मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे,-मम्मा बाबा समान सर्विस करने के लिए बुद्धि को सतोप्रधान बनाओ। सतोप्रधान बुद्धि वाले ही धारणा कर दूसरों को करा सकते हैं।
प्रश्न: ऊंचे ते ऊंचा पुरुषार्थ कौन-सा है जो अभी तुम बच्चे कर रहे हो ?
उत्तर: मात-पिता के तख्त को जीतना, यह है ऊंचे ते ऊंचा पुरुषार्थ। मम्मा बाबा आकर तुम्हारे वारिस बनें, ऐसा नम्बरवन बनने का लक्ष्य रखो। इसके लिए ऊंचे से ऊंची सेवा करनी है। बहुतों को आपसमान बनाना है। दु:खी मनुष्यों को सुखी बनाना है। अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों को बुद्धि रूपी बर्तन में धारण कर दूसरों को दान देना है।
गीत: भोलेनाथ से निराला…
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार :
पढ़ाई को धारण कर दूसरों को पढ़ाने लायक बनना है। मम्मा-बाबा समान सर्विस करनी है।
2) अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का दान कर दु:खी मनुष्यों को सुखी बनाना है। पढ़ाई अच्छी तरह पढ़नी है।
वरदान:- सबको अमर ज्ञान दे अकाले मृत्यु के भय से छुड़ाने वाले शक्तिशाली सेवाधारी भव
दुनिया में आजकल अकाले मृत्यु का ही डर है। डर से खा भी रहे हैं, चल भी रहे हैं, सो भी रहे हैं। ऐसी आत्माओं को खुशी की बात सुनाकर भय से छुड़ाओ। उन्हें खुशखबरी सुनाओ कि हम आपको 21 जन्मों के लिए अकाले मृत्यु से बचा सकते हैं। हर आत्मा को अमर ज्ञान दे अमर बनाओ जिससे वे जन्म-जन्म के लिए अकाले मृत्यु से बच जाएं। ऐसे अपने शान्ति और सुख के वायब्रेशन से लोगों को सुख-चैन की अनुभूति कराने वाले शक्तिशाली सेवाधारी बनो।
स्लोगन:- याद और सेवा का बैलेन्स रखने से ही सर्व की दुआयें मिलती हैं।
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30-04-2013, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, in order to do service like Mama and Baba, make your intellect satopradhan. Only those who have satopradhan intellects are able to imbibe knowledge and also inspire others to imbibe it.
Question: What is the highest effort of all which you children are now making?
Answer: To win the throne of the mother and father is the highest effort of all. Aim to become number one so that Mama and Baba come and become your heirs. For this, you have to do the highest service of all and make many others equal to yourselves. Make unhappy people happy. Imbibe the imperishable jewels of knowledge in the vessel of your intellect and donate them to others.
Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.
Question: What is the highest effort of all which you children are now making?
Answer: To win the throne of the mother and father is the highest effort of all. Aim to become number one so that Mama and Baba come and become your heirs. For this, you have to do the highest service of all and make many others equal to yourselves. Make unhappy people happy. Imbibe the imperishable jewels of knowledge in the vessel of your intellect and donate them to others.
Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.
Essence of dharna:
1.Imbibe the study and become worthy of teaching others. Do service like Mama and Baba.
2.Donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge and make unhappy people happy. Study very well.
1.Imbibe the study and become worthy of teaching others. Do service like Mama and Baba.
2.Donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge and make unhappy people happy. Study very well.
Blessing: May you be a powerful server and give everyone immortal knowledge and save them from the fear of untimely death.
Nowadays in the world, there is fear of untimely death. They are eating in fear, moving around in fear and sleeping in fear. Tell such souls things of happiness and liberate them from fear. Tell them news of happiness and how you can liberate them from untimely death for 21 births. Give all souls immortal knowledge and make them immortal through which they will be saved from untimely death for birth after birth. Become powerful servers and give souls the experience of happiness and comfort and through your vibrations of peace and happiness.
Slogan: By keeping a balance of remembrance and service, you receive everyone’s blessings.
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Nowadays in the world, there is fear of untimely death. They are eating in fear, moving around in fear and sleeping in fear. Tell such souls things of happiness and liberate them from fear. Tell them news of happiness and how you can liberate them from untimely death for 21 births. Give all souls immortal knowledge and make them immortal through which they will be saved from untimely death for birth after birth. Become powerful servers and give souls the experience of happiness and comfort and through your vibrations of peace and happiness.
Slogan: By keeping a balance of remembrance and service, you receive everyone’s blessings.
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