१८-०४-२०१२, बुधवार
मीठे बच्चे,
बाप, टीचर और सतगुरु तीनों ही परम प्रीय है, तीनों ही एक है, तो याद करना भी सहज होना चाहिए !
प्रश्नःइस कलियुग में सदा जवान कौन रहता है और कैसे ?
उतरः यहाँ रावण (विकार) सदा जवान रहता है ! मनुष्य भल बुढा हो जाए लेकिन उसमें जो विकार है, क्रोध है वह कभी बुढा नहीं होता ! वह सदा जवान रहता है ! मरने तक भी विकार की आश बनी रहती है ! बाप कहते है काम महाशत्रु है परन्तु मनुष्यों का वही परम मित्र है इसलिए एक दो को तंग करते रहते है !
गीतः मैं एक नन्हा सा बच्चा हूँ...
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
१.सपूत बनने के लिए बाप की श्रीमत पर चलना है ! जो भी बुरी आदते है मांगने की, चोरी करने की वा झूठ बोलने की वह नीकाल देनी है !
२.अपना सब कुछ बाप के पास इनश्योर करना है ! शरीर भी ईश्वरीय सेवा में लगाना है ! माया की प्रवेशता किसी भी कारण से न हो जाये, इसमें सावधान रहना है !
वरदानः सम्पर्क सम्बन्ध में आते सदा सन्तुष्ठ रहने और सन्तुष्ठ करने वाले गुप्त पुरुषार्थी भव !
संगमयुग सन्तुष्ठता का युग है, यदि संगम पर सन्तुष्ठ नहीं रहेंगे तो कब रहेंगे इसलिए न स्वयं में किसी भी प्रकार की खिटखिट हो, न दूसरो के साथ सम्पर्क में आने में खिटखिट हो ! माला बनती ही तब है जब दाना, दाने के सम्पर्क में आता है इसलिए सम्बन्ध-सम्पर्क में सदा सन्तुष्ठ रहना और सन्तुष्ठ करना, तब माला के मणके बनेंगे ! परिवार का अर्थ ही है सदा सन्तुष्ठ रहने और सन्तुष्ठ करने वाले !
स्लोगनः पुराने स्वभाव-संस्कार के वंश का भी त्याग करने वाले ही सर्वस्व त्यागी है !
18-04-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, the Father, Teacher and Satguru, all three, are supremely loved. All three are one. Therefore, it should be easy to remember Him.
Question: Who remains constantly young in this iron age and how ?
Answer: Here, Ravan's vices remain constantly young. Although people become old, the vices they have in them, such as anger, never become old; they are always young. People desire vice till the moment they die. The Father says: Lust is the greatest enemy. However, it is the supreme friend of human beings. This is why they continue to trouble one another.
Song: I am a little child and You are the all powerful One...
Essence for dharna
1.In order to become worthy, follow the Father's shrimat. Remove all the bad habits of asking for things, stealing and telling lies.
2.Insure everything you have with the Father. Use even your body for God's service. Remain cautious that Maya doesn't enter you for any reason.
Blessing: May you be an incognito effort-maker who remains constantly content and makes other content while coming into connection and relationship with them.
The confluence age is the stage of contentment. If you can not remain content at the influence age, when would you remain content ? Therefore, let there not be any type of conflict in the self nor when you come into contact with others. A rosary is created when a bead comes into contact with another bead. Therefore, when coming into connection and relationship with others, remain content and make them content for only then you will become a bead of the rosary. A family means to remain constantly content and make others content.
Slogan: Only those who renounce even the creation of old nature and sanskars are said to be complete renunciates .
स्लोगनः पुराने स्वभाव-संस्कार के वंश का भी त्याग करने वाले ही सर्वस्व त्यागी है !
18-04-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, the Father, Teacher and Satguru, all three, are supremely loved. All three are one. Therefore, it should be easy to remember Him.
Question: Who remains constantly young in this iron age and how ?
Answer: Here, Ravan's vices remain constantly young. Although people become old, the vices they have in them, such as anger, never become old; they are always young. People desire vice till the moment they die. The Father says: Lust is the greatest enemy. However, it is the supreme friend of human beings. This is why they continue to trouble one another.
Song: I am a little child and You are the all powerful One...
Essence for dharna
1.In order to become worthy, follow the Father's shrimat. Remove all the bad habits of asking for things, stealing and telling lies.
2.Insure everything you have with the Father. Use even your body for God's service. Remain cautious that Maya doesn't enter you for any reason.
Blessing: May you be an incognito effort-maker who remains constantly content and makes other content while coming into connection and relationship with them.
The confluence age is the stage of contentment. If you can not remain content at the influence age, when would you remain content ? Therefore, let there not be any type of conflict in the self nor when you come into contact with others. A rosary is created when a bead comes into contact with another bead. Therefore, when coming into connection and relationship with others, remain content and make them content for only then you will become a bead of the rosary. A family means to remain constantly content and make others content.
Slogan: Only those who renounce even the creation of old nature and sanskars are said to be complete renunciates .
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