०७-११-२०१४, शुक्रवार
“मीठे बच्चे – बाप आये हैं तुम्हें रूहानी हुनर सिखलाने, जिस हुनर से तुम सूर्य-चांद से भी पार शान्तिधाम में जाते हो”
प्रश्न: साइन्स घमण्ड और साइलेन्स घमण्ड में कौन-सा अन्तर है ?
उत्तर: साइन्स घमण्डी चांद सितारों पर जाने के लिए कितना खर्चा करते हैं। शरीर का जोखिम उठाकर जाते हैं। उन्हें यह डर रहता है कि रॉकेट कहाँ फेल न हो जाए। तुम बच्चे साइलेन्स घमण्ड वाले बिगर कौड़ी खर्चा सूर्य-चांद से भी पार मूलवतन में चले जाते हो। तुम्हें कोई डर नहीं क्योंकि तुम शरीर को यहाँ ही छोड़कर जाते हो।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बाप से साइलेन्स का हुनर सीखकर इस हद की दुनिया से पार बेहद में जाना है। फ़खुर (नशा) रहे बाप हमें कितना वन्डरफुल ज्ञान देकर, कितनी बड़ी प्राइज़ देते हैं।
२.बेधड़क होकर बहुत रसीले ढंग से सेवा करनी है। माया की लड़ाई में बलवान बन जीत पानी है। मुरली सुनकर सुजाग रहना है और सबको सुजाग करना है।
वरदान: इस कल्याणकारी युग में सर्व का कल्याण करने वाले प्रकृतिजीत मायाजीत भव
संगमयुग को कल्याणकारी युग कहा जाता है इस युग में सदा ये स्वमान याद रहे कि मैं कल्याणकारी आत्मा हूँ, मेरा कर्तव्य है पहले स्व का कल्याण करना फिर सर्व का कल्याण करना। मनुष्यात्मायें तो क्या हम प्रकृति का भी कल्याण करने वाले हैं इसलिए प्रकृतिजीत, मायाजीत कहलाते हैं। जब आत्मा पुरूष प्रकृतिजीत बन जाती है, तो प्रकृति भी सुखदाई बन जाती है। प्रकृति वा माया की हलचल में आ नहीं सकते। उन्हों पर अकल्याण के वायुमण्डल का प्रभाव पड़ नहीं सकता।
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07-11-2014, friday
Essence: Sweet children, the Father has come to teach you spiritual art. Through this art you go beyond the sun and the moon to the abode of peace.Question: What is the difference between those who are proud of their science and those who are proud of their silence ?
Answer: Those who are proud of their science spend so much money on going to the moon and stars. They risk their bodies and are afraid that their rocket may fail. You children, who are proud of your silence, go beyond the moon and the stars into the supreme region without spending a penny. You have no fear because you leave your bodies here and go.
Essence for Dharna:1.Learn the art of silence from the Father and go beyond this limited world into the unlimited world. By giving us this wonderful knowledge, the Father is giving us such a great prize, and so there should be the intoxication of that.
2.You have to do service fearlessly in a very sweet way. Be powerful in the war with Maya and gain victory over her. Listen to the murli and remain alert and inspire others to remain alert.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya who benefits everyone in this benevolent age.The confluence age is said to be the age of benevolence. In this age, constantly be aware of this self-respect: I am a benevolent soul and my duty is to first of all benefit myself and then to benefit everyone. Let alone human souls, we are those who benefit even the elements of nature and this is why we are called conquerors of matter and conquerors of Maya. When, the souls, the beings, become conquerors of matter, then even matter becomes a source of happiness. You cannot then get caught up with any upheaval of matter or Maya; there cannot be any effect on you of an atmosphere with no benefit.
Slogan: Give respect to the ideas of one another and you will become souls who are worthy of respect.
Download link for English Full murliAnswer: Those who are proud of their science spend so much money on going to the moon and stars. They risk their bodies and are afraid that their rocket may fail. You children, who are proud of your silence, go beyond the moon and the stars into the supreme region without spending a penny. You have no fear because you leave your bodies here and go.
Essence for Dharna:1.Learn the art of silence from the Father and go beyond this limited world into the unlimited world. By giving us this wonderful knowledge, the Father is giving us such a great prize, and so there should be the intoxication of that.
2.You have to do service fearlessly in a very sweet way. Be powerful in the war with Maya and gain victory over her. Listen to the murli and remain alert and inspire others to remain alert.
Blessing: May you be a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of Maya who benefits everyone in this benevolent age.The confluence age is said to be the age of benevolence. In this age, constantly be aware of this self-respect: I am a benevolent soul and my duty is to first of all benefit myself and then to benefit everyone. Let alone human souls, we are those who benefit even the elements of nature and this is why we are called conquerors of matter and conquerors of Maya. When, the souls, the beings, become conquerors of matter, then even matter becomes a source of happiness. You cannot then get caught up with any upheaval of matter or Maya; there cannot be any effect on you of an atmosphere with no benefit.
Slogan: Give respect to the ideas of one another and you will become souls who are worthy of respect.
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