०४-०२-२०१४, मंगळवार
मुरली सारः बच्चे - आत्म-अभिमानी बनने का अभ्यास करो तो दैवीगुण आते जायेंगे, क्रिमिनल ख्यालात
मुरली सारः बच्चे - आत्म-अभिमानी बनने का अभ्यास करो तो दैवीगुण आते जायेंगे, क्रिमिनल ख्यालात
समाप्त हो जायेंगे, अपार खुशी रहेगी''
प्रश्न: अपनी चलन को सुधारने वा अपार खुशी में रहने के लिए कौन-सी बात सदा स्मृति में रखनी है ?
उत्तर: सदा स्मृति रहे कि हम दैवी स्वराज्य स्थापन कर रहे हैं, हम मृत्युलोक को छोड़ अमरलोक में
उत्तर: सदा स्मृति रहे कि हम दैवी स्वराज्य स्थापन कर रहे हैं, हम मृत्युलोक को छोड़ अमरलोक में
जा रहे हैं - इससे बहुत खुशी रहेगी, चलन भी सुधरती जायेगी क्योंकि अमरलोक नई दुनिया में जाने
के लिए दैवीगुण जरूर चाहिए। स्वराज्य के लिए बहुतों का कल्याण भी करना पड़े, सबको रास्ता बताना पड़े।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बहुतों का कल्याण करने के लिए अपनी जबान बहुत मीठी बनानी है। मीठी जबान से सर्विस करनी है। सहनशील बनना है।
२.कर्मो की गहन गति को समझ विकारों पर जीत पानी है। जगतजीत देवता बनना है। आत्म-अभिमानी बन क्रिमिनल दृष्टि को सिविल बनाना है।
२.कर्मो की गहन गति को समझ विकारों पर जीत पानी है। जगतजीत देवता बनना है। आत्म-अभिमानी बन क्रिमिनल दृष्टि को सिविल बनाना है।
वरदान:- ऊंचा बाप, ऊंचे हम और ऊंचा कार्य इस स्मृति से शक्तिशाली बनने वाले बाप समान भव
जैसे आजकल की दुनिया में कोई वी.आई.पी. का बच्चा होगा तो वह अपने को भी वी.आई.पी. समझेगा। लेकिन बाप से ऊंचा तो कोई नहीं है। हम ऐसे ऊंचे से ऊंचे बाप की सन्तान ऊंची आत्मायें हैं - यह स्मृति शक्तिशाली बनाती है। ऊंचा बाप, ऊंचे हम और ऊंचा कार्य - ऐसी स्मृति में रहने वाले सदा बाप समान बन जाते हैं। सारे विश्व के आगे श्रेष्ठ और ऊंची आत्मायें आपके सिवाए कोई नहीं हैं इसलिए आपका ही गायन और पूजन होता है।
स्लोगन: सम्पूर्णता के दर्पण में सूक्ष्म लगावों को चेक करो और मुक्त बनो।
04-02-2014, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, practise being soul conscious and you will develop divine virtues, your criminal thoughts will end and you will experience infinite happiness.
Question: In order to reform your behaviour and remain constantly happy, what should you always keep in your awareness ?
Answer: Always have the awareness that you are establishing your deity sovereignty. We are leaving the land of death and going to the land of immortality. By doing this, you will remain very happy and your behaviour will be reformed because, in order to go to the land of immortality, the new world, you definitely need divine virtues. In order to attain self-sovereignty you also have to bring benefit to many. You have to show the path to everyone.
Essence for dharna:1.In order to benefit many, you have to make your words very sweet. Serve with sweet words. Become tolerant.
2.Understand the deep philosophy of karma and conquer the vices. Become deities who are conquerors of the world. Become soul conscious and make your criminal vision civil.
Blessing: May you become equal to the Father and become powerful with the awareness of the Highest Father, the highest self and the highest task.In today’s world, a child of a VIP would also consider himself to be a VIP. However, no one can be higher than the Father. We are the highest souls, children of the Highest on High Father – this awareness makes you powerful. Those who have the awareness of the Highest Father, the highest self and the highest task become equal to the Father. Compared to the world, no one is as elevated and highest as you and, therefore, you are praised and worshipped.
Slogan: Check your subtle attachments in the mirror of perfection and be liberated.
Question: In order to reform your behaviour and remain constantly happy, what should you always keep in your awareness ?
Answer: Always have the awareness that you are establishing your deity sovereignty. We are leaving the land of death and going to the land of immortality. By doing this, you will remain very happy and your behaviour will be reformed because, in order to go to the land of immortality, the new world, you definitely need divine virtues. In order to attain self-sovereignty you also have to bring benefit to many. You have to show the path to everyone.
Essence for dharna:1.In order to benefit many, you have to make your words very sweet. Serve with sweet words. Become tolerant.
2.Understand the deep philosophy of karma and conquer the vices. Become deities who are conquerors of the world. Become soul conscious and make your criminal vision civil.
Blessing: May you become equal to the Father and become powerful with the awareness of the Highest Father, the highest self and the highest task.In today’s world, a child of a VIP would also consider himself to be a VIP. However, no one can be higher than the Father. We are the highest souls, children of the Highest on High Father – this awareness makes you powerful. Those who have the awareness of the Highest Father, the highest self and the highest task become equal to the Father. Compared to the world, no one is as elevated and highest as you and, therefore, you are praised and worshipped.
Slogan: Check your subtle attachments in the mirror of perfection and be liberated.
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