०८-१०-२०१३, मंगळवार
मुरली सार: मीठे बच्चे – बेहद सार्विस के लिए तुम्हारी बुद्धि चलनी चाहिए। ऐसी बड़ी घड़ी बनाओ जिसके कांटों में रेडियम हो जो दूर से ही चमकता रहे।प्रश्न: सार्विस की वृद्धि के लिए कौन-सी युक्ति रचनी चाहिए ?
उत्तर: जो-जो महारथी होशियार बच्चे हैं उनको अपने पास बुलाना चाहिए। महारथी बच्चे चक्कर लगाते रहें तो सार्विस वृद्धि को पाती रहेगी। इसमें ऐसा नहीं समझना चाहिए कि हमारा मान कम हो जायेगा। बच्चों को कभी भी देह-अभिमान में नहीं आना चाहिए। महारथियों का बहुत-बहुत रिगार्ड रखना चाहिए।
गीत: यह वक्त जा रहा है……..
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:१.विश्व का मालिक बनाने वाले मात-पिता पर दिल से कुर्बान जाना है। उनकी श्रीमत पर अच्छी रीति चल श्रेष्ठ बनना है।२.अपनी दिल सदा सच्ची रखनी है। अहंकार में नहीं आना है। अशर्फियों का दान करना है। ज्ञान दान करने में महारथी बनना है। 8 घण्टा ईश्वरीय सार्विस जरूर करनी है।
वरदान: दिल के सच्चे सम्बन्ध द्वारा यथार्थ साधना करने वाले निरन्तर योगी भव ।साधना अर्थात् शक्तिशाली याद। बाप के साथ दिल का सच्चा संबंध। जैसे योग में शरीर से एकाग्र होकर बैठते हो ऐसे दिल, मन-बुद्धि सब एक बाप की तरफ बाप के साथ-साथ बैठ जाए-यही है यथार्थ साधना। अगर ऐसी साधना नहीं तो फिर आराधना चलती है। कभी याद करते कभी फरियाद करते। वास्तव में याद में फरियाद की आवश्यकता नहीं, जिसका दिल से बाप के साथ संबंध है वह निरन्तर योगी बन जाता है।
स्लोगन: “करावनहार बाप है” – इस स्मृति से बेफिक्र बादशाह बन उड़ती कला का अनुभव करते चलो।
08-10-2013, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, your intellect should work for unlimited service. Make a large clock with hands of radium so that it can be seen shining from a distance.
Question: What method should you use to increase service ?
Answer: Invite the clever maharathi children to your centre. Service will grow when the maharathi children continue to tour around. You should not think that regard for you would decrease if you did this. You children should never become body conscious. Have a great deal of regard for the maharathis.
Song: This time is passing.
Essence for dharna:1.Sacrifice yourself from deep within your heart to the Mother and Father who makes you into the masters of the world. Follow His shrimat very well and become elevated.
2.Always keep your heart honest. Do not become arrogant. Donate the golden guineas and become a maharathi in donating knowledge. You must definitely do eight hours a day of Godly service.
Blessing: May you be a constant yogi who makes accurate spiritual endeavour by having a true relationship of the heart.Spiritual endeavour means powerful remembrance and a true relationship of the heart with the Father. Just as in yoga you sit with total concentration physically, in the same way, your heart, mind and intellect should be directed to the Father – they should be seated with the Father; this is accurate spiritual endeavour. If there isn’t such spiritual endeavour, you end up making requests in your prayers. Sometimes there is remembrance and sometimes there are complaints. In fact, there is no need for complaints in remembrance. Those who have a relationship of the heart with the Father become constant yogis.
Slogan: Become a carefree emperor with the awareness that the Father is Karankaravanhar and continue to experience the flying stage.
Question: What method should you use to increase service ?
Answer: Invite the clever maharathi children to your centre. Service will grow when the maharathi children continue to tour around. You should not think that regard for you would decrease if you did this. You children should never become body conscious. Have a great deal of regard for the maharathis.
Song: This time is passing.
Essence for dharna:1.Sacrifice yourself from deep within your heart to the Mother and Father who makes you into the masters of the world. Follow His shrimat very well and become elevated.
2.Always keep your heart honest. Do not become arrogant. Donate the golden guineas and become a maharathi in donating knowledge. You must definitely do eight hours a day of Godly service.
Blessing: May you be a constant yogi who makes accurate spiritual endeavour by having a true relationship of the heart.Spiritual endeavour means powerful remembrance and a true relationship of the heart with the Father. Just as in yoga you sit with total concentration physically, in the same way, your heart, mind and intellect should be directed to the Father – they should be seated with the Father; this is accurate spiritual endeavour. If there isn’t such spiritual endeavour, you end up making requests in your prayers. Sometimes there is remembrance and sometimes there are complaints. In fact, there is no need for complaints in remembrance. Those who have a relationship of the heart with the Father become constant yogis.
Slogan: Become a carefree emperor with the awareness that the Father is Karankaravanhar and continue to experience the flying stage.
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