१८-०१-२०१३, शुक्रवार
पिताश्री जी के पुण्य स्मृति दिवस पर सुनाने के लिए बापदादा के मधुर महावाक्य
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - अपना स्वभाव बहुत ही मीठा और शान्त बनाओ, बोलचाल ऐसा हो जो सब कहें यह तो जैसे देवता हैं ।
मीठे बच्चे, - अपना स्वभाव बहुत ही मीठा और शान्त बनाओ, बोलचाल ऐसा हो जो सब कहें यह तो जैसे देवता हैं ।
प्रश्न: हृदय को शुद्ध बनाने के लिए कौन सा शौक होना चाहिए ?
उत्तर: हृदय को शुद्ध बनाना है तो योगी बनने बनाने का शौक होना चाहिए। योग की स्थिति से ही हृदय शुद्ध बनता है। अगर देह में मोह है, देह अभिमान रहता है तो समझो हमारी अवस्था बहुत कच्ची है। देही-अभिमानी बच्चे ही सच्चा डायमण्ड बनते हैं इसलिए जितना हो सके देही-अभिमानी बनने का अभ्यास करो। बाप को याद करो।
वरदान: अपने मस्तक पर श्रेष्ठ भाग्य की लकीर देखते हुए सर्व चिंताओं से मुक्त बेफिक्र बादशाह भव ।
बेफिक्र रहने की बादशाही सब बादशाहियों से श्रेष्ठ है। अगर कोई ताज पहनकर तख्त पर बैठ जाए और फिकर करता रहे तो यह तख्त हुआ या चिंता? भाग्य विधाता भगवान ने आपके मस्तक पर श्रेष्ठ भाग्य की लकीर खींच दी, बेफिक्र बादशाह हो गये। तो सदा अपने मस्तक पर श्रेष्ठ भाग्य की लकीर देखते रहो - वाह मेरा श्रेष्ठ ईश्वरीय भाग्य! इसी फ़खुर में रहो तो सब फिकरातें (चिंतायें) समाप्त हो जायेंगी।
स्लोगन: एकाग्रता की शक्ति द्वारा रूहों का आवाह्न कर रूहानी सेवा करना ही सच्ची सेवा है।
18-01-2013, Friday
18-01-2013, Friday
These sweet elevated versions are to be read in the morning class on the Day of Remembrance of our Beloved Pitashriji Prajapita Brahma.
Essence: Sweet children, make your nature very sweet and peaceful.Your way of speaking and behaving should be such that everyone says: You are like a deity.
Question: What interest should you have in order to make your heart pure ?
Answer: In order to make your heart pure, there should be the interest to become and make others yogi. It is only with the power of yoga that the heart becomes pure and clean. If there is attachment to your body or body consciousness, then understand that your stage is very weak. Only children who are soul conscious become true diamonds. Therefore, as much as possible, practise being soul conscious and remember the Father.
Om shanti. You children know that God is now personally sitting in front of you and relating the song of knowledge to us and making us perform the dance of knowledge. With this dance of knowledge you will remain constantly happy and cheerful, the same as the deities. God alone is said to be the Father of the Unlimited or the Creator of the World. Souls understand that Baba has brought the gift of heaven for them and that He alone is the Creator. He is teaching us Raja Yoga in order to make us into the masters of heaven. He says: Remember the Father and the mastery (ownership) of the world. The Father is the Master of the Unlimited and so He would definitely create a huge unlimited world. For you children, the whole world is your home, that is, it is the place for you to play your part. The unlimited Father comes and creates the unlimited world, that is, a home which is heaven. So. you children should be so grateful to such a Father. The Creator of the world, the Father, is directly explaining to you: I have come to make you into the masters of the world and so your nature should be completely first class. Your activity should be such that everyone says you are like a deity. Deities are very well known. It is said: This one's nature is completely like that of a deity, that one has a very sweet and peaceful nature. Even the Father is pleased on seeing such children. Baba comes to make you into the masters of heaven and so you should become such helpers. You should become engaged in service by yourselves. You should not think that you are now tired or that you don't have time. There is benefit in doing everything at the right time. Shiv Baba gives the reward for serving the yagya. Baba surrenders Himself when He sees the divine activity of the children.
Sweet children, do you know who is teaching you? The living Diamond is sitting in this tiny living container. He is the Truth, the Living Being and the Embodiment of Bliss. The true Father is giving you true, true shrimat. Now that you belong to the Father, you have to follow shrimat at every step. Just remain quiet and study. You have to remember the one Father. Keep looking at this badge again and again and you will remember the Father and the inheritance. It is only through remembrance that you are able to donate peace to the world. Each of you children also has to create your own subjects and heirs. You should not miss a single murli. Baba is explaining to you with a lot of love: Sweet children, have mercy on yourselves. Do not be disobedient.
The Father has such a first-class desire in His heart to make the children constantly happy and that the children should become worthy and become the masters of heaven. Those who are fragrant flowers attract the Father. Whatever someone is like, he pulls accordingly to receive that searchlight. Seeing the fragrant and virtuous children, Baba's eyes become moist out of love and happiness. If they have any difficulty, then Baba gives them a searchlight.
Baba explains: Sweet children, you children must not have any of the desires of this old world. You must now only have the one elevated desire to return to the land of happiness. You must not stop anywhere. You must not look anywhere else, but simply continue to move forward. Continue to look in just one direction, for only then will your stage remain unshakeable, immovable and stable. This world is now to be finished; it is in a very serious condition. At this time, nature is the most angry and this is why she is finishing everything. You know that nature will now show her anger very forcefully; she will drown the whole world. All the buildings will fall in earthquakes. There will be many types of death. All of this is the predestined plan of the drama. No one is to be blamed for this. Destruction has to take place and you therefore have to remove your intellect's yoga away from this world. You have insured everything of yours and you therefore do not have any type of worry. Everything of yours is being used in a worthwhile way. You will now say: "Wah Satguru! Wah!" "because He has shown you the path. Wah fortune! Wah! Wah drama! Wah! It emerges from your heart: Thank You, Baba that You have taken two handfuls of rice from me and will give me a hundredfold return in the future, with safety. However, you children have to have broad and unlimited intellects even for this. Children continue to receive plenty of treasures of knowledge and so they should have limitless happiness. The purer and cleaner your heart is, the purer and cleaner you will make others. Only with the stage of remembrance does your heart become pure and clean. You children should have the interest to become yogi and make others yogi. If you have attachment to your body and also have body consciousness, then understand that your stage is very weak. Only soul-conscious children become true diamonds. Therefore, practise being soul conscious as much as possible. Remember the Father! The word "Baba" is the sweetest of all. The Father will sit you children on His eyelids with a lot of love and take you with Him. You children should be completely overwhelmed in the intoxication of remembrance of such a Father. By remembering the Father, you should become completely cool with that happiness. Just as the Father has mercy on even those who defame Him, so you children have to follow the Father. Become bestowers of happiness.
You children earn such a high income through this study that you become multimillionaires. Baba makes you so wealthy! The Father weighs you against infinite treasures which will remain with you for 21 births. There is no mention of sorrow there. There will never be untimely death there. No one will be afraid of death. Here, they are so afraid and they cry. You have the happiness that you will shed that old body and then become a prince in the new world. You continue to finish your attachment to this old world and also continue to forget that body. We souls are independent. Remember no one apart from the one Father. While alive, it is as though you are in the stage of death. You have died to this world. It is said: When you die, the world is dead for you. Continue to finish the consciousness of the body. Sit in solitude and practise this: Baba, now, I am about to come into Your lap. Let the body finish in the remembrance of One. This is said to be ekant (end of one - solitude).
You children now also know the secrets of the drama. The Father is telling you all the news of the incorporeal, the subtle and the corporeal worlds. The soul says: I am now making effort to go to the new world. We will definitely become worthy of going to heaven. We will benefit ourselves and others. Achcha. The Father explains to the sweet children. The Father is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness and so you children also have to give happiness to everyone. You have to become the Father's right hands. Only such children are loved by the Father. A right hand is always used for an auspicious task. The Father says: Be righteous in every situation. Remember the one Father and your final thoughts will lead you to your destination. Finish your attachment to this old world. This is a graveyard. If you die while thinking about your business or your children, you will ruin yourself unnecessarily. By remembering Shiv Baba, you will remain very prosperous. By coming into body consciousness, you will ruin yourself. By becoming soul conscious, you will become prosperous. You must not have greed for wealth. By having that concern, you would also forget Shiv Baba. Baba sees to what extent you surrender everything to the Father and how much you follow His shrimat. In the beginning, the father showed you by becoming a trustee. He surrendered everything to God and he himself became a trustee. I just have to use everything for God's work. You must never be afraid of obstacles. As much as possible, use everything of yours for service in a worthwhile way. Surrender everything to God and become a trustee. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Sweet, elevated versions of Avyakt BapDada
Are all of you ever ready and all-rounders? To be ever ready means to go into action as soon as you receive an order, that is, as soon as you receive an order, you say "Ha ji". Not that you say, "What can I do? How can I do it? Will I be able to continue or not?" If you have such thoughts, you cannot be said to be ever ready. The speciality of an intense effort-maker is to be ever ready and an all-rounder. Whether you receive a chance to serve through your mind, through your words or through your deeds, you have to be number one in every subject. It should not be that you are number one in service through words, number two in service through your deeds and number three in service through your mind. You should be able to serve through your mind with just as much love as you serve through words. Increase your practice of serving through the mind. Even those who give the seven days' course can serve through words. Your task is to make the atmosphere powerful. Make the atmosphere of your place, of your city, of Bharat and of the world powerful. Check whether you are receiving success in serving through the mind. If you have success in serving through the mind, then you yourself and the service centre will remain free from obstacles and will be in the ascending stage. The ascending stage does not just mean that the numbers grow. It should be the ascending stage in numbers, in quality, in atmosphere and also among your companions. This is known as the ascending stage. Do you have this experience? Is your amrit vela powerful! It should not be that carelessness becomes an obstacle in your amrit vela. Is your amrit vela so powerful that you are able to give the blessing of light and might to the world? Are you yourself content with your remembrance at amrit vela?
The main subject is remembrance. When BapDada goes on a tour at amrit vela, He feels that there is a lack of powerful vibrations at amrit vela. You become those who sit there as a discipline, but you must now become images of experience. It is forceful to sit there as a discipline. If you have an experience, you sit there with love. Whatever you have an experience of pulls you to itself against your conscious wish. You experience happiness by serving through words, and so you run towards that even against your conscious wish, do you not? In the same way, make your amrit vela so powerful that you will be able to increase your experience of serving through the mind. At the end, you will not have a chance to serve through words. You will receive a certificate for serving through the mind because there will be such a long queue that you will not be able to speak. For instance, when you have a mela now, what do you do at that time of a rush? You simply give them drishti peacefully with good wishes and pure feelings, do you not? At the end, too, what will happen when your impact spreads? Now, they come with the impact of the physical light, but, at that time, there will be an impact of the light of souls. At that time, you will have to serve through your mind. You will have to take them beyond with your glance. You will have to change their attitudes through your attitude. You will have to make them powerful with your awareness. At that time, will you then give lectures? So, the practice of serving through the mind is essential. Become images of experience. Whatever you tell others, tell it on the basis of your own personal experience. Do you understand? Increase service through the mind. Now, create an atmosphere that is free from obstacles such that no soul has the courage to be an obstacle. When an obstacle comes and you remove it, that is also a waste of time. So, now make the fortress strong! Be loving and co-operative among yourselves and everyone will follow. Whatever you do, everyone else will follow. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a carefree emperor who is liberated from all worries by seeing the line of elevated fortune on your forehead.
The sovereignty of remaining carefree is more elevated than all other sovereignties. If someone wears a crown and sits on the throne and then continues to worry, is that a throne or a worry? God, the Bestower of Fortune, drew a line of elevated fortune on your forehead and so you became a carefree emperor. So, constantly continue to see the line of elevated fortune on your forehead. Wall my elevated Godly fortune! Maintain this spiritual intoxication and all worries will finish.
Slogan: Invoke spirits with the power of concentration and serve them spiritually: this is real service.
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