मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, – याद में रहते-रहते यह कलियुगी रात पूरी हो जायेगी, तुम बाप के पास चले जायेंगे फिर आयेंगे दिन में, यह भी वन्डरफुल यात्रा है ।
प्रश्न: तुम बच्चों को स्वर्ग में जाने की इच्छा क्यों है ?
उत्तर: क्योंकि तुम जानते हो जब हम स्वर्ग में जायें तब बाकी सब आत्माओं का कल्याण हो, सब अपने शान्तिधाम घर में जा सकें। तुम्हें कोई स्वर्ग में जाने का लोभ नहीं है। लेकिन तुम स्वर्ग की स्थापना कर रहे हो, इतनी मेहनत करते हो तो जरूर उस स्वर्ग के मालिक भी बनेंगे। बाकी तुम्हें कोई दूसरी इच्छा नहीं है। मनुष्यों को तो इच्छा रहती है – हमें भगवान का साक्षात्कार हो लेकिन वह तो तुम्हें स्वयं पढ़ा रहे हैं।
गीत: रात के राही….
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बाप जो इतनी सर्विस करते हैं, हमें इतना ऊंच देवता बनाते हैं, ऐसे बाप से दिल का सच्चा लव रखना है। देवताओं समान सबको सुख देना है।
२.एक बाप की सदा महिमा करनी है। अपनी बड़ाई नहीं दिखानी है।
वरदान: श्रेष्ठ कर्मधारी बन ऊंची तकदीर बनाने वाले पदमापदम भाग्यशाली भव ।
जिसके जितने श्रेष्ठ कर्म हैं उसकी तकदीर की लकीर उतनी लम्बी और स्पष्ट है। तकदीर बनाने का साधन है ही श्रेष्ठ कर्म। तो श्रेष्ठ कर्मधारी बनो और पदमापदम भाग्यशाली की तकदीर प्राप्त करो। लेकिन श्रेष्ठ कर्म का आधार है श्रेष्ठ स्मृति। श्रेष्ठ ते श्रेष्ठ बाप की स्मृति में रहने से ही श्रेष्ठ कर्म होंगे इसलिए जितना चाहो उतना लम्बी भाग्य की लकीर खींच लो। इस एक जन्म में अनेक जन्मों की तकदीर बन सकती है।
स्लोगन: अपने सन्तुष्टता की पर्सनैलिटी द्वारा अनेकों को सन्तुष्ट करना ही सन्तुष्टमणि बनना है।
13-03-2013, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, while staying in remembrance, the iron-aged night will end. You will return with the Father and then come into the day. This is a wonderful pilgrimage.
Question: Why do you children desire to go to heaven ?
Answer: Because you know that when you go to heaven, all other souls will also benefit by being able to return home to the land of peace. You do not have greed for going to heaven, but are making a great deal of effort to establish heaven. So, you will surely become the masters of that heaven. However, you do not have any other desire. Human beings desire to have a vision of God, whereas God Himself is teaching you.
Song: O traveller of the night, do not be weary! The destination of the dawn is not far off!
Blessing: May you become multimillion times fortunate by performing elevated deeds and thereby create an elevated fortune.However many elevated deeds someone performs, that one accordingly has a long and clear line of fortune. The way to create fortune is to perform elevated deeds. So, become one who performs elevated deeds and claim the fortune of being multimillion times fortunate. However, the basis of performing elevated deeds is having an elevated awareness. Only by maintaining the awareness of the most elevated Father will you perform elevated deeds. Therefore, draw your line of fortune for as long as you want. In this one birth, you can create a fortune for many births.
Slogan: To make many others content with your personality of contentment is to become a jewel of contentment.
Question: Why do you children desire to go to heaven ?
Answer: Because you know that when you go to heaven, all other souls will also benefit by being able to return home to the land of peace. You do not have greed for going to heaven, but are making a great deal of effort to establish heaven. So, you will surely become the masters of that heaven. However, you do not have any other desire. Human beings desire to have a vision of God, whereas God Himself is teaching you.
Song: O traveller of the night, do not be weary! The destination of the dawn is not far off!
Blessing: May you become multimillion times fortunate by performing elevated deeds and thereby create an elevated fortune.However many elevated deeds someone performs, that one accordingly has a long and clear line of fortune. The way to create fortune is to perform elevated deeds. So, become one who performs elevated deeds and claim the fortune of being multimillion times fortunate. However, the basis of performing elevated deeds is having an elevated awareness. Only by maintaining the awareness of the most elevated Father will you perform elevated deeds. Therefore, draw your line of fortune for as long as you want. In this one birth, you can create a fortune for many births.
Slogan: To make many others content with your personality of contentment is to become a jewel of contentment.
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