२१-११-२०१४, शुक्रवार
स्लोगन: मुहब्बत के झूले में बैठ जाओ तो मेहनत आपेही छूट जायेगी।
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21-11-2014, Friday
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- “मीठे बच्चे – संगमयुग तकदीरवान बनने का युग है, इसमें तुम जितना चाहो उतना अपने भाग्य का सितारा चमका सकते हो”
प्रश्न: अपने पुरूषार्थ को तीव्र करने का सहज साधन क्या है ?
उत्तर: फालो फादर करते चलो तो पुरूषार्थ तीव्र हो जायेगा। बाप को ही देखो, मदर तो गुप्त है। फालो फादर करने से बाप समान ऊंच बनेंगे इसलिए एक्यूरेट फालो करते रहो।
प्रश्न: बाप किन बच्चों को बुद्धू समझते हैं ?
उत्तर: जिन्हें बाप के मिलने की भी खुशी नहीं – वह बुद्धू हुए ना। ऐसा बाप जो विश्व का मालिक बनाता, उसका बच्चा बनने के बाद भी खुशी न रहे तो बुद्धू ही कहेंगे ना।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.सुखधाम के वर्से का पूरा अधिकार लेने के लिए संगम पर रूहानी जादूगर बन बाप को भी अपना बच्चा बना लेना है। पूरा-पूरा बलिहार जाना है।
२.स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बन स्वयं को लकी सितारा बनाना है। विहंग मार्ग की सर्विस के निमित्त बन ऊंच पद लेना है। गांव-गांव में सर्विस करनी है। साथ-साथ याद का चार्ट भी जरूर रखना है।
वरदान: सर्व प्राप्तियों को स्मृति में इमर्ज रख सदा सम्पन्न रहने वाली सन्तुष्ट आत्मा भव
संगमयुग पर बापदादा द्वारा जो भी प्राप्तियां हुई हैं उनकी स्मृति इमर्ज रूप में रहे। तो प्राप्तियों की खुशी कभी नीचे हलचल में नहीं लायेगी। सदा अचल रहेंगे। सम्पन्नता अचल बनाती है, हलचल से छुड़ा देती है। जो सर्व प्राप्तियों से सम्पन्न हैं वे सदा राजी, सदा सन्तुष्ट रहते हैं। सन्तुष्टता सबसे बड़ा खजाना है। जिसके पास सन्तुष्टता है उसके पास सब कुछ है। वह यही गीत गाते रहते कि पाना था वो पा लिया।
स्लोगन: मुहब्बत के झूले में बैठ जाओ तो मेहनत आपेही छूट जायेगी।
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21-11-2014, Friday
Essence: Sweet children, the confluence age is the age to become fortunate. In this age you can make your star of fortune sparkle as much as you want.Question: What is the easy way to make your efforts intense ?
Answer: Continue to follow the Father and your efforts will become intense. Only see the Father. The mother is incognito. By following the Father, you will become as elevated as the Father. Therefore, continue to follow accurately.
Question: Which children does the Father consider to be buddhus ?
Answer: Those who don’t have happiness, even after finding the Father are buddhus, are they not? If, after finding the Father who makes you into the masters of the world, even after becoming His children, you don’t have happiness, you would be called buddhus, would you not ?
Essence for dharna:1.In order to claim a full right to the inheritance of the land of happiness, become a spiritual magician at the confluence age and make the Father your Child. Surrender yourself fully.
2.Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and become a lucky star. Become an instrument for service at the flying speed and claim a high status. Do service in every village. Together with that, also definitely keep a chart of remembrance.
Blessing: May you be a contented soul who remains constantly full by keeping all your attainments emerged in your awareness.Keep all the attainments you have received from BapDada at the confluence emerged in your awareness and the happiness of those attainments will never bring you down in upheaval but will remain constantly unshakeable. Fullness makes you unshakeable and frees you from upheaval. Those who are full with all attainments are always happy and content. Contentment is the biggest treasure. Those who have contentment have everything. They constantly sing the song: I have attained that which I wanted to attain.
Slogan: Sit in the swings of love and then labouring will automatically finish.
Download link for English full MurliAnswer: Continue to follow the Father and your efforts will become intense. Only see the Father. The mother is incognito. By following the Father, you will become as elevated as the Father. Therefore, continue to follow accurately.
Question: Which children does the Father consider to be buddhus ?
Answer: Those who don’t have happiness, even after finding the Father are buddhus, are they not? If, after finding the Father who makes you into the masters of the world, even after becoming His children, you don’t have happiness, you would be called buddhus, would you not ?
Essence for dharna:1.In order to claim a full right to the inheritance of the land of happiness, become a spiritual magician at the confluence age and make the Father your Child. Surrender yourself fully.
2.Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation and become a lucky star. Become an instrument for service at the flying speed and claim a high status. Do service in every village. Together with that, also definitely keep a chart of remembrance.
Blessing: May you be a contented soul who remains constantly full by keeping all your attainments emerged in your awareness.Keep all the attainments you have received from BapDada at the confluence emerged in your awareness and the happiness of those attainments will never bring you down in upheaval but will remain constantly unshakeable. Fullness makes you unshakeable and frees you from upheaval. Those who are full with all attainments are always happy and content. Contentment is the biggest treasure. Those who have contentment have everything. They constantly sing the song: I have attained that which I wanted to attain.
Slogan: Sit in the swings of love and then labouring will automatically finish.
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