the difference of day and night. There, because the elements are satopradhan, the bodies are created accurately (perfectly). There is natural beauty there. That is the land established by God. Now it is the devilish land. There is a lot of difference between heaven and hell. The secrets of the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama are now in your intellects, numberwise, according to your efforts. The Father says: Make very good effort. The daughters tour around to the new places. If there are good mothers etc. there, then service has to be established there. If some don't come to a centre, they are causing themselves a loss. If some don't come to study, you should write to them: You are not studying and through this there will be great loss for you. Day by day, many deep points emerge. These are diamonds and jewels. If you don't study you will fail. You will lose the sovereignty of such an elevated heaven. You should hear the murli every day. If you leave such a Father, remember that you will fail and then cry a great deal. There will be tears of blood. You must never stop studying. Baba looks at the register and sees how many come regularly. Those who don't come should be cautioned. Shrimat says: If you don't study, your status will be destroyed. There will be a loss. Write to them in this way, because only then will you be able to uplift your school very well. Let it not be that if someone doesn't come, you just forget about him. A teacher would be concerned that if many of his students don't pass, he would lose his honour. Baba writes that there isn't very much service happening at your centre. Perhaps you just continue to sleep all the time. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Don't decorate that old body. Live simply and make preparations to go to your new home. 
2.Bathe in knowledge every day. Never miss the study. 
Blessing: May you be powerful and healthy by eating instant and fresh fruit every day of the confluence age. 
The speciality of the confluence age alone is that you receive multimillion fold return of one and you also receive instant and visible fruit. The minute you do service, you immediately receive the fruit of that in the form of happiness. Those who eat instant, that is, fresh fruit are powerful and healthy; no weaknesses can come to them. Weaknesses come when you become careless and sleep in the sleep of Kumbhakarna. Remain alert and all the powers will remain with you and you will remain constantly healthy. 
Slogan: Follow Father Brahma alone and imbibe virtues from everyone else. 

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