Saturday, August 25, 2012

25-08-2012's Murli

२५-०८-२०१२, शनिवार (दादी प्रकाशमणीजी का स्मृति दिन)
मीठे बच्चे, स्वर्ग का मालिक बनाना है तो बाप से प्रतिज्ञा करो की हम पवित्र बन, आपके मददगार जरुर बनेगे. सपूत बच्चा बनकर दिकयेगे
प्रश्न: किन्हों का हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू कराने के लिए पिछाड़ी में ट्रिब्युनल बैठती है ? 
उत्तर: जो क्रोध में आकर बाम्ब्स से इतनों का मौत कर देते हैं, उन पर केस कौन करे! इसलिए पिछाड़ी में उनके लिए ट्रिब्युनल बैठती है। सब अपना-अपना हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू कर वापिस जाते हैं। 
प्रश्न: विष्णुपुरी में जाने के लायक कौन बनते हैं ? 
उत्तर: जो इस पुरानी दुनिया में रहते भी इससे अपनी दिल नहीं लगाते, बुद्धि में रहता अब हमें नई दुनिया में जाना है इसलिए पवित्र जरूर बनना है। 2- पढ़ाई ही विष्णुपुरी में जाने के लायक बनाती है। तुम पढ़ते इस जन्म में हो। पढ़ाई का पद दूसरे जन्म में मिलता है। 

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार 
१.समय बहुत थोड़ा है इसलिए कांटे से फूल बन सबको फूल बनाना है। शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम का रास्ता बताना है। 
२.वैष्णव कुल में जाने के लिए अच्छे कर्म करने हैं। पावन जरूर बनना है। सदा रूहानी यात्रा करनी और करानी है। 
वरदान: माया वा प्रकृति के भिन्न-भिन्न कार्टून शो को साक्षी बन देखने वाले सन्तोषी आत्मा भव ।
संगमयुग पर बापदादा की विशेष देन सन्तुष्टता है। सन्तोषी आत्मा के आगे कैसी भी हिलाने वाली परिस्थिति ऐसे अनुभव होगी जैसे पपेट शो (कठपुतली का खेल)। आजकल कार्टून शो का फैशन है। तो कभी कोई भी परिस्थिति आए उसे ऐसा ही समझो कि बेहद के स्क्रीन पर कार्टून शो वा पपेट शो चल रहा है। माया वा प्रकृति का यह एक शो है, जिसको साक्षी स्थिति में स्थित हो, अपनी शान में रहते हुए, सन्तुष्टता के स्वरूप में देखते रहो - तब कहेंगे सन्तोषी आत्मा। 
स्लोगन: किसी भी प्रकार के डिफेक्ट से परे रहना ही परफेक्ट बनना है। 
25-08-2012, Saturday
Essence: Sweet children, if you want to become a master of heaven, promise the Father that you will become pure and definitely become His helper, that you will be His worthy child. 
Question: For whom does the tribunal sit at the end in order for them to clear their accounts ? 
Answer: Who would file a case against those who kill so many with bombs in anger? This is why a tribunal sits for them at the end. Everyone settles their own karmic accounts and returns home. 
Question: Who becomes worthy of going to the land of Vishnu ? 
Answer: 1) Those who live in the old world and yet do not attach their hearts to it. It remains in their intellects that they must now definitely become pure because they are to go to the new world. 2) It is this study that makes you worthy of going to the land of Vishnu. You study in this birth and receive a status in your next birth from this study. 
Song: You are the Mother and Father. 
Om shanti. The praise of the unlimited Father is sung because it is the unlimited Father who gives the inheritance of unlimited peace and happiness. On the path of devotion, they call out: Baba, come! Come and give us peace and happiness. The people of Bharat reside in the land of happiness for 21 births; all the rest of the souls stay in the land of peace. Therefore, the Father gives two types of inheritance, that of the land of peace and the other, the land of happiness. At this time, there is no happiness or peace because this is the corrupt world. So, surely, the One who takes souls from the land of sorrow to the land of happiness is needed. The Father is also known as the Boatman. He is the One who takes souls from the ocean of poison to the ocean of milk. You children understand that, because time is now coming to an end, the Father will first take us to the land of peace. This is an unlimited play. Who is the highest-on-high Creator, Director and principal Actor in this play? The Highest on High is God. He is known as the Father of all. He is the Creator of heaven and then, when all human beings have become unhappy, He liberates them all. He is also the spiritual Guide. He takes all souls back to the land of peace where they all reside. Souls receive these organs here, through which they are able to speak. The soul himself says: When I was in the land of happiness, the body was satopradhan. I, the soul, take 84 births; I complete eight births in the golden age and 12 births in the silver age. I have to claim the first number again. The Father comes and purifies souls. He speaks to souls. When a soul is separate from the body, he is not able to say anything. At night, it is as though the soul separates from the body. The soul says: I have worked through this body and am now tired, so I am going to rest. The soul and body are two distinct things. This body has now become old. This is the impure world. When Bharat was new, it was called heaven; it has now become hell. Everyone is unhappy. The Father comes and says: Through these daughters you will find the gates to heaven. The Father gives instructions: Become pure and become the masters of heaven. By becoming impure you have become the masters of hell. Donations of the five vice are made here. The soul says: Baba, You make us into the masters of heaven. I promise that I will become pure and definitely become Your helper. The obedient children of the Father are said to be worthy. Unworthy children cannot receive an inheritance. The Father sits here and explains this. Incorporeal God has incorporeal souls as His children. Then, when they become the children of Prajapita Brahma, they become brothers and sisters. This is God's home; there is no other relationship here. Even though you see your friends and relations etc. at your home, it is in your intellect that you belong to BapDada. That Father and this Dada are sitting here. Here, the soul experiences punishment in the jail of a womb. There is no jail in the golden age. There is no sin there because there is no Ravan there, and this is why a womb there is called a palace. They show that Krishna came floating on a pepal leaf, and so a womb there is like an ocean of milk. In the golden age, there is no jail of a womb or any other kind of jail. For half the cycle it is the new world where there is happiness. A building is new to begin with, and then it becomes old. In the same way, the golden age is the new world and the iron age is the old world. After the iron age, it will definitely become the golden age. This cycle continues to repeat. This cycle is unlimited and the Father alone is explaining the knowledge of it. The Father alone is knowledge-full. Even this one's soul was not able to explain. This one was pure at first, and then, having taken 84 births, he has become impure. You souls were also pure and then you became impure. The Father says: I am the Traveller who comes to the impure world because impure ones call out: Come and make us pure. I have to leave My Paramdham (supreme abode) and come into this impure world and into an impure body. There aren't any pure bodies here. You know that those who perform good deeds take birth in a good family and that those who perform bad deeds take birth in a bad family. You are now becoming pure. You will first take birth in the clan of Vishnu. You are changing from humans into deities. No one knows who established the original eternal deity religion because they have said in the scriptures there are hundreds of thousands of years in a cycle, which really lasts for 5000 years. This same Bharat was heaven; it has now become hell. Now, only those who become Brahmins through the Father will become deities. They will be able to see the gates of heaven. The very name of heaven is so beautiful! When deities fall onto the path of sin. they become worshippers. Who built the Somnath Temple? This Somnath Temple is the largest. Those who were the wealthiest must have had it built. They were those who had been the emperor and empress, Lakshmi and Narayan in the golden age. When they become worshippers from being worthy of worship, they build a temple to Shiv Baba who made them into the masters of the world. How wealthy they must have been in order to create such a huge temple which was looted by Mahmud Guznavi! The biggest temple is to Shiv Baba. He is the Creator of heaven. He Himself does not become the master of heaven. The service that the Father does is called altruistic service. He makes you children into the masters of heaven, but He does not become that Himself He goes and sits in the land of nirvana, just as people go into retirement after 60 years of age. They hold satsangs etc; they try to meet God. However, no one is able to meet Me. Only the one Baba is the Liberator and the Guide for everyone. All the rest are those who take people on physical pilgrimages. They go on many types of pilgrimage. This is the spiritual pilgrimage. The Father takes all souls to His land of peace. The Father is now making you children worthy of going to the land of Vishnu. The Father comes in order to serve you. He says: Do not attach your hearts to anyone in this old world. You now have to go to the new world. All of you souls are brothers; both males and females are included in this. We were pure in the golden age; that is called the pure world. Here, they have to operate in order to deliver five or seven children at the same time. There is a law in the golden age: when it is the right time, both (parents) receive a vision that they are going to have a child. That is known as the power of yoga. Children take birth at their accurate time: there is no difficulty at all; there is no sound of crying. Nowadays, children take birth with such difficulty. This is the land of sorrow, whereas the golden age is the land of happiness. You are now studying to become masters of the land of happiness. The fruit of worldly study is received in this birth. You will receive the fruit of this study in your next birth. The Father says: I make you into the masters of heaven, the ones who are called gods and goddesses: goddess Lakshmi and god Narayan. Who made them like that in the golden age since there was nothing at the end of the iron age? Look, Bharat has become so poverty-stricken! I come in order to grant salvation to all. In the golden and silver ages, you remain constantly happy. The Father gives so much happiness that you remember Him later even on the path of devotion. When a child dies, people say: Oh God! You have killed our child! The Father says: Since you say that everything is given by God, why do you cry when He takes him away? Why do you have so much attachment? There is no attachment in the golden age. There, when it is time to leave the body, the soul leaves the body at the right time. A wife never becomes a widow there. When the time is over, when they become old, they understand that they then have to go and become children again, and so they discard their bodies. There is an example of the snake. You now understand that this iron-aged body is a very old skin. The soul is impure and the body is also impure. Now have yoga with the Father and become pure. This is the ancient Raja Yoga of Bharat. Sannyasis do hatha yoga. Shiv Baba says: I open the gates of heaven through these mothers. No one can receive salvation without the Mother guru. The Father comes and grants salvation to everyone. He also teaches you, and you become master bestowers of salvation. You tell everyone that death is standing ahead. Remember the Father. Everything is going to be destroyed. Those who invent bombs, etc. accept that destruction will take place through those, but they don't know who is inspiring them. They understand that just by dropping one bomb, everything will be destroyed. Very little time now remains for you to change from thorns into flowers. This is the world of thorns. Bharat used to be the world of flowers; it has now become a brothel. Once again it will become the Shiva Temple, that is, it will become the heaven established by Shiva. God is the incorporeal One. Human beings can never be called God. Only the one Father is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. God speaks: I change you from an ordinary man into Narayan. This old, impure world is about to be destroyed. I change you from impure human beings into pure deities, and you then return to your home. You have to understand this drama. Just look how much anger human beings have at this time! They are worse than monkeys. When they become angry, they kill everyone with bombs. Now, who could file a case against them? At the end. the Tribunal will sit for them and all their karmic accounts will be settled. All of these aspects have to be understood. The Father says: O souls, I, your Father, have come. Follow My shrimat and you will become the masters of the most elevated heaven. Human beings here become guides for human beings. The Father becomes the Guide for all souls. Souls say: Oh Purifier! The Father is now making us into pure charitable souls. The spiritual Father does not exist in the golden age. There, there is only the reward. This is a university. No one except the Father can teach Raja Yoga. The Father says: I come and take the loan of this body: a soul can enter another body. This is fixed in the drama; it takes 5000 years for the drama-cycle to turn. They say that God is in each leaf, that each leaf moves because it has a soul in it. However, that is not so; it moves with the breeze. You are sitting here and you will sit in the same way again after 5000 years. Take your inheritance from the Father now, otherwise you will never be able to claim your inheritance. Only at this time are you able to earn the most elevated income. You cannot earn such a high income throughout the rest of the cycle. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna 
1.Very little time remains; that is why you have to change from thorns into flowers, make everyone into flowers and show them the path to the land of peace and the land of happiness. 
2.In order to go into the clan of Vishnu, perform good deeds. Definitely become pure. Remain constantly engaged on this spiritual pilgrimage and inspire others to do the same. 
Blessing: May you be a contented soul who observes the variety of cartoon shows of Maya and matter as a detached observer. 
At the confluence age, the special gift from BapDada is contentment. In front of a contented soul any situation of upheaval would be experienced to be like a puppet show. Nowadays, there is a fashion for cartoon shows. So. whenever a situation arises, always think that a cartoon show or a puppet show is being shown on the unlimited screen. This is one show of Maya and matter which you have to see while being stable in the stage of a detached observer, while maintaining your honour and being an embodiment of contentment. Only then would you be called a contented soul. 
Slogan: To remain beyond any type of deject is to become perfect. 

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