०७-०४-२०१४, सोमवार
मुरली सार: “मीठे बच्चे – तुम्हें योग¬बल से इस खारी चैनल को पार कर घर जाना है इस¬लिए जहाँ जाना है उसे याद करो, इसी खुशी में रहो कि हम अभी फ़कीर से अमीर बनते हैं”
प्रश्न: दैवी¬गुणों की सब्जेक्ट पर जिन बच्चों का ध्यान है, उनकी निशानी क्या होगी ?
उत्तर: उनकी बुद्धि में रहता – जैसा कर्म हम करेंगे हमको देख दूसरे करेंगे। कभी किसी को तंग नहीं करेंगे। उनके मुख से कभी उल्टा-सुल्टा शब्द नहीं निक¬लेगा। मन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणा किसी को दु:ख नहीं देंगे। बाप समान सुख देने का लक्ष्य है तब कहेंगे दैवी¬गुणों की सब्जेक्ट पर ध्यान है।
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.बहुतों की आशी¬र्वाद लेने के लिए कल्या¬ण¬कारी बनना है। शरीर निर्वाह अर्थ कर्म करते भी अपने को बन्धन से मुक्त वर सुबह-शाम ईश्व¬रीय सर्विस जरूर करनी है।
२.दूसरी बातों में अपना समय वेस्ट न कर बाप को याद कर माइट लेनी है। सत के संग में ही रहना है। मन्सा-वाचा-कर्मणा सबको सुख देने का ही पुरू¬षार्थ करना है।
वरदान: स्नेह की शक्ति द्वारा हर परि¬स्थिति को सहज पास करने वाले पास विद आनर भव
बाप¬दादा का स्नेह सभी बच्चों में समाया हुआ है, स्नेह ही ब्राह्मण जीवन का मूल आधार है। स्नेह का अर्थ ही है पास रहना और हर परि¬स्थिति को सहज पास कर लेना। जैसे स्नेही के पास रहना सहज है, ऐसे जब पास करना सहज हो जायेगा तो पास विद आनर बन जायेंगे। यह स्नेह का विमान ही सेकण्ड की गति से बाप के समीप ले आता है।
स्लोगन: बाप¬दादा साथ हो तो माया का प्रभाव पड़ नहीं सकता।
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07-04-2014, Monday
Essence: Sweet children, you have to cross this salty channel with the power of yoga and return home. Therefore, remember the place you have to go to. Stay in the happiness that you are now becoming wealthy from poor.
Question: What are the signs of the children who pay attention to the subject of divine virtues ?
Answer: It remains in their intellects: Others who see the actions I perform will do the same. They never trouble anyone. They never speak bad or wrong words. They never cause anyone sorrow through their thoughts, words or deeds. Only when someone has the aim of giving happiness, like the Father, would it be said that that one is paying attention to the subject of divine virtues.Essence for dharna:1.In order to receive blessings from many, become benefactors. While performing actions for the livelihood of your body, free yourself from bondage and definitely do Godly service in the morning and evening.
2.Don’t waste your time in other matters but remember the Father and take might from Him. Only stay in the Company of the Truth. Make effort to give everyone happiness through your thoughts, words and deeds.
Blessing: May you easily overcome every adverse situation with the power of love and pass with honours.BapDada’s love is merged in all the children. Love is the main basis of Brahmin life. Love means to stay close and easily overcome every adverse situation. Just as it is easy to remain close to those you love, similarly, it will become easy to pass and you will then pass with honours. The plane of love takes you close to the Father at the speed of a second.
Slogan: If BapDada is with you, Maya cannot influence you.
Question: What are the signs of the children who pay attention to the subject of divine virtues ?
Answer: It remains in their intellects: Others who see the actions I perform will do the same. They never trouble anyone. They never speak bad or wrong words. They never cause anyone sorrow through their thoughts, words or deeds. Only when someone has the aim of giving happiness, like the Father, would it be said that that one is paying attention to the subject of divine virtues.Essence for dharna:1.In order to receive blessings from many, become benefactors. While performing actions for the livelihood of your body, free yourself from bondage and definitely do Godly service in the morning and evening.
2.Don’t waste your time in other matters but remember the Father and take might from Him. Only stay in the Company of the Truth. Make effort to give everyone happiness through your thoughts, words and deeds.
Blessing: May you easily overcome every adverse situation with the power of love and pass with honours.BapDada’s love is merged in all the children. Love is the main basis of Brahmin life. Love means to stay close and easily overcome every adverse situation. Just as it is easy to remain close to those you love, similarly, it will become easy to pass and you will then pass with honours. The plane of love takes you close to the Father at the speed of a second.
Slogan: If BapDada is with you, Maya cannot influence you.
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