०७-०१-२०१५, बुधवार
07-01-15 प्रात:मुरली ओम् शान्ति “बापदादा” मधुबन
“मीठे बच्चे – पुण्य आत्मा बनना है तो अपना पोतामेल देखो कि कोई पाप तो नहीं होता है, सच का खाता जमा है ?”
प्रश्न: सबसे बड़ा पाप कौन-सा है ?
उत्तर: किसी पर भी बुरी दृष्टि रखना-यह सबसे बड़ा पाप है। तुम पुण्य आत्मा बनने वाले बच्चे किसी पर भी बुरी दृष्टि (विकारी दृष्टि) नहीं रख सकते। जाँच करनी है हम कहाँ तक योग में रहते हैं? कोई पाप तो नहीं करते हैं? ऊंच पद पाना है तो खबरदारी रखो कि ज़रा भी कुदृष्टि न हो। बाप जो श्रीमत देते हैं उस पर पूरा चलते रहो।
गीत: मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी…..
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:१.अगर विनाशी धन है तो उसको सफल करने के लिए अलौकिक सेवा में लगाना है। अविनाशी धन का दान भी जरूर करना है।
२.अपने पोतामेल में देखना है कि हमारी अवस्था कैसी है? सारे दिन में कोई खराब काम तो नहीं होते हैं? एक-दो को दु:ख तो नहीं देते हैं? किसी पर कुदृष्टि तो नहीं जाती है?
वरदान: रूहानियत की स्थिति द्वारा व्यर्थ बातों का स्टॉक खत्म करने वाले खुशी के खजाने से सम्पन्न भवरूहानियत की स्थिति द्वारा व्यर्थ बातों के स्टॉक को समाप्त करो, नहीं तो एक दो के अवगुणों का वर्णन करते बीमारी के जर्मस वायुमण्डल में फैलाते रहेंगे, इससे वातावरण पावरफुल नहीं बनेगा। आपके पास अनेक भावों से अनेक आत्मायें आयेंगी लेकिन आपकी तरफ से शुभ भावना की बातें ही ले जाएं। यह तब होगा जब स्वयं के पास खुशी की बातों का स्टॉक जमा होगा। यदि दिल में किसी के प्रति कोई व्यर्थ बातें होगी तो जहाँ बातें हैं वहाँ बाप नहीं, पाप है।
प्रश्न: सबसे बड़ा पाप कौन-सा है ?
उत्तर: किसी पर भी बुरी दृष्टि रखना-यह सबसे बड़ा पाप है। तुम पुण्य आत्मा बनने वाले बच्चे किसी पर भी बुरी दृष्टि (विकारी दृष्टि) नहीं रख सकते। जाँच करनी है हम कहाँ तक योग में रहते हैं? कोई पाप तो नहीं करते हैं? ऊंच पद पाना है तो खबरदारी रखो कि ज़रा भी कुदृष्टि न हो। बाप जो श्रीमत देते हैं उस पर पूरा चलते रहो।
गीत: मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी…..
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:१.अगर विनाशी धन है तो उसको सफल करने के लिए अलौकिक सेवा में लगाना है। अविनाशी धन का दान भी जरूर करना है।
२.अपने पोतामेल में देखना है कि हमारी अवस्था कैसी है? सारे दिन में कोई खराब काम तो नहीं होते हैं? एक-दो को दु:ख तो नहीं देते हैं? किसी पर कुदृष्टि तो नहीं जाती है?
वरदान: रूहानियत की स्थिति द्वारा व्यर्थ बातों का स्टॉक खत्म करने वाले खुशी के खजाने से सम्पन्न भवरूहानियत की स्थिति द्वारा व्यर्थ बातों के स्टॉक को समाप्त करो, नहीं तो एक दो के अवगुणों का वर्णन करते बीमारी के जर्मस वायुमण्डल में फैलाते रहेंगे, इससे वातावरण पावरफुल नहीं बनेगा। आपके पास अनेक भावों से अनेक आत्मायें आयेंगी लेकिन आपकी तरफ से शुभ भावना की बातें ही ले जाएं। यह तब होगा जब स्वयं के पास खुशी की बातों का स्टॉक जमा होगा। यदि दिल में किसी के प्रति कोई व्यर्थ बातें होगी तो जहाँ बातें हैं वहाँ बाप नहीं, पाप है।
स्लोगन: स्मृति का स्विच आन हो तो मूड ऑफ हो नहीं सकती।
अव्यक्त स्थिति का अनुभव करने के लिए विशेष होमवर्क
(7) हरसमयनवींनता का अनुभव करते औरों को भी नये उमंग-उत्साह में लाना। खुशी में नाचना और बाप के गुणों के गीत गाना। मधुरता की मिठाई से स्वयं का मुख मीठा करते दूसरों को भी मधुर बोल, मधुर संस्कार, मधुर स्वभाव द्वारा मुख मीठा कराना।
(7) हरसमयनवींनता का अनुभव करते औरों को भी नये उमंग-उत्साह में लाना। खुशी में नाचना और बाप के गुणों के गीत गाना। मधुरता की मिठाई से स्वयं का मुख मीठा करते दूसरों को भी मधुर बोल, मधुर संस्कार, मधुर स्वभाव द्वारा मुख मीठा कराना।
07-01-2015, Wednesday
Essence of Murli (H&E): January 07, 2015:
Essence: Sweet children, if you want to become charitable souls (punya atma), check your chart (potamel) to see that you are not committing any sins and that you are accumulating truth in your account.
Question: What is one of the greatest sins ?
Answer: To have bad vision for anyone is one of the greatest sins. You children who are becoming charitable must never have bad (vicious) vision for anyone. Check for yourself how long you stay in yoga and whether you are committing any sins. In order to claim a high status, take care never to have vicious vision (kudrishti) for anyone and that you completely follow the elevated directions that the Father gives you.
Song: Mukhda dekh le praani... मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी... Look at your face in the mirror of your heart
Essence for Dharna:
1.If you have perishable wealth, use it in a worthwhile way for alokik service. You definitely have to donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge.
2.Check your chart to see: a) What your stage is like, b) Whether you did anything wrong throughout the day, c) Whether you cause sorrow to anyone, d) Whether you had impure vision for anyone.
Blessing: May you be filled with the treasure of happiness and finish any stock of wasteful situations with your stage of spirituality.
Slogan: When the switch of awareness (smriti) is on, you cannot have an off-mood. Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 07, 2015 1.
Only Shiva is called the Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier. Only through knowledge is there salvation. These are the imperishable jewels of knowledge. You have to imbibe the jewels of knowledge given by the Father, the Jeweller, and then donate them. Only the one Father is the Bestower of Salvation. 2. It is because you children have recognized the Father that you are sitting here. The Father would say: All of you are My children. However, not all of you know Me. If it is in someone's fortune, he would know Him later. 3. The unlimited Father says to His children: look at your chart daily and ask yourself: How many sins have I committed and how much charity have I performed? Did I upset anyone? Ask your own heart to what extent you have become a charitable soul. Are you committing any more sin? To what extent do you stay in yoga? 4. If your vision becomes impure towards someone, you must never stand in front of that one, but walk away instantly. If you have impure vision you will become crippled. You have to follow the shrimat that the Father gives you. 5. To cause someone sorrow means to be deceitful; it means you have committed a sin. Whilst living at home with your family, become as pure as a lotus flower. Although you are at the confluence age, this is still Ravan’s kingdom. 6. If you have perishable wealth, use it for this alokik service. By donating money to the impure, you too become impure. When you donate your wealth, you receive the return of that for 21 births in the new world. Have mercy for everyone! 7. You still have to check for yourself whether the directions you receive through a Brahma Kumari are right or wrong. Only when the Righteous One comes can He tell you what is right and what is wrong. You can only understand this when you become Brahminsvvv
Essence: Sweet children, if you want to become charitable souls (punya atma), check your chart (potamel) to see that you are not committing any sins and that you are accumulating truth in your account.
Question: What is one of the greatest sins ?
Answer: To have bad vision for anyone is one of the greatest sins. You children who are becoming charitable must never have bad (vicious) vision for anyone. Check for yourself how long you stay in yoga and whether you are committing any sins. In order to claim a high status, take care never to have vicious vision (kudrishti) for anyone and that you completely follow the elevated directions that the Father gives you.
Song: Mukhda dekh le praani... मुखड़ा देख ले प्राणी... Look at your face in the mirror of your heart
Essence for Dharna:
1.If you have perishable wealth, use it in a worthwhile way for alokik service. You definitely have to donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge.
2.Check your chart to see: a) What your stage is like, b) Whether you did anything wrong throughout the day, c) Whether you cause sorrow to anyone, d) Whether you had impure vision for anyone.
Blessing: May you be filled with the treasure of happiness and finish any stock of wasteful situations with your stage of spirituality.
Slogan: When the switch of awareness (smriti) is on, you cannot have an off-mood. Synopsis: Sakar Murli January 07, 2015 1.
Only Shiva is called the Ocean of Knowledge, the Purifier. Only through knowledge is there salvation. These are the imperishable jewels of knowledge. You have to imbibe the jewels of knowledge given by the Father, the Jeweller, and then donate them. Only the one Father is the Bestower of Salvation. 2. It is because you children have recognized the Father that you are sitting here. The Father would say: All of you are My children. However, not all of you know Me. If it is in someone's fortune, he would know Him later. 3. The unlimited Father says to His children: look at your chart daily and ask yourself: How many sins have I committed and how much charity have I performed? Did I upset anyone? Ask your own heart to what extent you have become a charitable soul. Are you committing any more sin? To what extent do you stay in yoga? 4. If your vision becomes impure towards someone, you must never stand in front of that one, but walk away instantly. If you have impure vision you will become crippled. You have to follow the shrimat that the Father gives you. 5. To cause someone sorrow means to be deceitful; it means you have committed a sin. Whilst living at home with your family, become as pure as a lotus flower. Although you are at the confluence age, this is still Ravan’s kingdom. 6. If you have perishable wealth, use it for this alokik service. By donating money to the impure, you too become impure. When you donate your wealth, you receive the return of that for 21 births in the new world. Have mercy for everyone! 7. You still have to check for yourself whether the directions you receive through a Brahma Kumari are right or wrong. Only when the Righteous One comes can He tell you what is right and what is wrong. You can only understand this when you become Brahminsvvv
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