२८-०६-२०१२, गुरुवार
मीठे बच्चे,
देवताओं से भी ऊंच यह तुम्हारी ब्राह्मण जीवन है क्योंकि इस समय तुम तीनों लोकों और तीनो कालों को जानते हो, तुम ईश्वरीय सन्तान हो !
प्रश्नः तुम बच्चे अभी कौनसी ऊंची चढ़ाई चढ़ते हो ?
उतरः मनुष्य से देवता बनना यह ऊंची चढ़ाई है, जिस पर तुम चढ़ रहे हो ! कहते भी है चढ़े तो चाखे प्रेम रस.. यह बहुत लम्बी चाढ़ी है ! लेकिन वन्डर है जो चढ़ते एक सेकन्ड में हो, उतरने में टाइम लगता है !
प्रश्नः पाप का घड़ा फूटने से ही जयजयकार होती है, इनकी कौन सी निशानी भक्ति मार्ग में है ?
उतरः दिखाते हओ घड़े से सीता नीकली... अर्थात् जब पाप का घड़ा भरकर फूटा तब सीता और राधे का जन्म होता है !
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
१.बेहद की हिस्ट्री-जोग्राफी पढ़नी और पढ़ानी है !सर्व अलंकारों को धारण करने के लिए पावन फरिस्ता बनना है !
२.बुध्धिवानों की बुध्धि एक बाप है, उनकी ही श्रीमत पर चल बुध्धिवान बनना है ! यह ब्राह्मण जीवन अमूल्य है -इस नशे में रहना है !
वरदानः अपने पूज्य स्वरुप की स्मृति से सदा रुहानी नशे में रहने वाले जीवन मुक्त भव !
ब्राह्मण जीवन का मजा जीवनमुक्त स्थिति में है ! जिन्हें अपने पूज्य स्वरुप की सदा स्मृति रहती है उनकी आंख सिवाए बाप के और कहाँ भी डूब नहीं सकती ! पूज्य आत्माओं के आगे सारे व्यक्ति और वैभव स्वयं झुकते है ! पूज्य किसी के पीछे आकर्षित नहीं हो सकते ! देह, सम्बन्ध, पदार्थ वा संस्कारों में भी उनके मन्बुध्धि का झुकाव नहीं रहता ! वे कभी किसी बंधन में बंध नहीं सकते ! सदा जीवनमुक्त स्थिति क अनुभव करते है !
स्लोगनः सच्चा सेवाधारी वह है जो निमित्त और निर्मान है !
28-06-2012, Thursday
Essence: Sweet Children, your Brahmin life now is higher than the deity life, because at this time you know the three worlds and also the three aspects of time. You are God's children.
Question: What is the steep climb that you children are climbing ?
Answer: To change from human beings into deities is the steep climb, and you are now climbing that. It is said that if you you climb, you can taste the nectar of love. This is very steep climb, but the wonder of it is that you climb it within a second, whereas it takes time to descend.
Question: There will be cries of victory when the urn of sin breaks. How is this symbolized on the path of devotion ?
Answer: Sita is shown emerging from an urn, that is, when the urn of sin becomes full and breaks, Sita and Radhe take birth.
Song: Take us far away from this land of sin to a place of rest and comfort..
Essence for dharna
1.You have to study the unlimited history and geography and teach others. For the ornaments to be given you have to become a pure angel.
2.The intellect of the Wise is only the one Father. Therefore, follow His shrimat and become wise. Maintain the intoxication that this Brahmin life is invaluable.
Blessing: May you be liberated-in-life and experience constant spiritual intoxication by having the awareness of your worthy-of-worship form.
The pleasure of Brahmin life is the stage of being liberated-in-life. Those who are constantly aware of their worthy-of-worship form can never have their vision drawn to anything but the Father. Everyone and all comforts themselves bow down in front of worthy-of-worship souls. Worthy-of-worship souls are never attracted to anyone. Their minds and intellects are never subservient to bodies, bodily relationships, possessions or sanskars. They are never tied to any bondages but constantly experience the stage of being liberated in life.
Slogan: A true server is one who is an instrument and humble.
2.The intellect of the Wise is only the one Father. Therefore, follow His shrimat and become wise. Maintain the intoxication that this Brahmin life is invaluable.
Blessing: May you be liberated-in-life and experience constant spiritual intoxication by having the awareness of your worthy-of-worship form.
The pleasure of Brahmin life is the stage of being liberated-in-life. Those who are constantly aware of their worthy-of-worship form can never have their vision drawn to anything but the Father. Everyone and all comforts themselves bow down in front of worthy-of-worship souls. Worthy-of-worship souls are never attracted to anyone. Their minds and intellects are never subservient to bodies, bodily relationships, possessions or sanskars. They are never tied to any bondages but constantly experience the stage of being liberated in life.
Slogan: A true server is one who is an instrument and humble.
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