११-०२-२०१५, बुधवार
मुरली सार: “मीठे बच्चे – तुम्हें चलते फिरते याद में रहने का अभ्यास करना है। ज्ञान और योग यही मुख्य दो चीजें हैं, योग माना याद”
प्रश्न: अक्लमंद (होशियार) बच्चे कौन से बोल मुख से नहीं बोलेंगे ?
उत्तर: हमें योग सिखलाओ, यह बोल अक्लमंद बच्चे नहीं बोलेंगे। बाप को याद करना सीखना होता है क्या! यह पाठशाला है पढ़ने पढ़ाने के लिए। ऐसे नहीं, याद करने के लिए कोई खास बैठना है। तुम्हें कर्म करते बाप को याद करने का अभ्यास करना है।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.काम-काज करते याद में रहने की आदत डालनी है। बाप के साथ जाने वा पावन नई दुनिया का मालिक बनने के लिए पवित्र जरूर बनना है।
२.ऊंच पद पाने के लिए बहुतों की सेवा करनी हैं। बहुतों को पढ़ाना है। मैसेन्जर बन यह मैसेज सभी तक पहुँचाना है।
वरदान: पुरूषार्थ के सूक्ष्म आलस्य का भी त्याग करने वाले आलराउन्डर अलर्ट भव
पुरूषार्थ की थकावट आलस्य की निशानी है। आलस्य वाले जल्दी थकते हैं, उमंग वाले अथक होते हैं। जो पुरूषार्थ में दिलशिकस्त होते हैं उन्हें ही आलस्य आता है, वह सोचते हैं क्या करें इतना ही हो सकता है, ज्यादा नहीं हो सकता। हिम्मत नहीं है, चल तो रहे हैं, कर तो रहे हैं-अब इस सूक्ष्म आलस्य का भी नाम निशान न रहे इसके लिए सदा अलर्ट, एवररेडी और आलराउन्डर बनो।
स्लोगन: समय के महत्व को सामने रख सर्व प्राप्तियों का खाता फुल जमा करो।
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11-02-2015, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, practise staying in remembrance whilst sitting, walking and moving around. Knowledge and yoga are the two main subjects. Yoga means remembrance.Question: Which words would clever children never say ?
Answer: Clever children would never say: “Teach us yoga!” Does one have to learn how to remember one’s father? This is a school where you study and then teach others. It isn’t that you have to sit down especially to have remembrance. Even whilst performing actions you should practise staying in remembrance.
Essence for dharna:1.Instil the habit of staying in remembrance whilst performing actions. In order to return home with the Father and then become the masters of the pure new world, you definitely do have to become pure.
2.In order to claim a high status you have to serve many, you have to teach many. Become messengers and give this message to everyone.
Blessing: May you be alert and an all-rounder who even renounces subtle laziness in effort.Tiredness in effort is a sign of laziness. Those who are lazy quickly become tired whereas those who have enthusiasm are tireless. Those who become disheartened with their efforts become lazy. They would think, “What can I do? I can only do this much. I cannot do much.” They do not have courage. Now, let there be no name or trace of even any subtle form of laziness with thoughts such as “I am moving along…. I am doing this much…” For this, remain constantly alert, ever ready and an all-rounder.
Slogan: By keeping the importance of the time in front of you, accumulate fully in the account of all attainments.
Answer: Clever children would never say: “Teach us yoga!” Does one have to learn how to remember one’s father? This is a school where you study and then teach others. It isn’t that you have to sit down especially to have remembrance. Even whilst performing actions you should practise staying in remembrance.
Essence for dharna:1.Instil the habit of staying in remembrance whilst performing actions. In order to return home with the Father and then become the masters of the pure new world, you definitely do have to become pure.
2.In order to claim a high status you have to serve many, you have to teach many. Become messengers and give this message to everyone.
Blessing: May you be alert and an all-rounder who even renounces subtle laziness in effort.Tiredness in effort is a sign of laziness. Those who are lazy quickly become tired whereas those who have enthusiasm are tireless. Those who become disheartened with their efforts become lazy. They would think, “What can I do? I can only do this much. I cannot do much.” They do not have courage. Now, let there be no name or trace of even any subtle form of laziness with thoughts such as “I am moving along…. I am doing this much…” For this, remain constantly alert, ever ready and an all-rounder.
Slogan: By keeping the importance of the time in front of you, accumulate fully in the account of all attainments.
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