०३-१२-२०१४, बुधवार
“मीठे बच्चे – याद की यात्रा में अलबेले मत बनो, याद से ही आत्मा पावन बनेगी, बाप आये हैं सभी आत्माओं की सेवा कर उन्हें शुद्ध बनाने”
प्रश्न: कौन-सी स्मृति बनी रहे तो खान-पान शुद्ध हो जायेगा ?
उत्तर: यदि स्मृति रहे कि हम बाबा के पास आये हैं सचखण्ड में जाने के लिए वा मनुष्य से देवता बनने के लिए तो खान-पान शुद्ध हो जायेगा क्योंकि देवतायें कभी अशुद्ध चीज़ नहीं खाते। जब हम सत्य बाबा के पास आये हैं सचखण्ड, पावन दुनिया का मालिक बनने तो पतित (अशुद्ध) बन नहीं सकते।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बाप द्वारा अच्छी रीति पढ़कर फर्स्टक्लास फूल बनना है, कांटों के इस जंगल को फूलों का बगीचा बनाने में बाप को पूरी मदद करनी है।
२.कर्मातीत अवस्था को प्राप्त करने वा स्वर्ग में ऊंच पद का अधिकार प्राप्त करने के लिए याद की यात्रा में तत्पर रहना है, अलबेला नहीं बनना है।
वरदान: कर्मबन्धन को सेवा के बन्धन में परिवर्तन कर सर्व से न्यारे और परमात्म प्यारे भव
परमात्म प्यार ब्राह्मण जीवन का आधार है लेकिन वह तब मिलेगा जब न्यारे बनेंगे। अगर प्रवृत्ति में रहते हो तो सेवा के लिए रहते हो। कभी भी यह नहीं समझो कि हिसाब-किताब है, कर्मबन्धन है.. लेकिन सेवा है। सेवा के बन्धन में बंधने से कर्मबन्धन खत्म हो जाता है। सेवाभाव नहीं तो कर्मबन्धन खींचता है। जहाँ कर्मबन्धन है वहाँ दु:ख की लहर है, सेवा के बंधन में खुशी है इसलिए कर्मबन्धन को सेवा के बन्धन में परिवर्तन कर न्यारे प्यारे रहो तो परमात्म प्यारे बन जायेंगे।
स्लोगन: श्रेष्ठ आत्मा वह है जो स्वस्थिति द्वारा हर परिस्थिति को पार कर ले।
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03-12-2014, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, do not become careless about the pilgrimage of remembrance. It is by having remembrance that you souls will become pure. The Father has come to serve all souls. He has come to make them clean and pure.Question: What consciousness should you maintain so that your food and drink become pure ?
Answer: If you have the awareness that you have come to Baba in order to go to the land of truth and to change from human beings into deities, your food and drink will become pure because deities never eat anything impure. Since you have come to the true Baba in order to become the masters of the pure world, the land of truth, you cannot become impure.
Essence for dharna:1.Become first-class flowers by studying well from the Father. In order to make this forest of thorns into the garden of flowers, become the Father’s full helpers.
2.In order to attain the karmateet stage and have a right to a high status in heaven, stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance and do not become careless.
Blessing: May you be detached from everyone and loved by God by transforming any bondage of karma into a bondage of service.God’s love is the basis of Brahmin life, but you can only receive that when you become detached. If you are living at home with your family, it is for service. Never think that that is a karmic account or a bondage of karma, but that it is for service. By your being tied by a bondage of service, any bondage of karma finishes. If there is no awareness of service, you are then pulled by some bondage of karma. Where there is a bondage of karma, there are definitely waves of sorrow, whereas there is happiness in a bondage of service. Therefore, transform any bondage of karma into a bondage of service and remain loving and detached and you will be loved by God.
Slogan: An elevated soul is one who overcomes adverse situations with his own stage.
Answer: If you have the awareness that you have come to Baba in order to go to the land of truth and to change from human beings into deities, your food and drink will become pure because deities never eat anything impure. Since you have come to the true Baba in order to become the masters of the pure world, the land of truth, you cannot become impure.
Essence for dharna:1.Become first-class flowers by studying well from the Father. In order to make this forest of thorns into the garden of flowers, become the Father’s full helpers.
2.In order to attain the karmateet stage and have a right to a high status in heaven, stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance and do not become careless.
Blessing: May you be detached from everyone and loved by God by transforming any bondage of karma into a bondage of service.God’s love is the basis of Brahmin life, but you can only receive that when you become detached. If you are living at home with your family, it is for service. Never think that that is a karmic account or a bondage of karma, but that it is for service. By your being tied by a bondage of service, any bondage of karma finishes. If there is no awareness of service, you are then pulled by some bondage of karma. Where there is a bondage of karma, there are definitely waves of sorrow, whereas there is happiness in a bondage of service. Therefore, transform any bondage of karma into a bondage of service and remain loving and detached and you will be loved by God.
Slogan: An elevated soul is one who overcomes adverse situations with his own stage.
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