Wednesday, January 30, 2013

24-01-2013's Murli

२४-०१-२०१३, गुरुवार
मुरली सार:- मीठे बच्चे - अभी तुम्हारी काया बिल्कुल पुरानी हो गई है, बाप आये हैं तुम्हारी काया कल्प वृक्ष समान बनाने, तुम आधाकल्प के लिए अमर बनते हो |
प्रश्न: इस वन्डरफुल नाटक में कौन सी बात बहुत ही समझने की है ? 
उत्तर: इस नाटक में जो भी एक्टर्स (पार्टधारी) हैं उनका चित्र केवल एक बार ही देख सकते फिर वही चित्र 5 हजार वर्ष के बाद देखेंगे। 84 जन्मों के 84 चित्र बनेंगे और सभी भिन्न-भिन्न होंगे। कर्म भी किसके साथ मिल नहीं सकते। जिसने जो कर्म किये वह फिर 5 हजार वर्ष बाद वही कर्म करेंगे, यह बहुत ही समझने की बातें हैं। तुम बच्चों की बुद्धि का ताला अभी खुला है। तुम यह राज़ सबको समझा सकते हो। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.हम निराकारी और साकारी दोनों बाप के सिकीलधे नूरे रत्न हैं, हम शिवबाबा के जीते जी वारिस बने हैं, इसी नशे में रहना है। 
२.योगबल से विश्व की राजाई लेनी है, पवित्रता की राखी बांधी है तो सहन भी करना है। पतित कभी नहीं बनना है। 
वरदान:- सुख के सागर बाप की स्मृति द्वारा दु:ख की दुनिया में रहते भी सुख स्वरूप भव ।
सदा सुख के सागर बाप की स्मृति में रहो तो सुख स्वरूप बन जायेंगे। चाहे दुनिया में कितना भी दु:ख अशान्ति का प्रभाव हो लेकिन आप न्यारे और प्यारे हो, सुख के सागर के साथ हो इसलिए सदा सुखी, सदा सुखों के झूले में झूलने वाले हो। मास्टर सुख के सागर बच्चों को दु:ख का संकल्प भी नहीं आ सकता क्योंकि दु:ख की दुनिया से किनारा कर संगम पर पहुंच गये। सब रस्सियां टूट गई तो सुख के सागर में लहराते रहो। 
स्लोगन: मन और बुद्धि को एक ही पावरफुल स्थिति में स्थित करना ही एकान्तवासी बनना है। 
24-01-2013, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, your bodies have now become completely old. The Father has come to make your bodies as immortal as the kalpa tree. You will become immortal for half a cycle. 
Question: Which aspect of this wonderful play is well worth understanding ? 
Answer: Only once, at this time, can you see the faces of all the actors of this play. You will see those same faces after 5000 years. There will be the 84 faces of 84 births and each one of them will be different. Even the performance of one cannot be the same as another’s. Whatever actions are performed, those actions will be repeated after 5000 years. These aspects are really worth understanding. Now that the locks on the intellects of you children have opened, you can explain these secrets to everyone. 
Song: The Innocent Lord is unique 
Essence for dharna: 
1.We are the light of the eyes, the long-lost and now-found children of both the incorporeal and corporeal fathers. Maintain the intoxication of having become Shiv Baba’s heirs while alive. 
2.Claim the kingdom of the world through the power of yoga. Since you have had a rakhi tied for purity, you must tolerate a little. Don’t ever become impure. 
Blessing: May you be an embodiment of happiness while staying in the world of sorrow with the awareness of the Father, the Ocean of Happiness. 
Constantly maintain the awareness of the Father, the Ocean of Happiness, and you will become an embodiment of happiness. No matter how much influence of sorrow and peacelessness there is in the world, you are detached and loving. You are with the Ocean of Happiness and you are therefore constantly happy and constantly swinging in the swing of happiness. Children who are the master oceans of happiness cannot even have a thought of sorrow because they have stepped away from the world of sorrow and have reached the confluence age. Once all the strings have broken, you can continue to move along in the waves of the ocean of happiness. 
Slogan: To stabilise your mind and intellect in a powerful stage is to be one who is in solitude. 

25-01-2013's Murli

२५-०१-२०१३, शुक्रवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - जितना-जितना दूसरों को ज्ञान सुनायेंगे उतना तुम्हारी बुद्धि में ज्ञान रिफाइन होता जायेगा, इसलिए सर्विस जरूर करनी है |
प्रश्न: बाप के पास दो प्रकार के बच्चे कौन से हैं, उन दोनों में अन्तर क्या है ? 
उत्तर: बाप के पास एक हैं लगे (सौतेले) बच्चे, दूसरे हैं सगे (मातेले) बच्चे। लगे बच्चे - मुख से सिर्फ बाबा मम्मा कहते लेकिन श्रीमत पर पूरा नहीं चल सकते। पूरा-पूरा बलिहार नहीं जाते। सगे बच्चे तो तन-मन धन से पूर्ण समर्पण अर्थात् ट्रस्टी होते हैं। कदम-कदम श्रीमत पर चलते हैं। लगे बच्चे सेवा न करने के कारण चलते-चलते गिर पड़ते हैं। संशय आ जाता है। सगे बच्चे पूरा निश्चयबुद्धि होते हैं। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का महादानी बनना है। तन-मन-धन से भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने की सेवा करनी है। 
२.कोई भी डिस्ट्रेक्टिव (विनाशकारी) कार्य नहीं करना है। निरन्तर याद के अभ्यास में रहना है। 
वरदान: बैलेन्स की विशेषता को धारण कर सर्व को ब्लैसिंग देने वाले शक्तिशाली, सेवाधारी भव ।
अभी आप शक्तिशाली आत्माओं की सेवा है सर्व को ब्लैसिंग देना। चाहे नयनों से दो, चाहे मस्तकमणी द्वारा दो। जैसे साकार को लास्ट कर्मातीत स्टेज के समय देखा-कैसे बैलेन्स की विशेषता थी और ब्लैसिंग की कमाल थी। तो फालो फादर करो - यही सहज और शक्तिशाली सेवा है। इसमें समय भी कम, मेहनत भी कम और रिजल्ट ज्यादा निकलती है। तो आत्मिक स्वरूप से सबको ब्लैसिंग देते चलो। 
स्लोगन: विस्तार को सेकण्ड में समाकर ज्ञान के सार का अनुभव कराना ही लाइट-माइट हाउस बनना है। 
25-01-2013, Friday
Essence: Sweet children, the more you relate knowledge to others, the more refined your intellects will become. Therefore, definitely do service. 

Question: What two types of children does the Father have ? What is the difference between the two ? 
Answer: The Father has stepchildren and real children. Stepchildren simply say, "Baba, Mama", through their mouths, but are unable to follow shrimat fully. They don't surrender themselves fully. Real children completely surrender themselves with their bodies, minds and wealth, that is, they become trustees. They continue to follow shrimat at every step. Because of not doing service, stepchildren fall while moving along; they develop doubts. Real children have full faith in the intellect. 
Song: Do not forget the days of your childhood. 
Om shanti. The-Father explains to the children. Which Father? In fact, both fathers. One is the spiritual Father who is called Baba and the other is the physical father who is called Dada. Children at all the centres know that they are the children of BapDada. Shiva is the spiritual Father. He is the Father of all of you souls and Brahma Dada is the head of the human genealogical tree. You have come and become his children. Some of you are truly real children whereas some are still stepchildren. Both say "Mama, Baba", but stepchildren are unable to surrender themselves. Those who don't surrender themselves are unable to receive that much strength, that is, they're unable to make the Father the trustee of their bodies, minds and wealth. They're unable to follow His shrimat in order to become elevated. Real children receive subtle help, but there are very few of those. Although there are real children, not until the results are announced would they also be called really firm ones. Although they even live here and are very good and also do service, even they still fall. This is all a question of the intellect's yoga. You mustn't forget Baba. Baba is making this Bharat into heaven with the help of you children. The Shiv Shakti Army is remembered. Each one of you has to talk to yourself: We are truly the adopted children of Shiv Baba. We are claiming our inheritance of heaven from the Father. From the copper age, the inheritance we have been receiving from a physical father was only that of hell. We continued to become unhappy. On the path of devotion, there is just blind faith. However, since devotion began and as the years passed we have only continued to come down. Devotion too was at first unadulterated. They used to worship only the One. Now, instead of that, they are worshipping many. None of the rishis, munis, sages or holy men know when devotion began. The night and day of Brahma is mentioned in the scriptures. Although Brahma and Saraswati become Lakshmi and Narayan, they have mentioned Brahma's name. Together with Brahma there are also many children. There wouldn't be many children of Lakshmi and Narayan. He would not be called Prajapita. New people are being created now. The new creation (people) are Brahmins. It is Brahmins who consider themselves to be the children of God. Deities would not consider themselves to be that; they are not even aware of the cycle. You know that you have now become the children of Shiv Baba. He has explained to us the cycle of 84 births. With His help, we are once again making Bharat into the pure, divine Rajasthan (Land of Kings). This is something to be clearly understood. One needs courage to explain this. You are the Shiv Shakti Pandava Army. You are also guides: you show everyone the path. No one, apart from you. can show the path to the spiritual sweet home. Those guides take you to Amarnath or to some other pilgrimage place. You BKs take everyone very far away from everything to the supreme abode (paramdham). Those are physical guides who make you stumble around. You take everyone to the Father in the land of peace. Therefore, you always have to remember: We are once again making Bharat into the divine Rajasthan. Anyone would believe this. There used to be the original, eternal, deity religion in Bharat. In the golden age, Bharat was the unlimited pure, divine land of kings (Rajasthan). It then became the pure warrior Rajasthan. Then, when Maya came into existence, it became the devilish Rajasthan. Here, too, there were kings and queens who used to rule at the beginning. However, the kingdom that has continued is one without the crown of light. After the deity Rajasthan, it became an impure, devilish Rajasthan. It is now a land of impure people; it is a Rajasthan where people rule people. In fact, it cannot be called Rajasthan; they have just given it that name. There is no kingdom now. This drama is predestined. This picture of Lakshmi and Narayan will be very useful to you. You have to explain using it: Bharat was double crowned like this. It used to be the kingdom of this Lakshmi and Narayan. They were Radhe and Krishna in their childhood. Then, in the silver age, it became the kingdom of Rama. Then, Maya came in the copper age. This is very easy. The history and geography of Bharat is explained in a nutshell. It was in the copper age that the temples to the pure King Narayan and Queen Lakshmi were built. The deities themselves went onto the path of sin. They began to become impure. They then built temples to the pure deities who had existed and they began to worship them. It is impure ones who bow down to pure ones. There were kings and queens until the British Government came. Even landowners used to take the title of king and queen, through which they would receive respect at court. Now, no one is a king. When they began to fight among themselves, those of Islam came. You children know that it is now once again the end of the iron age. Destruction is just ahead.. The Father is once again teaching you Raja Yoga. Only you know how establishment is taking place. Then this history and geography will be erased. On the path of devotion, those people write their own Gita and there is a lot of difference in that. In devotion, they definitely need their religious books of the deities. Therefore, according to the drama, they created the Gita. It isn't that, on the path of devotion, they will establish Rajasthan or a kingdom or change human beings into Narayan with the Gita. Not at all! The Father now explains: You are the incognito army. Baba is also incognito. It is the incognito power of yoga that is enabling you to receive the kingdom. Through physical power you receive a limited kingdom. With the power of yoga you receive the unlimited kingdom. You children have the faith in your hearts that you are now making Bharat into that same deity Rajasthan. The effort of those who make effort cannot remain hidden. Destruction has to take place. This is also mentioned in the Gita. It is asked: According to the efforts of this time, what status will I receive in the future? Here, too. when someone sheds his body there is the question: What status will he attain? Only the Father knows what type of service he did with his body, mind and wealth. Children cannot know this. BapDada knows. You can also be told what kind of service you did, whether you took up knowledge or not, whether you helped a great deal. For instance, people give donations because they believe that this institution is very good and that it is carrying out good work. They say: I don't have the power to remain pure. I will help the yagya. Therefore, they receive the return of that. When people build a college or a hospital, they do it for others. It isn't so that they can go to the hospital if they themselves fall ill. Whatever they build, they do so for others. So they receive the fruit of that. That is called donating. What happens here? You are given blessings and you remain happy. Both in this world and in the world beyond, you remain happy. When you speak of this world and the world beyond (parlok), it applies to the confluence age. This means that both this birth in the land of death and the birth in the land of immortality become worthwhile. Truly this birth of yours is now being made worthwhile. Some are serving with their bodies, some are serving with their minds and others are serving with their wealth. Many are unable to take knowledge. They say: Baba, I don't have courage, but I can help. The Father would tell him: You can become so wealthy. If there is something, you can ask the Father. You want to follow the Father and so you have to ask Him: Baba, what should I do in this situation? The Father who gives you shrimat is sitting here. You have to ask Him; you mustn't hide anything from Him. Otherwise, the illness will increase. If you don't follow shrimat at every step, something will go wrong. Baba is not far away. You should come personally in front of Baba and ask Him. You should repeatedly come to such a BapDada. In fact, you should remain combined with the most beloved Father. You should cling to the Bridegroom. Those are physical whereas this One is spiritual. Here, there is no question of clinging to Him. Not everyone would be made to sit here. This is such a thing that you want the Father just to remain seated in front of you while you continue to listen to Him and also continue to follow His directions. However, Baba would say: You mustn't just sit here. Become a River Ganges; go and do service! The love of you children should be like those who are intoxicated in love. However, you also have to do service. Those whose intellects have faith cling to Him completely. Children write: So-and-so has very good faith in the intellect. I would reply: He hasn't understood anything at all! If he had the faith that the Father who makes us into the masters of heaven has come, he would not be able to remain for even a second without meeting such a Father. There are many daughters who are very desperate. Then, while sitting at home, they have visions of Brahma or Krishna. If you had the faith that the Father has come from the supreme abode to give you the kingdom, you would come and meet Baba. When such ones come, Baba tells to them to become a Ganges of knowledge. Many subjects are needed. A kingdom is being established. These pictures are very good to explain with. You can tell anyone that you are once again establishing a kingdom. Destruction is also just ahead. Claim your inheritance from the Father before you die. Everyone wants there to be a one Almighty Government, but not everyone can come together and become one. There definitely was the one kingdom that has been remembered. The name of the golden age is very much glorified. That is being established once again. Some will quickly believe these things, whereas others will not. There was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan 5000 years ago, and it then became the kingdom of these kings. All the kings have now become impure. There is now to be the kingdom of the pure Lakshmi and Narayan. It is very easy for you to explain. We are establishing the deity kingdom with Shiv Baba's shrimat and His help. We also receive power from Shiv Baba. You should have this intoxication. You are warriors. You can "also" go to the temples~and explain to them that establishment of heaven will definitely take place through the Creator. You know that the unlimited Father is only the One. He is personally decorating you with knowledge. He is teaching you Raja Yoga. All those who relate the Gita can never teach you Raja Yoga. You children are made to experience intoxication in your intellect with this. Baba has come to establish heaven. There is the pure Rajasthan in heaven. People have forgotten the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. The Father now personally sits in front of you and explains to you. In no Gita Pathshala etc. you go to could anyone else relate the whole history and geography or news of the 84 births. It will be easy to explain if you have the picture of Radhe and Krishna together with that of Lakshmi and Narayan. This is the correct picture. It should also have very clear writing on it. You keep the whole cycle in your intellects. You should also remember the One who explains the cycle to you. However, there is a lot of effort required for the practice of constant remembrance. Let there be such constant remembrance that you don't remember any rubbish at the end. You must never forget the Father. Little children remember their father a great deal, and then when they grow up they remember wealth. You also receive wealth which you have to imbibe very well and then donate to others. Become complete philanthropists. I personally come in front of you and teach you Raja Yoga. You studied that Gita for birth after birth and there was no attainment. Here, T am giving you these teachings in order to change you from an ordinary man into Narayan. That is the path of devotion. Here, too, a handful out of multimillions will emerge who will be part of your deity clan. They will definitely come here to become Brahmins. Some would become kings and others would become subjects. Among those too, some would become those who are amazed on hearing the knowledge, relate the knowledge to others and then run away. There is very severe punishment for those who become children and who then divorce the Father. The punishment is severe. At this time, none of you can say that you have constant remembrance. If you do say this, you should send your written chart to Baba and Baba would understand that you are using your body, mind and wealth in serving Bharat. Let the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan always be in your pocket. You children should have a lot of intoxication. Social workers ask you how you are serving Bharat. Tell them: We are making Bharat into the deity Rajasthan with our bodies, minds and wealth. No one else can do such service. The more service you do, the more refined your intellects will become. There are many children who are unable to explain very well, and so they defame the name. Some even have the evil spirit of anger and so that too is doing something destructive. They would be told to look at their faces. Have you become worthy to marry Lakshmi or Narayan? What status would such children who lose the honour claim? They would come in the line of infantry. You are also an army. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Become a great donor of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Serve Bharat with your body, mind and wealth to make it into heaven. 
2.Don't perform any destructive actions. Practise having constant remembrance. 
Blessing: May you be a powerful server who adopts the speciality of balance and give blessings to everyone. 
The service of you powerful souls is now to give blessings to everyone, whether you give them through your eyes, or through the jewel on your forehead. At his final time, you saw sakar Baba in the karmateet stage: he had the speciality of balance and the wonder of blessings. So, follow the father. This is an easy and powerful stage. This will take less time and less effort and give you greater results. So, continue to give everyone blessings through your soul-conscious form. 
Slogan: To merge the expansion in a second and give the experience of the essence of knowledge is to be a light- and might house. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

28-01-2013's Murli

२८-०१-२०१३, सोमवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, साकार शरीर को याद करना भी भूत अभिमानी बनना है, क्योंकि शरीर 5 भूतों का है, तुम्हें तो देही-अभिमानी बन एक विदेही बाप को याद करना है ।

प्रश्न: सबसे सर्वोत्तम कार्य कौन सा है जो बाप ही करते हैं ? 
उत्तर: सारी तमोप्रधान सृष्टि को सतोप्रधान सदा सुखी बना देना यह है सबसे सर्वोत्तम कार्य, जो बाप ही करते हैं। इस ऊंचे कार्य के कारण उनके यादगार भी बहुत ऊंचे-ऊंचे बनाये हैं। 
प्रश्न: किन दो शब्दों में सारे ड्रामा का राज़ आ जाता है ? 
उत्तर: पूज्य और पुजारी, जब तुम पूज्य हो तब पुरुषोत्तम हो, फिर मध्यम, कनिष्ट बनते। माया पूज्य से पुजारी बना देती है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार: 
१.अपने को निराकार आत्मा समझ निराकार बाप को याद करना है। किसी भी देहधारी को नहीं। मरजीवा बन पुरानी बातों को बुद्धि से भूल जाना है। 
२.बाप के रचे हुए इस रूद्र यज्ञ में सम्पूर्ण स्वाहा होना है। शूद्रों को ब्राह्मण धर्म में कनवर्ट करने की सेवा करनी है। 
वरदान: सर्व पुराने खातों को संकल्प और संस्कार रूप से भी समाप्त करने वाले अन्तर्मुखी भव ।
बापदादा बच्चों के सभी चौपड़े अब साफ देखने चाहते हैं। थोड़ा भी पुराना खाता अर्थात् बाह्यमुखता का खाता संकल्प वा संस्कार रूप में भी रह न जाए। सदा सर्व बन्धनमुक्त और योगयुक्त-इसी को ही अन्तर्मुखी कहा जाता है। इसलिए सेवा खूब करो लेकिन बाह्यमुखी से अन्तर्मुखी बनकर करो। अन्तर्मुखता की सूरत द्वारा बाप का नाम बाला करो, आत्मायें बाप का बन जाएं-ऐसा प्रसन्नचित बनाओ। 
स्लोगन: अपने परिवर्तन द्वारा संकल्प, बोल, सम्बन्ध, सम्पर्क में सफलता प्राप्त करना ही सफलतामूर्त बनना है।
28-01-2013, Monday 
Essence: Sweet children, to remember a corporeal body is to be element (evil spirit) conscious, because bodies are made "of The five elements. You have to become soul conscious and remember the one bodiless Father. 
Question: What is the most elevated task that only the Father carries out ? 

Answer: To make the whole tamopradhan world satopradhan and constantly happy is the most elevated task that only the Father carries out. Because of this elevated task, His memorials have been made very great. 
Question: In which two terms are there the secrets of the whole drama ? 
Answer: Worthy-of-worship and worshipper. When you are worthy of worship, you are the most elevated. Then you become the middle quality and then the lowest. Maya changes you from being worthy of worship into worshippers. 
Song: The Flame has ignited in the gathering of the moths 
Om shanti. God sits here and explains to you children that human beings cannot be called God. Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar have images, they too cannot be called God. The residence of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is higher than theirs. He alone is called Prabhu, Ishwar, Bhagawan etc. When people call out, they are unable to see a subtle or corporeal form in front of them. This is why they call the form of a human being God. Even when they see a sannyasi, they say that he is God. However, God, Himself, explains: Human beings cannot be called God. Many people remember incorporeal God a lot. Those who have not adopted gurus or are small children are also taught to remember the Supreme Soul. However, they are not told which Supreme Soul they should remember. They do not have an image in their intellect. At the time of sorrow, they say: Oh Prabhu! No picture of a guru or deity appears in front of them. Although they have adopted many gurus, when they say "Oh God" they never remember their guru. Even if they do remember their guru and call him God, he is still a human being who takes birth and dies. Therefore, this means that they are remembering the body made of the five elements which are called the five evil spirits. A soul is not called an evil spirit. So that is worshipping the elements. Their intellect's yoga is diverted to the body. If they consider a human being to be God, it isn't that they are remembering the soul that is in that body; no. A soul is in each of them: the one who is remembering and the one whom he is remembering. They say that God is omnipresent. However, you cannot call God a sinful soul. In fact, when they say "The Supreme Soul" their intellects go to the incorporeal One. Incorporeal souls remember the incorporeal Father. That is called being soul conscious. Those who remember a corporeal body are element (evil spirit) conscious. Evil spirits remember evil spirits because they consider themselves to be bodies of the five elements instead of considering themselves to be souls. Their names are also given to the bodies. They consider themselves to be spirits (human beings) of the five elements and they remember the bodies of others; they are not soul conscious. If they were to consider themselves to be incorporeal souls, they would remember incorporeal God. The relationship of all souls is first of all with God. Souls remember God when they are in sorrow. They have a relationship with Him. He liberates souls from all sorrow. He is also called the Flame. It is not a question of a light etc. He is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. When they call Him a Flame, people think He is light. The Father Himself has explained: I am the Supreme Soul and I am called Shiva. Shiva is also called Rudra. That incorporeal One has many names. No one else has as many names. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar have the one name each. All bodily beings just have the one name. The one God is given many names. His praise is limitless. Human beings have one fixed name. You have now died alive and so you are given another name so that you forget everything of the past. You die alive in front of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and so this is the birth in which you have died alive. Therefore, you surely take birth to the Mother and Father. The Father sits here and explains these deep things to you. The world doesn't know Shiva. They know Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. They even speak of the day of Brahma and the night of Brahma. They have just heard that establishment takes place through Brahma, but they don't know how. He is the Creator and so He would definitely create a new religion and a new world. Only through Brahma would He create the Brahmin clan. You Brahmins remember the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and not Brahma, because you belong to Him through Brahma. Body-conscious brahmins outside would not call themselves children of Brahma, the grandchildren of Shiva. They even celebrate the birthday of Shiv Baba, but, because of not knowing Him, they don't value Him. They go to His temple and understand that He is not Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar or Lakshmi and Narayan. He is definitely the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. All 'actors have"their own parts." Even when they take rebirth, they are given their own names. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the only one who doesn't have a corporeal name or form. However, people with foolish intellects don't understand this. Since there is the memorial of God, He must surely have come and created heaven. Otherwise, who would create heaven? He has come and once again created this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra. This is called a sacrificial fire because you have to sacrifice yourselves here. Many people create sacrificial fires. All of those are physical sacrificial fires of the path of devotion. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, comes and creates a sacrificial fire Himself. He teaches you children. When a sacrificial fire is created, those brahmins relate the scriptures and religious stories etc. The Father is knowledge-full. That Gita, Bhagawad and all the scriptures etc. belong to the path of devotion. Material sacrificial fires belong to the path of devotion. This is the time of the path of devotion. When the ' end of the iron age comes, devotion too can come to an end. Only then does God come and meet you, because He is the One who gives you the fruit of devotion. He is called the Sun of Knowledge. There are the Sun of Knowledge, the moon of knowledge and the lucky stars. Achcha, the Father is the Sun of Knowledge. Then, there has to be the mother, the moon of knowledge. So the body He entered is the mother, the moon of knowledge. All the rest are the children, the lucky stars. According to this calculation, Jagadamba is a lucky star, because you are children. Among stars, some are brighter. It is the same here, numberwise. Those are the physical sun, moon and stars of the sky whereas these are aspects of knowledge. Similarly, those are rivers of water whereas these are rivers of knowledge that have emerged from the Ocean of Knowledge. People celebrate the birthday of Shiva, and so that Father of the whole world definitely comes. He must definitely come and create heaven. The Father comes to establish the original eternal deity religion that has disappeared. The Government doesn't believe in religion. They say that they don't have a religion. They are right. The Father also says that the original eternal deity religion of Bharat has disappeared. Religion is might. The people of Bharat were very happy when they were in the deity religion. There was the world almighty authority kingdom. The most elevated beings were ruling the kingdom. Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan are called the most elevated beings. There are the highest and the lowest, numberwise. There are the most elevated beings, the highest beings, the middle level and the lowest human beings. Those who first of all become the most elevated beings then become the middle and then the lowest. Therefore, Lakshmi and Narayan are the most elevated. They are the most elevated of all human beings. Then, when they come down, they change from deities into warriors, from warriors into merchants, then into shudras and the lowest ones. Sita and Rama cannot be called the most elevated beings. The king and queen of all kings, the most elevated satopradhan beings, are Lakshmi and Narayan. You have all of these things in your intellects. How does this world cycle turn? First of all, they are the highest and then they become those of the middle level and then the lowest. At this time the whole world is tamopradhan. The Father whose birthday you now celebrate explains this. You can tell people that, 5000 years ago, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva came here. Otherwise, why do they celebrate the birthday of Shiva? The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, would definitely bring a gift for the children and He would definitely carry out the most elevated task. He makes the whole of the tamopradhan world satopradhan and constantly happy. To the extent that He is elevated, accordingly there is also just as great a memorial to Him. They looted that. People attack others for wealth. People even came from abroad because of wealth. Even at that time, there was a lot of wealth. However, Maya, Ravan made Bharat worth a shell and the Father has now come to make it worth a diamond. No one knows such a Shiv Baba. They say that He is omnipresent. It is a mistake to say this. The Satguru who takes the boat across is just the One whereas there are many who make you drown. All are drowning in the ocean of poison and this is why they say: Take us from this tasteless ocean of poison across to the other side where there is the ocean of milk. It is remembered that Vishnu used to live in an ocean of milk. Heaven is called the ocean of milk where Lakshmi and Narayan rule. It isn't that Vishnu rests there in an ocean of milk. Those people create a big lake and place Vishnu in the middle of it. They make a very big image of Vishnu. Lakshmi and Narayan are not that big; at the most, they would perhaps be six feet tall. They also make big statues of the Pandavas. They create big effigies of Ravan too. Their names are important and so they create big images of them. Although Baba's name is the highest, a small image is made of Him. They have given Him such a big form, in order to explain. The Father says: I do not have such a big form. Just as souls are tiny, in the same way, I, the Supreme Soul, am also like a star. He is called the Supreme Soul. He is the highest of all. He has all the knowledge contained in Him. His praise is sung: He is the Seed of the human world tree. He is the Ocean of Knowledge. He is a living soul. However, He can only speak knowledge when He takes organs. Just as a child is unable to speak with his little organs, hut when he grows older and he sees the scriptures etc., he remembers the sanskars of the past, so the "Father sits here and explains to you children: I have come after 5000 years to teach you that same Raja Yoga. Krishna didn't teach Raja Yoga. They just experienced their reward. They were in the sun dynasty for eight births, the moon dynasty for 12 births and then for 63 births they were in the merchant and shudra dynasties. This is the last birth of everyone. The Krishna soul is listening to this and you are also listening to it. This is the clan of the Brahmins of the continence age. Then, from Brahmins you will go and become deities. The one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, establishes the three religions - the Brahmin religion, the sun-dynasty deity religion and the moon-dynasty warrior religion. Therefore, the scripture of all three should he just one. There aren't different scriptures. Brahma, the greatest one, is the father of all. Prajapita. There is no scripture of his. "God speaks" is only mentioned in the Gita. It is not said: God Brahma speaks. It is God Shiva who speaks, through Brahma, and converts shudras into Brahmins. It is Brahmins who become deities and those who fail become warriors. They are reduced by two degrees. He explains everything so clearly! The Highest on High is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Then there are Brahma. Vishnu and Shankar. They too cannot be called the most elevated beings. Those who become the most elevated beings then become the lowest too. Out of all human beings, I.akshmi and Narayan are the most elevated and there is a temple to them. However, no one knows their praise. People simply continue as worshippers to worship them. From worshippers you are now becoming worthy of worship. Maya makes you worshippers again. The drama is created in this way. When the play comes to an end. I have to come and expansion automatically stops. Then you children have to come and repeat your own parts. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Himself, sits here and explains to you. People celebrate His birthday on the path of devotion. They continue to celebrate this. In heaven, they do not celebrate anyone's birthday. They don't even celebrate the birthday of Krishna or Rama. They themselves would exist there in the practical form. Here, they have been and gone and this is why people celebrate it. There, they would not celebrate the birthday of Krishna every year. There, they are always in happiness, and so why would they celebrate a birthday'! Children would be named by their parents. There are no gurus there. In fact, those things have no connection with knowledge or yoga. However, if you want to ask what systems exist there, Baba would say to you: Whatever systems are there, they will continue. You have no need to ask about them. First of all, make effort to claim your status. Become worthy and then ask. There must be one system or another in the drama. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father. BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Consider yourself to be an incorporeal soul and remember the incorporeal Father, not any bodily beings. Die alive and remove the old things of the past from your intellect. 
2.You have to surrender yourself completely in this sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra that the Father has created. Do the service of converting shudras to the Brahmin religion. 
Blessing: May you be introverted and finish all the old accounts even those in the form of thoughts and sanskars. 
BapDada now wishes to see that all the accounts of the children arc very clean. Not even the slightest old accounts, that is. any account of extroversion in the form of thoughts or sanskars should remain. Remain constantly free from all bondages and become yogyukt: this is known as being introverted. Therefore, do a lot of service, but do that having become introverted from extroverted. Glorify the Father's name with the face of introversion. Make souls so happy that they belong to the Father. 
Slogan: To achieve success in your thoughts, words, relationships and connections through your transformation is to become an embodiment of success. 

29-01-2013's Murli

२९-०१-२०१३, मंगळवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम पीस स्थापन करने के निमित्त हो, इसलिए बहुत-बहुत पीस में रहना है, बुद्धि में रहे कि हम बाप के एडाप्टेड बच्चे आपस में भाई-बहन हैं ।
प्रश्न: पूरा सरेण्डर किसे कहेंगे, उनकी निशानी क्या होगी ? 
उत्तर: पूरा सरेण्डर वह, जिनकी बुद्धि में रहता कि हम ईश्वरीय माँ-बाप से पलते हैं। बाबा यह सब कुछ आपका है, आप हमारी पालना करते हो। भल कोई नौकरी आदि करते हैं लेकिन बुद्धि से समझते हैं यह सब बाबा के लिए है। बाप को मदद करते रहते, उससे इतने बड़े यज्ञ की कारोबार चलती, सबकी पालना होती... ऐसे बच्चे भी अर्पण बुद्धि हुए। साथ-साथ पद ऊंचा पाने के लिए पढ़ना और पढ़ाना भी है। शरीर निर्वाह अर्थ कर्म करते हुए बेहद के मात-पिता को श्वाँसों श्वाँस याद करना है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बुद्धि को सालिम बनाने के लिए देह में रहते, देह के बन्धन से न्यारा रहना है। अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करना है। बीमारी आदि के समय भी बाप की याद में रहना है। 
२.पारलौकिक मात-पिता के बच्चे बने हैं, इसलिए बहुत-बहुत मीठा, रॉयल, पीसफुल, नॉलेजफुल और ब्लिसफुल रहना है। पीस में रह पीस स्थापन करनी है। 
वरदान: दिनचर्या की सेटिंग और बाप के साथ द्वारा हर कार्य एक्यूरेट करने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव ।
दुनिया में जो बड़े आदमी होते हैं उनकी दिनचर्या सेट होती है। कोई भी कार्य एक्यूरेट तब होता है जब दिनचर्या की सेटिंग हो। सेटिंग से समय, एनर्जी सब बच जाते हैं, एक व्यक्ति 10 कार्य कर सकता है। तो आप विश्व कल्याणकारी जिम्मेवार आत्मायें, हर कार्य में सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए दिनचर्या को सेट करो और बाप के साथ सदा कम्बाइन्ड होकर रहो। हजार भुजाओं वाला बाप आपके साथ है तो एक कार्य के बजाए हजार कार्य एक्यूरेट कर सकते हो। 
स्लोगन:- सर्व आत्माओं प्रति शुद्ध संकल्प करना ही वरदानी मूर्त बनना है। 
29-01-2013, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, you are instruments to establish peace. Therefore, you have to remain very, very peaceful. Let it remain in your intellects that you are the Father's adopted children and are therefore brothers and sisters. 
Question: Whom would you call fully surrendered and what would indicate that ? 
Answer: Fully surrendered ones are those whose intellects are aware that they are being sustained by the Godly Mother and Father. They say: Baba, all of this is Yours. You sustain us. Even though some may have jobs, they understand that everything is for Baba. They continue to help the Father and it is through that that the entire business of such a big sacrificial fire continues and that everyone is sustained from it. Such children are those with surrendered intellects. Together with that, in order to claim a high status, you also have to study and teach others. While doing everything for the livelihood of the body, you have to remember the unlimited Mother and Father in every breath. 
Song: Salutations to Shiva. 
Om shanti. This song is of praise. In fact, all the praise is of God, the Highest on High, whom the children know. Everyone in the whole world comes to know through the children that He is our Mother and Father. You are now sitting in the family with the Mother and Father. Shri Krishna cannot be called the Mother and Father. Even if Radhe is with him, they still cannot be called the Mother and Father because they are a prince and princess. There is this mistake in the scriptures. This unlimited Father now tells you the essence of all the scriptures. At this time, only you children are personally sitting in front of Him and, even though some children are far away, they too are listening. They know that the Mother and Father is explaining to them the secrets of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world and is showing them the way and the method for constant happiness. This is exactly like a home. A few children are here and many are outside. This is the mouth-born new creation of Brahma and that is an old creation. You children know that Baba has come to make you constantly happy. Physical parents also bring up a child and take him to school. Here, the unlimited Father is teaching us and also sustaining us. You children now have no one except the One. The Mother and Father also understand that you are His children. In a worldly family there would be 10 to 15 children, out of whom two or three would be married. All of you sitting here are Baba's children. All the children that are to be created are to be created through the lotus-mouth of Brahma. Later, no more children will be created because everyone has to return home. This one is the adopted mother who is an instrument. These are very wonderful matters. It is certain that the child of a poor person would know that his father is poor and that the child of a wealthy father would know that his father is wealthy. There are many mothers and fathers. Here, that One is the Mother and Father of the whole world. All of you know that you have been adopted through this one's mouth. That One is our parlokik Mother and Father. He comes into the old world when people are very, very unhappy. You children know that you have been adopted by that parlokik Mother and Father. All of us arc brothers and sisters. We have no other relationship. So, brothers and sisters should be very sweet, royal, knowledge-full, peaceful and blissful. Since you are establishing peace, you have to remain very peaceful. You children should have it in your intellect that you are the adopted children of the parlokik Father. You have come from the supreme abode. That One is Dada, the Grandfather. This Dada (Brahma) means the senior brother. Those who are fully surrendered would understand that they are being sustained by the Godly Parent: Baba, all of this is Yours. You are sustaining us. Everyone is sustained by the children who have completely surrendered themselves. Even though some may have jobs, they understand that everything is for Baba and so they continue to help the Father. Otherwise, how would the business of the yagya continue? A king and queen are also called mother and father, but they are still physical parents. It is said: Queen Mother, King Father. This One is unlimited. You children know that you are sitting with the mother and Father. You children also know that, to the extent you study and teach others, you will accordingly claim a high status. Together with that, you also have to perform actions for the livelihood of your bodies. This Dada is elderly. Shiv Baba would never be called old or young. He is incorporeal. You also know that the incorporeal Father has adopted us souls. Then, in the corporeal form, there is this Brahma. We souls say that the Father has made us belong to Him. Then, as you come down, you would say that you brothers and sisters have made Brahma belong to you. Shiv Baba says: You have become My mouth-born creation through Brahma. Brahma also says: You have become my children. You Brahmins have it in your intellects, in every breath, that this one is your father and that that One is your Grandfather. You remember your Grandfather even more than your father. Those people fight their father in order to claim their property from the grandfather. You too have to try to claim a greater inheritance than the father claims from the Grandfather. When Baba asks, all of you say that you will marry Narayan. Some new ones who used to come couldn't remain pure and would riot raise their hands. They would say that Maya is very powerful. They could not say that they would marry Shri Narayan or Shri Lakshmi. When Baba is personally speaking to you, your mercury of happiness rises so high. When your intellects are refreshed, you experience intoxication. Then, some of you are able to keep that intoxication permanently whereas for others it decreases. You have to remember the unlimited Father. You have to remember your 84 births and also the kingdom of the rulers of the globe. Those who don't believe this will not be able to remember Baba. BapDada then understands that, although they say, "Baba, Baba", they don't truly remember Him. They are not worthy to marry Lakshmi or Narayan. Their activity is such! The Father knows what is within everyone and understands the intellect of everyone. Mere, it is not a matter of the scriptures. The Father came and taught you Raja Yoga, which is called the Gita. Those of smaller religions create their own scriptures and they continue to study them. Baba has not studied the scriptures. He says: Children, I have come to show you the path to heaven. Just as you came bodiless, so you have to return bodiless. You have to shed your body and all the karmic accounts of the body because the body causes sorrow. If you have an illness and you aren't able to go to class, that is a bondage of the body. You need a very good and powerful intellect in this. First of all, there has to be the faith that Baba truly does create heaven, but that it is now hell. When a person dies, people say that he has gone to heaven. Therefore, he must surely have been in hell. You understand this now because you have heaven in your intellects. Baba explains to you in new ways every day. So, this has sat in your intellects very well. Our Mother and Father is unlimited. Therefore, first of all, the intellect has to go completely up above. Then you would say: At this time, Baba is in Abu. People go on a pilgrimage to the Badrinath Temple (Lord who Transforms) which is high up. Guides take you there. Badrinath Himself doesn't come to take you there. People become guides. Here, Shiv Baba, Himself, comes from the supreme abode. He says: O souls, you have to shed those bodies and go to the land of Shiva. You definitely have to remember the target that you have to go to. It is not possible that that Badrinath (idol) would come in the living form and take the children back with him. He is a resident of this place. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, says: I am the Resident of the supreme abode. I have come to take you back to the supreme abode. Krishna cannot say this. Rudra Shiv Baba says: The sacrificial fire of knowledge has been created. In the Gita, too, Rudra has been mentioned. That spiritual Father says: Remember Me. The Father teaches you the pilgrimage in such a clever way. When destruction takes place, you souls will shed your bodies and go directly to the Father. Then the pure souls will need pure bodies. However, that will happen when this old world is destroyed. All souls will return like a swarm of mosquitoes with Baba. He is also called the Boatman. This is because He takes you across from this ocean of poison to that side. Krishna cannot be called the Boatman. The Father Himself takes you from this world of sorrow to the world of happiness. This Bharat was the land of Vishnu, the-kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. It is now the land of Ravan. You should show a picture of Ravan. You have to use the pictures a great deal. As are you souls, so too is the soul of Baba. It is just that, previously, you didn't have knowledge. He is the Ocean of Knowledge. Those who don't know the Creator or creation are called ignorant. Those who come to know the Creator and creation from the Creator are said to be knowledgeable. You receive this knowledge here, not in the golden age. Those people say that God is the Master of the world. People remember that Master. However, it is Lakshmi and Narayan who become the masters of the world. Incorporeal Shiv Baba doesn't become the Master of the world. Therefore, you have to ask them: Is that Master incorporeal or corporeal? The incorporeal One cannot be the Master of the corporeal world. He is the Master of Brahmand. He comes and makes the impure world pure. He Himself doesn't become the Master of the pure world. It is Lakshmi and Narayan who become the masters of that and it is the Father who makes them that. These are very deep matters that have to be understood. When we souls reside in the brahm element, we are the masters of Brahmand. The king and queen would say that they are the masters of Bharat and so their people would also say that they are masters. They do live there too. In the same way, the Father is the Master of Brahmand and we too are masters. Baba comes and creates the new human world. He says: I don't want to rule this world. I don't become a human being. I take this body on loan. I teach you Raja Yoga in order to make you into the masters of the world. According to how much effort you make, so you will claim a high status. You mustn't miss anything in this. A teacher would teach everyone. If many students pass the examination, the teacher is glorified and he also receives a lift (promotion) from the Government. It is the same here. To the extent that you study well, so you will receive a good status. The parents would also be very happy. When students pass their exams, their parents distribute sweets. Here, you distribute-sweets every day. Then, when- you pass your examination, golden flowers will be showered on you. It isn't that flowers will fall on you from the sky but that you will become the masters of golden palaces. Here, people have golden flowers made in order to praise someone and they shower that person with those flowers. For instance, the King of Durbhanga was very wealthy. When his son went abroad, he (the king) threw a party and spent a lot of money. He had golden flowers made and had them showered on everyone. It cost him a great deal, and his name was glorified. They used to say: Look how the people of Bharat waste their money! You yourselves will go and live in golden palaces. You should have so much intoxication. The Father says: Simply remember Me and the cycle and your boat will go across. This is so easy! You children arc living moths. Baba is the living Flame. You say that our kingdom is now to be established. The true Baba. has now come to give you the fruit of devotion. Baba Himself has told you how He comes and creates the new world of Brahmins. I definitely have to come. You children know that you are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris and arc the grandchildren of Shiv Baba. This is a wonderful family. Look how the sapling of the deities is being planted! This is clear in the picture of the tree. You are sitting down below. You children are so fortunate! The most beloved Father sits here and explains to you: I have come to liberate you children from the chains of Ravan. Ravan has made you diseased. The Father says: Now, remember Me, that is, Remember Shiv Baba. Through this, your light will be ignited. Then you will become worthy to fly. Maya has broken everyone's wings. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.In order to make your intellect good and powerful, remain detached from the bondage of the body while in the body. Practise being bodiless. At the time of illness, stay in remembrance of the Father. 
2.You have become the children of the parlokik Mother and Father and you must therefore
become very, very sweet, royal, peaceful, knowledge-full and blissful. You have to stay in
peace and establish peace. 
Blessing: May you be a world benefactor who performs every task accurately and setting your daily timetable and in the Father's company. 
Important people have their daily routine set. Any task is carried out accurately when it is set as a daily routine. By having a daily setting, your time and energy are saved. One person can then carry out ten tasks. You world benefactor, responsible souls should set your daily timetable in order to achieve success in every task and remain constantly combined with the Father. The Father with a thousand arms is with you and so, instead of carrying out one task, you can accurately carry out a thousand tasks. 
Slogan: To have pure thoughts for all souls is to be an image that grants blessings. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

23-01-2013's Murli

२३-०१-२०१३, बुधवार
मुरली सार: ''मीठे बच्चे - यहाँ तुम्हें सुख-दु:ख, मान-अपमान.. सब सहन करना है, पुरानी दुनिया के सुखों से बुद्धि हटा देनी है, अपनी मत पर नहीं चलना है ।
प्रश्न: देवताई जन्म से भी यह जन्म बहुत अच्छा है, कैसे ? 
उत्तर: इस जन्म में तुम बच्चे शिवबाबा के भण्डारे से खाते हो। यहाँ तुम अथाह कमाई करते हो, तुमने बाप की शरण ली है। इस जन्म में ही तुम अपना लोक-परलोक सुहेला (सुखी) करते हो। सुदामा मिसल दो मुट्ठी दे 21 जन्म की बादशाही लेते हो। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.यह नाटक अब पूरा हो रहा है इसलिए इस पुरानी दुनिया से उपराम रहना है। श्रीमत पर अपनी तकदीर ऊंच बनानी है। कभी कोई उल्टा कर्म नहीं करना है। 
२.अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों की कमाई करनी और करानी है। एक बाप की याद में रह सपूत बच्चा बन अनेकों को रास्ता बताना है। 
वरदान: त्याग और तपस्या के वातावरण द्वारा विघ्न-विनाशक बनने वाले सच्चे सेवाधारी भव 
जैसे बाप का सबसे बड़े से बड़ा टाइटल है वर्ल्ड सर्वेन्ट। वैसे बच्चे भी वर्ल्ड सर्वेन्ट अर्थात् सेवाधारी हैं। सेवाधारी अर्थात् त्यागी और तपस्वी। जहाँ त्याग और तपस्या है वहाँ भाग्य तो उनके आगे दासी के समान आता ही है। सेवाधारी देने वाले होते हैं, लेने वाले नहीं इसलिए सदा निर्विघ्न रहते हैं। तो सेवाधारी समझकर त्याग और तपस्या का वातावरण बनाने से सदा विघ्न-विनाशक रहेंगे। 
स्लोगन: किसी भी परिस्थिति का सामना करने का साधन है-स्व स्थिति की शक्ति। 

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23-01-2013, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, here, you have to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect. Remove the happiness of the old" world from your intellect. Don't follow the dictates of your own mind. 
Question: How is this birth even better than a deity birth ? 
Answer: At this time you children are eating from Shiv Baba's bhandara. Here, you earn a lot of income. You have taken refuge with the Father. It is in this birth that you make yourself happy in this world (lok) and in (parlok) the world beyond. You give two handfuls of rice like Sudama and claim sovereignty for 21 births. 
Song: Whether you are near or far, you are the image of my dreams 
Om shanti. The meaning of the song is very good. The Father sits here and explains to you children that whether you are sitting close to this body or you are far away, He is personally giving you the teachings of yoga. He does not give it through inspiration. Whether I am close or whether I am far away, you still have to remember Me. People do devotion in order to go to God. The Father sits here and says: Oh living beings, souls who are residing in those bodies! The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, sits here and speaks to souls. God definitely has to meet souls. Therefore, because they are unhappy, souls remember God. No one in the golden age remembers Him. You children now know that you are very old devotees. You began to remember God Shiva from the time Maya caught hold of you because Shiv Baba had made you into the masters of the world. So, people create a memorial of Him and do devotion. You know that the Father has now personally come to you to take you back because you now have to go back with the Father. While you are here you have to remove the old body and the old world from your intellect and stay in yoga. Your sins will be absolved with this fire of yoga. This requires effort. The status you receive is great. You have to become the masters of the world. People say that Shiv Baba is the Master of the World. But, no. It is human beings who become the masters of the world. The Father sits here and makes you children into the masters of the world. He says: You were the masters of the world and then, having taken 84 births, you are no longer the masters of even shells. There is the vast difference of day and night between your first birth and this last birth. No one is able to remember this until the Father comes and gives you a vision. You can also have a vision through the intellect of knowledge (gyan buddhi). Those children who are sensible and who remember the Father every day would be enjoying themselves a great deal. Everything you listen to here is new. People don't know anything at all. They continue to tell lies and wander from door to door. You have been liberated from wandering. The Father says: You souls have to remember Me, the Father. Let there be the thought in the intellect of you souls that you have to go to Baba. It is as though this world doesn't exist for you. This old world is to end. Then we will go to heaven and build new palaces. This should continue to spin in your intellect day and night. The father tells you his own experience. When I go to sleep at night, these are the thoughts I have: This play is now coming to an end. I have to shed this old body. Yes, there is a lot of burden of sin. This is why I have to remember Baba constantly. Check your stage in the mirror: Is my intellect removed from everyone else? While engaged in your business etc. you can still use your intellect for this business. Baba has so many concerns. He has so many children. He has to think about all of them. He has to give refuge to children. There are many who are unhappy. When there is upheaval, so many experience sorrow and die. These times are very bad. Therefore, this building is being built in order to give refuge to the children. It is for all My children who will stay here. There is no fear and you also have the power of yoga. Children have had visions. The Father protects those who remember Him very well. He shows a fearsome form to enemies and makes them run away. For as long as you have that body, you have to stay in yoga. Otherwise, there will have to be punishment. When the child of an eminent person is being sentenced, he has to look down. You too will have to look down. For the children, the punishment is even more severe. There are even such children who say: Well, let me take the happiness of Maya at this time. I will see about whatever is to happen later. Many find the happiness of this old world very sweet. Here, you have to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect. In order to achieve elevated attainments you have follow the Mother and Father. You should follow the directions of the Mother and Father. Your own dictates mean the dictates of Ravan. They would only be those who cross out your fortune. If you ask the Father, Baba will quickly tell you: Those directions are devilish. That is not shrimat. You need shrimat at every step. You should check that you are not performing wrong actions and having the Father defamed. You will become deities when you have such qualifications. It isn't that you will automatically have those qualifications when you go there. Your behaviour has to be very sweet here. Even if Brahma Baba, and not Shiv Baba, said something, it is this One who is responsible. Even if there is some damage, it doesn't matter. That was fixed in the drama and so you cannot be blamed. A very good stage is needed. Although you are sitting here, let it remain in your intellect that you are the masters of Brahmand and also the residents of that place. Stay at home and continue to do your business in this way and you will continue to remain beyond. Just as sannyasis go beyond the household, so you also go beyond the whole of the old world. There is the difference of day and night between the renunciation of hatha yoga and this renunciation. The Father teaches this Raja Yoga. Sannyasis cannot teach it because the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life is only the One. Everyone is now to have liberation because you now have to return home. Sages make spiritual endeavour to go back. You are unhappy here. Some then say that they want to merge into the light. There are innumerable opinions. Baba has explained that there are some children who still remember their relatives. When you want the happiness of this world, you die. In that case, their feet wouldn't be able to stay here. Maya gives many temptations. There is a saying: "Remember God, otherwise the hawk will come." Maya too will attack you like a hawk. Now that the Father has come, you should make effort and claim a high status. Otherwise, you won't receive it cycle after cycle. Here, you don't receive any sorrow from the Father. Therefore, you have to forget the old world of sorrow. You should check your chart for the whole day: For how long did I remember the Father? Did I give the donation of life to anyone? The Father also gave you the donation of life, did He not? You remain immortal in the golden and silver ages. When someone here dies, people weep and wail so much! There is no mention of sorrow in heaven. They would think that they are shedding their old skin and taking a new one. This example applies to you. No one else can give this example. They do not forget their old skin. They continue to accumulate money. Whatever you give to the Father here, He doesn't use it or keep it for Himself. He sustains the children with it. Therefore, this is Shiv Baba's true bhandara. Those who eat from this bhandara remain happy here and they remain happy for birth after birth. This birth of yours is invaluable. Here, you are even happier than in your deity birth because, here, you have taken refuge with the Father. You earn a lot of income here which you will use for birth after birth. Sudama received a palace for 21 births in return for two handfuls of rice. He remained happy here, and also in Parlok, for birth after birth. This is why this birth is very good. Some say that if destruction takes place soon we can go to heaven. However, you still have to take many treasures from the Father. The kingdom has not yet been created. So how could destruction be made to take place soon? You children have not yet become worthy. The Father still continues to come to teach you. Baba's service is beyond limits. The Father's praise is also limitless. To the extent that I am high, the service I do is also just as high. That is why there is My memorial. Baba's gaddi is the highest on high. Whatever effort each of you makes, you create your own fortune accordingly. This income is that of the imperishable jewels of knowledge which becomes limitless wealth there. Therefore, you children should make very good effort. Remember the Father here and also there. There is this ladder. Look in the mirror of your heart: To what extent am I a worthy child of Father? Am' I showing the path to the blind? You experience happiness talking to yourself. Baba shares his own experience - I speak to Baba even when I am sleeping: Baba, it is Your wonder. Then we will forget You on the path of devotion. We receive such an inheritance from You and then we will forget you in the golden age. Then we will build memorials to you on the path of devotion. However, we completely forget Your occupation at that time. It is as though we become ignorant buddhus. The Father has now made you so knowledgeable. There is the difference of day and night. To say that God is omnipresent is not knowledge. You need the knowledge of the world cycle. We are now completing the cycle of 84 births and returning home and then we will have to go into liberation-in-life. We cannot come out of the drama. We are travelers to liberation-in-life. Achcha. 

Night Class: 16/12/1968 

Baba calls some children daughters and some mothers, so there definitely must be some difference. From the service of some, there is fragrance whereas others are like uck flowers. The Father has explained: It is as though you are with Me. The Father has come from up above to purify the world. This is also your task. Those who come from there are first pure. New ones who come must definitely be giving their fragrance. Comparison is also made to a garden. As is the service, so is the fragrance of the flowers. The conscience says: As soon as you are called Shiv Baba's child, you claim a right. So, their should be that fragrance. It is because you have a right that Baba says Namaste to everyone. You definitely do become the masters of the world, but there is a lot of difference in how you study. There are both types of these. You children have the faith that this is Baba and you also have the cycle in your intellects. So, the Father says: What more can I tell you? No one except the Father can make you into spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You become that with just a signal. Those who Became this in the previous cycle will become this again". Many children come here. There is so much assault because of purity. The one through whom the Father speaks the Gita is insulted so much. Shiv Baba is also insulted so much. To say that He incarnates in fish and crocodiles is also insulting Him, is it not? Because of not having knowledge, they accuse you so much! Children beat their heads so much. Some become very wealthy by studying; they earn so much; they receive two to four thousand for just one operation, whereas others are not even able to take care of their family. It is something to worry about. Some claim a sovereignty for birth after birth whereas others remain poor for birth after birth. The Father says: I am making you sensible. Now, you would say for everything: Drama! It is everyone's part. Whatever happened in the past is the drama. Only that which is in the drama happens. Whatever happens according to the drama is fine. No matter how much we explain, they do not understand. Very good manners are needed for this. Each one should check within the self: Do I have any defects? Maya is very strong. Maya has to be removed somehow. All defects have to be removed. The Father says: Those who are in bondage remember Me the most. They are the ones who claim a good status. The more they are beaten, the more they stay in remembrance. "O Shiv Baba"' emerges from them. They remember Shiv Baba with knowledge. Their charts are also good. Those who come here having been beaten also do good service. They do very good service to make their lives good. If they don't do service, their conscience bites. The heart desires that they go out on service. Though they understand that they will have to leave the centre to go on service, there is a lot of service at the exhibitions. Therefore, you should not be concerned about the centre, but run to do service. The more we donate, the more we will fill ourselves with power. You definitely have to donate. These are the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Those who have them will also donate them. You children should now be able to remember the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the whole world. The whole cycle should spin in your intellects. The Father also knows the beginning, middle and end of this world. He is definitely the Ocean of Knowledge. He knows the world cycle. This knowledge is completely new for the world and it never becomes old. It is wonderful knowledge and only the Father tells it to us. No matter how much of a saint or great soul someone is, they are not able to climb up the ladder. Only the Father, no human being, can grant liberation or salvation. Neither human beings nor deities can give this. Only the one Father can give this. There has to be expansion day by day. Baba has said: You should have the pictures of Lakshmi and Narayan and the ladder in a trans-light form in the touring exhibition. There should be something electrical through which there is always light sparkling. Also continue to speak the slogans. Sannyasis can never teach Raja Yoga. Only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul teaches Raja Yoga through the lucky chariot. You will hear such sounds. Achcha. Good night to the sweetest children. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.This play is now coming to an end. Therefore, remain beyond this old world. Make your
fortune elevated by following shrimat. Never perform wrong actions. 
2.Earn and inspire others to earn an income of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Stay in remembrance of the one Father, become a worthy child and show the path to many others. 
Blessing: May you be a true server who becomes a destroyer of obstacles through the atmosphere of renunciation and tapasya. 
The greatest title of the Father is of being a World Servant. In the same way, children are also world servants, that is, servers. A server means a renunciate and a tapaswi. Where there is renunciation and tapasya, fortune definitely comes in front of them like a maid. Servers are those who give, not those who take, and this is why they constantly remain free from obstacles. So, by considering yourself to be a server and creating an atmosphere of renunciation and tapasya, you will constantly remain a destroyer of obstacles. 
Slogan: The means to confront any type of situation is the power of your own original stage. 

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22-01-2013's Murli

२२-०१-२०१३, मंगळवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - बाप उस्ताद ने तुम्हें मनुष्य से देवता बनने का हुनर सिखलाया है, तुम फिर श्रीमत पर औरों को भी देवता बनाने की सेवा करो ।
प्रश्न: अभी तुम बच्चे कौन सा श्रेष्ठ कर्म करते हो जिसका रिवाज भक्ति में भी चला आता है ? 
उत्तर: तुम अभी श्रीमत पर अपना तन-मन-धन भारत तो क्या विश्व के कल्याण अर्थ अर्पण करते हो इसी का रिवाज़ भक्ति में मनुष्य ईश्वर अर्थ दान करते हैं। उन्हें फिर उसके बदले दूसरे जन्म में राजाई घर में जन्म मिलता है। और तुम बच्चे संगम पर बाप के मददगार बनते हो तो मनुष्य से देवता बन जाते हो। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :
१.ज्ञान-योग की संजीवनी बूटी से स्वयं को माया की बेहोशी से बचाते रहना है। मनमत पर कभी नहीं चलना है। 
२.रूप-बसन्त बन सर्विस करनी है। मात-पिता को फालो कर तख्तनशीन बनना है। 
वरदान: अपनी शक्तिशाली स्थिति द्वारा दान और पुण्य करने वाले पूज्यनीय और गायन योग्य भव ।
अन्तिम समय में जब कमजोर आत्मायें आप सम्पूर्ण आत्माओं द्वारा प्राप्ति का थोड़ा भी अनुभव करेंगी तो यही अन्तिम अनुभव के संस्कार लेकर आधाकल्प के लिए अपने घर में विश्रामी होंगी और फिर द्वापर में भक्त बन आपका पूजन और गायन करेंगी। इसलिए अन्त की कमजोर आत्माओं के प्रति महादानी वरदानी बन अनुभव का दान और पुण्य करो। यह सेकण्ड का शक्तिशाली स्थिति द्वारा किया हुआ दान और पुण्य आधाकल्प के लिए पूज्यनीय और गायन योग्य बना देगा। 
स्लोगन: परिस्थितियों में घबराने के बजाए साक्षी हो जाओ तो विजयी बन जायेंगे। 

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22-01-2013, Tuesaday
Essence: Sweet children, Baba, the Teacher, has taught you the art of changing yourselves from human beings into deities. So then, on the basis of shrimat, serve others so that they too can change into deities. 
Question: What elevated act do you children perform now, an act that becomes a custom and system on the path of devotion ? 
Answer: On the basis of shrimat, you surrender your mind, body and wealth, not just to benefit Bharat, but the whole world. Human beings on the path of devotion have the custom and system of donating in the name of God. In return, they take their next birth in a royal family. However, you children become the Father's helpers at the confluence age and change from humans into deities. 
Song: You spent the night in sleeping and the day in eating. 
Om shanti. The Father explains to you children and, when you children understand, you are able to explain to others. If you do not understand, you're unable to explain to others. If you say that you do understand but are not able to explain to others, it means that you haven't understood anything at all. When people learn some form of art, they are able to show others. This art of changing human beings into deities is only learnt from the Father, the Master. There are images of the deities. God changes human beings into deities. It means that they don't exist at this time. Deities are praised as those who are full of all divine virtues. No human being here can be praised like that. People go to the temples and sing praise of the deities. Although sannyasis remain pure, people do not sit and sing praise of them in the same way. Those sannyasis etc. even recite scriptures. Deities do not relate anything in that way; they experience the reward. They made effort in their previous birth and changed from human into deities. Sannyasis do not have the virtues that deities have. Where there are no virtues, there must definitely be defects. In the golden age, in this same Bharat, the king, the queen and all the subjects were full of divine virtues; they had all the virtues. The virtues of those deities are praised. At that time, there was no other religion. Virtuous deities exist in the golden age whereas defective human beings exist in the iron age. Now, who can change human beings with such defects into deities? It is remembered that it didn't take God long to change human beings into deities. This praise is only given of Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. Although deities too are human beings, they are virtuous whereas human beings here have defects. Virtues are received from the Father, the One who is known as the Satguru. Defects are received from Maya, Ravan. After being so virtuous, how did they develop defects? How did those who were full of all the divine virtues become those full of all defects? Only you children know this. People sing: We are virtueless, we have no virtues. They sing praise of the deities. No one at this time has those qualities. Their food and drink etc. are so dirty. Deities belonged to the Vaishnav community (completely pure and vegetarian), whereas human beings of this time belong to Ravan's community. Their food and drink etc. have changed so much. It isn't only the way they dress that has'to be considered; their diet and their viciousness have to be taken into consideration as well. The Father Himself says: I have to come into Bharat in order to bring about establishment through Brahmins, the mouth-born creation Brahma. This is the sacrificial fire (yagya) of Brahmins. Those brahmin priests are born through sin, whereas you are a mouth-born creation. There is a lot of difference. Wealthy people create sacrificial fires and invite brahmin priests. This is the unlimited Father, the Wealthiest of the Wealthy and the King of Kings. Why is He called the Wealthiest of the Wealthy? Because even wealthy people say that God gave them wealth. They donate in the name of God and thereby become wealthy in their next birth. At this time, you surrender everything - your body, mind and wealth - to Shiv Baba, and so you then claim a high status. On the basis of shrimat, you are learning to perform elevated actions, and so you must definitely receive the fruit of that. You surrender your mind, body and wealth. Those people also give through someone in the name of God. This system only exists in Bharat, and so the Father teaches you very good actions. You perform this act, not just to benefit Bharat, but also to benefit the whole world. You then receive the return of that by changing from humans into deities. Whatever acts you perform on the basis of shrimat, you receive the fruit of those accordingly. Baba becomes the Observer and observes those who serve to change human beings into deities on the basis of shrimat, and to what extent they have transformed their lives. Brahmins are the ones who follow shrimat. The Father says: Through you Brahmins, I teach Raja Yoga to shudras. It is a question of 5000 years. The kingdom of deities existed in Bharat. You should show people these pictures. Unless they see the pictures, they will wonder what new religion this is and think that perhaps you have come from abroad. Simply by being shown the pictures they will understand that you people do believe in the deities. Therefore, you should explain to them that, at the time of the final birth of Shri Narayan, the 84th birth, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, enters this one and teaches Raja yoga. In this way, the aspect of Krishna will disappear. This is the last of his 84 births. The deities, who belonged to the sun dynasty, must come once again and study Raja Yoga. According to the drama, they will definitely make effort. You children are now listening personally, face to face. Some children also listen to a tape, and they have the consciousness at that time that, they too are changing into deities once again with the mother and father. At this time, during your 84th birth, you have to become complete beggars. The soul surrenders everything to the Father. This body is like a horse which is sacrificed. The soul himself says: I belong to the Father and no one else. I, the soul, am doing service through this body according to the directions of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The Father says: Teach yoga and also explain how the cycle of the world turns. Those who have been around the whole cycle will very quickly understand these aspects. Those who have not been around the whole cycle will not stay here. It isn't that the whole world will come. Many subjects will come, but there will only be one king and queen. There will only be one Lakshmi and Narayan. There will only be one Rama and Sita. There will be other princes and princesses, but these will be the main ones. Therefore, in order to become such kings and queens, you must make a great deal of effort. By becoming an observer you can understand whether someone belongs to a wealthy family or to a royal family or to a poor family. Some are defeated by Maya and run away. Maya swallows them raw. This is why Baba continues to ask: Are you happy? Are you content? You haven't been slapped by Maya and become unconscious or ill, have you? Children, when anyone becomes ill, go and give him or her the life-giving herb of knowledge and yoga and revive them. Because souls do not remain in knowledge and yoga, Maya destroys everything. They stop following shrimat and begin to follow the dictates of their own minds. Maya makes them completely unconscious. In fact, the life-giving herb is knowledge. This removes the unconsciousness of Maya. All of these aspects apply to this time. You are the ones who are Sitas. Rama comes and liberates you from Ravan's jail, just as people in Sindh were liberated. Ravan's people then abducted them again. You now have to liberate everyone from the clutches of Maya. Baba has mercy. It is seen that Maya slaps a soul and turns the intellect completely in the other direction. She turns the intellect away from Rama and turns it towards Ravan. There is a toy that has Ravan on one side and Rama on the other. These souls are known as the ones who become amazed and belong to the Father and then belong to Ravan again. Maya is very powerful. She bites you like a mouse and spoils all your income. This is why you must never stop following shrimat. The ascent is very steep. To follow your own dictates means to follow Ravan's dictates. If you follow those, you choke a great deal and this causes defamation. There are such souls at all the centres who cause themselves harm. Those who do service, who are rup-basant (an embodiment of yoga who showers knowledge) cannot remain hidden. The divine kingdom is now being established and everyone will definitely play their individual parts in that. If you race ahead, you benefit yourself. To benefit oneself means to become a master of heaven. Just as the mother and father sit on the throne, so you children must also become the same. Follow the father, otherwise your status will be reduced. Baba has not had these pictures made just to be stored. You have to do a great deal of sen'ice with them. Many wealthy people build temples to Lakshmi and Narayan, but none of them know when they came or how they made Bharat happy, for which everyone remembers them. You understand that there has to be the Dilwala Temple (One who conquers your heart). This one temple is enough. What would happen through the Lakshmi and Narayan Temple? They are not benefactors. When people build temples to Shiva, that too is without meaning. No one knows His occupation. What would be said if you built a temple to someone whose occupation you didn't know? When deities exist in heaven, there are no temples. You should ask those who build the temples: When did Lakshmi and Narayan come? What happiness did they give you? They will not be able to explain anything. This proves that those who are virtueless build temples to those who are virtuous. Therefore, you children should have a lot of interest in doing service. Baba has a lot of interest in service for this is why He creates such pictures. Even though it is Shiv Baba who has these pictures made, both intellects are working. Achcha. 

Night Class: 28/06/1968 

All of you sitting here understand that you are souls and that the Father is sitting here. This is known as sitting in soul consciousness. Not everyone is sitting with the awareness that we are souls and are sitting in front of Baba. Baba has now reminded you and so you will have that awareness and will pay attention. There are many whose intellects wander outside. While sitting here, it is as though their ears are closed. Their intellects wander around outside somewhere or the other. Children who are sitting in remembrance of the Father are earning an income. The intellect's yoga of many remains outside. It is as though they are not on the pilgrimage. Time is wasted. You remember Baba when you see the father. Of course, it is numberwise according to your effort. Some develop a firm habit: I am a soul, not a body. The Father is knowledge-full and so you children also develop that knowledge. We now have to return home. The cycle is ending and we now have to make effort. A lot of time has gone by and only a little remains.... Many study a great deal in the days of their exams. They feel that they would otherwise fail and receive a low status. Children, continue to make effort. Because of body consciousness, sinful actions are performed. This will bring one hundred-fold punishment because you defame Me. You must not perform any actions that would defame the Father's name, and this is why it is sung: Those who defame the Satguru cannot receive salvation. Salvation means sovereignty. It is the Father who is teaching you. There isn't any aim or objective in any other spiritual gatherings. This is our Raja Yoga. No one else can say that they are teaching us Raja Yoga. They feel that there is happiness in peace. There, there is no question of sorrow or happiness. There is just peace and peace. It is then understood that that one has very little in his fortune. The highest fortune is of those who play their parts from the beginning. There, they do not have this knowledge. There, there would be no thoughts. You children know that you all incarnate; you adopt different names and forms. This is the drama. We souls adopt bodies and play our parts through them. The Father sits and explains all of these secrets. You children experience supersensous joy inside yourselves. You have happiness within. It would be said: This one is soul conscious. The Father explains that you are students. You know that you are going to become deities, the masters of heaven; not just deities, you are also going to become the masters of the world. This stage will remain permanently when you reach your karmateet stage. It will definitely happen according to the drama plan. You understand that you are in God's family. You are definitely going to receive the sovereignty of heaven. Those who do a lot of service and bring benefit to many will definitely claim a high status. Baba has explained that you can sit in yoga here. It is not possible like that at the centres outside. To come at 4.00 am and then to sit in meditation: how can that be possible there? No. Those who are staying at the centres can stay. You must not tell this to the people outside even by mistake. This is not the time. You are fine here. You are sitting at home. There, you have to come from outside. This is only for those who are here. You should imbibe this knowledge in your intellects. We are souls. This is that one's immortal throne. You should develop this habit. We are brothers: We are speaking to our brothers. Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father and your sins will be absolved. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, the spiritual Father says good night, love, remembrance and namaste. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Save yourself from the unconsciousness of Maya with the life-giving herb of knowledge and yoga. Don't follow the dictates of your own mind. 
2.Become rup-basant and do service. Follow the mother and father and become worthy to sit on the throne. 
Blessing: May you become worthy to be worshipped and praised by making donations and performing charity with your powerful stage. 
In the final period when weak souls experience even a little attainment through you perfect and complete souls, they will then rest in their home for half the cycle with the sanskars of this final experience. Then, they will become devotees in the copper age and worship and praise you. Therefore, become a great donor and a bestower of blessings for the weak souls at the end and donate this experience and perform charity. The donation and charity performed in a second through your powerful stage will make you worthy to be worshipped and praised for half the cycle. 
Slogan: Instead of being afraid of the situations, be a detached observer and you will be victorious. 

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