Monday, December 24, 2012

24-12-2012's Murli

२४-१२-२०१२, सोमवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - शिवजयन्ती का त्योहार बड़े ते बड़ा त्योहार है, इसे तुम बच्चों को बहुत धूमधाम से मनाना है, जिससे सारी दुनिया को बाप के अवतरण का पता पड़े ।
प्रश्न: तुम बच्चों को किस बात में सुस्ती नहीं आनी चाहिए? अगर सुस्ती आती है तो उसका कारण क्या है ? 
उत्तर: पढ़ाई वा योग में तुम्हें जरा भी सुस्ती नहीं आनी चाहिए। लेकिन कई बच्चे समझते हैं सभी तो विजय माला में नहीं आयेंगे, सब तो राजा नहीं बनेंगे - इसलिए सुस्त बन जाते हैं। पढ़ाई पर ध्यान नहीं देते। लेकिन जिसका बाप से पूरा लॅव है वह एक्यूरेट पढ़ाई पढ़ेंगे, सुस्ती आ नहीं सकती। 
प्रश्न: चलते-चलते कई बच्चों की अवस्था डगमग क्यों हो जाती है ? 
उत्तर: क्योंकि बाप को भूल देह-अहंकार में आ जाते हैं। देह-अहंकार के कारण एक दो को बहुत तंग करते हैं। चलन से ऐसा दिखाई पड़ता है जैसे देवता बनने वाला ही नहीं है। काम-क्रोध के वशीभूत हो जाते हैं। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.बाप का मददगार बन, सभी को बाप का परिचय देने की युक्ति रचनी है। विचार सागर मंथन करना है। ज्ञान के नशे में रहना है। 
२.देह-अंहकार छोड़ देही-अभिमानी बनना है। अपनी सेवा दूसरों से नहीं लेनी है। माँ-बाप से रीस नहीं करनी है। उनके समान बनना है। 
वरदान: निमित्त पन की स्मृति से हर पेपर में पास होने वाले एवररेडी, नष्टोमोहा भव ।
एवररेडी का अर्थ ही है - नष्टोमोहा स्मृति स्वरूप। उस समय कोई भी संबंधी अथवा वस्तु याद न आये। किसी में भी लगाव न हो, सबसे न्यारा और सबका प्यारा। इसका सहज पुरुषार्थ है निमित्त भाव। निमित्त समझने से ''निमित्त बनाने वाला'' याद आता है। मेरा परिवार है, मेरा काम है-नहीं। मैं निमित्त हूँ। इस निमित्त पन की स्मृति से हर पेपर में पास हो जायेंगे। 
स्लोगन: ब्रह्मा बाप के संस्कार को अपना संस्कार बनाना ही फालो फादर करना है। 
24-12-2012, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, the festival of the birthday of Shiva is the greatest festival of all. You children have to celebrate it with so much splendour that the whole world can come to know about the incarnation of the Father. 
Question: What should you children not be lazy about? If there is laziness, what is the reason for it ? 
Answer: There mustn't be the slightest laziness in studying or in yoga. However, some children think that not everyone will become part of the rosary of victory that not everyone will become a king, and they therefore become lazy. They don't pay attention to study, but those who have full love for the Father will study accurately: they cannot be lazy. 
Question: Why does the stage of some children fluctuate while they are moving along ? 
Answer: Because they forget the Father and become body conscious. Because of the arrogance of the body, they cause a lot of distress to one another. It seems from their behaviour as though they are not going to become deities. They are influenced by lust and anger. 
Om shanti. All Brahmins know that Shiva Jayanti is the main festival. Nowadays, people celebrate everyone's birthday, but no one knows about the period of Shiva Jayanti. They have been remembering the periods of human beings. If you ask them about the period of Christ, they would quickly tell you about that. They even celebrate his birthday. Previously, you didn't celebrate the birthday of Shiva with as much pomp and splendour. Now you children should think about how the world can come to know this because Shiv Jayanti is now about to come. Therefore, celebrate the birthday with such splendour that the whole world comes to know about it. You have to make effort. How can all the children know that it is the birthday of the One who is the Creator of the whole world and that He is here at this time? How can the children know? Many newspapers are printed. That is called advertising through which your name can become well known. There is a lot of expense involved with newspapers, but everyone should now know about Shiv Jayanti. You have to be concerned about the whole world. Give everyone the Father's introduction. It is remembered that children gave the Father's message to every home that the Father had come: Those who want to claim their inheritance come and do so! However, only those who claimed it in the previous cycle will do so again. The soul knows that. Now everyone will come to know this and so they will come, because they have been converted into other religions. You too didn't consider yourselves to be deities. You were in the shudra religion. The Father has now explained to you. You can now understand who is teaching you. In spite of that they repeatedly forget and due to this, their stage also remains like it is. It is as though they don't even become worthy of becoming deities. Because of the evil spirit of lust or body consciousness, they're unable to remember the Father. Only when they become soul conscious can they remember the Father. Have love for the Father and also remain accurate in your study. These are very valuable jewels of knowledge and you should have a lot of intoxication of them. A register is kept in worldly education too. They also note down manners in that: Good, better, best. It is the same here. Some don't know anything at all even though they have become children and are staying with the Father. The behaviour of some who live at home is better than those who are here. At least they are doing service*. The main thing is service. They will be threaded in the rosary of victory. The rest will become subjects. Many become subjects. When someone is born in a grand family, everyone sends them congratulations. However, so many continue to take birth in the world. You are becoming the Father's heirs. So you should celebrate the birthday of the unlimited Father. Celebrate Trimurti Shiva Jayanti with a lot of pomp and splendour. What should you do so that many can come to know about this? You have this concern, do you not? What type of service should we do so that the decoration of the Brahmin clan of the previous cycle can come again? Methods have to be created. The Father says: It is difficult to do this without newspapers. Newspapers are distributed everywhere. You have to take two to four pages of a newspaper. When a silver jubilee is celebrated, they take two to four pages. They celebrate a common silver jubilee worth only a few pennies. This golden jubilee of yours is completely unique. People always celebrate their golden and silver jubilees. They don't celebrate copper and iron jubilees. When it is 50 years it is called a golden jubilee. You now have to celebrate the Father's birthday so that everyone can come to know. If you print this in two pages of the newspapers, that is fine. Many people should know. Delicate times are coming. It will then be too late! You have to make preparations for Shiva Jayanti in advance. Take two pages of a newspaper in which you can write about the Trimurti, the Tree and some points from recent murlis. There cannot be salvation through the water of the Ganges. You also have some four-paged literature. You can write on the front and on the back too. Write about the picture that shows the stages of ascent and descent and the other main pictures. Think about from which main pictures people can understand that there truly is degradation now. Baba is drawing the attention of you children. You should churn the ocean of knowledge. There are very few children who think about these things. If it costs four or five thousand, it doesn't matter. There are many children. A lake is created from every drop. You know that the Aga Khan was weighed against diamonds; that is nothing. This is the Benefactor Father. All of that money goes into vices. You children have been liberated from those vices. You are being made into deities from human beings. You have neither the violence of lust nor the violence of anger. You should definitely take four or five pages of a newspaper. All the serviceable children understand that they are doing service. They arc making pictures for the exhibitions and projectors. Baba is explaining to those whose intellects work on these things. The Father says: When children have courage, the Father is sitting here to help. The intellectual, educated children will quickly write some matter for the newspapers. When things are to be printed in a newspaper, you also have to give them drishti. There are now two to two and a half months to Shiva Jayanti. You can do a lot of work. You should have it printed in two to four newspapers. Hindi and English are the main languages. You should have it printed in both of these. It would be good to celebrate Shiva Jayanti in this way. It is the birthday of the Father of the whole world. Everyone should know this. Newspapers are distributed over a wide area. Sensible editors who are religious minded would not take money. All of this is for the benefit of everyone. It would perhaps cost a little. Children who have courage receive help from the Father. You should have such thoughts. People don't know what benefit and what is not benefit, or who can give directions for benefit. They don't understand anything at all. You children know. Among you, too, there are very few who will become part of the rosary of victory. The rest will become subjects. This Raja Yoga is for attaining sovereignty. By being lazy in studying or in yoga, you won't be able to claim a kingdom. There is a limit as to how many kings there will be. There cannot be any more than that. Those of you who have good thoughts will quickly know whether you will become part of the royal family or not. They are now making suggestions at the centres. Baba has many big shops. Not all the centres (shops) can function in the same way. Some managers are good and so they run that shop very well. Some have bad omens over them and so even good ones fail. The Father says: The days are now coming close. Preparations for war continue to be made. There will also be calamities. There is very little time left. To have yoga requires a lot of effort. Only through yoga will your sins be absolved. If you don't stay in yoga and reach the golden age, you cannot become part of the royal family. You will end up among the subjects. Good effort-makers would never say: Whatever is in my fortune! According to the drama, those who have such thoughts will become servants of the subjects. If you want to claim a high status you have to advertise. Otherwise, there will be complaints. This is why it has to be printed in the newspapers. You have to print the pictures and the main points. You also have to include the Trimurti and the cycle. Also include the picture of the stages of ascent and descent. Bharat heaven and Bharat hell. For how long do you remain in heaven and for how long do you remain in hell? Baba is now giving you directions. Anyone who misses a murli would not know about the directions. In that case, such ones cannot become helpers. Baba continues to ask if you have prepared the matter. Sensible children are praised everywhere. Some cause a lot of distress; they become body conscious. If, after becoming the head of a centre, you become body conscious, you die. The Father can never have arrogance. Baba says: I am the Obedient Servant. Look, so many eminent people come here. They see that we all wash our own plates, and so they also begin to wash their own plates. However, some have arrogance of the body. They cannot even wash their own plates and bowls. Those who have such body consciousness fall. They cause themselves a loss. Baba never takes any service. Shiv Baba doesn't have a body that He would take service. He does service. Baba teaches you how to become soul conscious. Children would never allow their parents to wash the dishes. However, you mustn't compete with the mother and father. First of all, you should become like the mother and father. They too study with you, but, according to the law, people have visions that they are the ones who pass with the first number. You have to have a keen interest in doing service. Open a Gita pathshala in every home so that growth continues to take place. You should write: Come and we will give you the introduction of our parlokik Father. Come and understand how you can receive an unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father. How can you receive liberation-in-life in a second^ No one is that intelligent that he could understand this. Among you too, there are very few who have deep knowledge. Those who are intoxicated by knowledge continue to give their own opinions. You also have to write an explanation of the slogans you use. There are many sensible children in Delhi and Bombay who are in contact with many others and who can do this work. You should explain to the editors; they have a lot of control in their hands. They should give it to you at half cost or quarter cost. They can even print religious matter free of charge. Baba advises that this Shiva Jayanti should be celebrated with a lot of pomp and splendour. He has had such inspiration. The cost doesn't matter! Print the pictures! The coloured weekly magazines are smaller. Very clear pictures should be printed in them. Baba advises serviceable children and serviceable children would respond. They would write their ideas and prepare matter. You can also have separate sheets printed and distributed with the newspapers. You can arrange that with the newspaper people. They will insert the leaflet in the newspaper. Earlier, they used to have a separate printed sheet of someone else's advertising inserted in the newspaper. Perhaps they have now stopped doing that. However, by making effort, it is possible. Otherwise, how would everyone know about Trimurti Shiva Jayanti? The exhibitions also continue for seven days. Shiva Jayanti is only for one day. Therefore, celebrate it with a lot of pomp and splendour. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Become a helper of the Father and create methods to give the Father's introduction. Churn the ocean of knowledge. Maintain the intoxication of knowledge. 
2.Renounce arrogance of the body and become soul conscious. Don't take service from others. Don't compete with the mother and father. Become equal to them. 
Blessings:May you be ever ready and a conqueror of attachment and pass every paper with the awareness of being an instrument. 
The meaning of "ever ready" is to be a conqueror of attachment and an embodiment of remembrance. At that time, no relative or object should be remembered. There should be no attachment to anyone, but you should be detached from all and loved by all. The easy effort for this is to have the consciousness of being an instrument. By considering yourself to be an instrument, you also remember the One who made you an instrument. It is not, "this is my family, this is my work". No. "I am an instrument". With the awareness of being an instrument you will pass every paper. 
Slogan: To make the sanskars of Father Brahma your own sanskars is to follow the father.

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