२४-०४-२०१४, गुरुवार
मुरली सार: “मीठे बच्चे – इन आंखों से जो कुछ देखते हो – यह सब ख़त्म हो जाना है, इसलिए इससे बेहद का वैराग्य, बाप तुम्हारे लिए नई दुनिया बना रहे हैं”प्रश्न: तुम बच्चों की साइलेन्स में कौन-सा रहस्य समाया हुआ है ?उत्तर: जब तुम साइलेन्स में बैठते हो तो शान्तिधाम को याद करते हो। तुम जानते हो साइलेन्स माना जीते जी मरना। यहाँ बाप तुम्हें सद्गुरू के रूप में साइलेन्स रहना सिखलाते हैं। तुम साइलेन्स में रह अपने विकर्मों को दग्ध करते हो। तुम्हें ज्ञान है कि अब घर जाना है। दूसरे सतसंगों में शान्ति में बैठते हैं लेकिन उन्हें शान्तिधाम का ज्ञान नहीं है।धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:१.सदा स्मृति रहे कि हम ब्रह्मा मुख वंशावली ब्राह्मण हैं, हमारा सबसे ऊंच कुल है। हमें पवित्र बनना और बनाना है। पतित-पावन बाप का मददगार बनना है।२.याद में कभी गफ़लत नहीं करना है। देह-अभिमान के कारण ही माया याद में विघ्न डालती है इसलिए पहले देह-अभिमान को छोड़ना है। योग अग्नि द्वारा पाप नाश करने हैं।वरदान: सहज योग की साधना द्वारा साधनों पर विजय प्राप्त करने वाले प्रयोगी आत्मा भवसाधनों के होते, साधनों को प्रयोग में लाते योग की स्थिति डगमग न हो। योगी बन प्रयोग करना इसको कहते हैं न्यारा। होते हुए निमित्त मात्र, अनासक्त रूप से प्रयोग करो। अगर इच्छा होगी तो वह इच्छा अच्छा बनने नहीं देगी। मेहनत करने में ही समय बीत जायेगा। उस समय आप साधना में रहने का प्रयत्न करेंगे और साधन अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करेंगे इसलिए प्रयोगी आत्मा बन सहजयोग की साधना द्वारा साधनों के ऊपर अर्थात् प्रकृति पर विजयी बनो।
स्लोगन: मेरे पन के अनेक रिश्तों को समाप्त करना ही फरिश्ता बनना है।
24-04-2014, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, everything you see with these eyes is to finish. Therefore, have unlimited disinterest in it. The Father is creating the new world for you.Question: What significance is merged in the silence of you children ?
Answer: When you sit in silence, you remember the land of silence. You know that silence means to die alive. The Father, in the form of the Satguru, teaches you here how to remain silent. When you stay in silence you are burning your sins away. You have the knowledge that you now have to return home. People in other spiritual gatherings sit in silence but they have no knowledge of the land of silence.
Essence for dharna:1.Always have the awareness that you Brahmins are the mouth-born creation of Brahma. Your clan is the highest of all. You have to become pure and make others pure. Become a helper of the Purifier Father.
2.Never be careless about remembrance. It is because of body consciousness that Maya causes obstacles in remembrance. Therefore, first of all, renounce body consciousness. Destroy all your sins with the power of yoga.
Blessing: May you be a soul who experiments and, with the spiritual endeavour of easy yoga, gain victory over the facilities.While having facilities and experimenting with them, your stage of yoga should not fluctuate. To be a yogi and then to experiment is known as being detached. While having everything, experiment with them all as an instrument and without having any attraction to them. If there are any desires, they will not allow you to become good. Your time will be spent in working hard. At that time, you will be trying to make spiritual endeavour and the facilities will attract you to themselves. Therefore, be a soul who experiments and, with the spiritual endeavour of easy yoga, become victorious over the facilities, that is, over matter.
Slogan: To finish all the many relationships of the consciousness of “mine” is to become an angel.
Answer: When you sit in silence, you remember the land of silence. You know that silence means to die alive. The Father, in the form of the Satguru, teaches you here how to remain silent. When you stay in silence you are burning your sins away. You have the knowledge that you now have to return home. People in other spiritual gatherings sit in silence but they have no knowledge of the land of silence.
Essence for dharna:1.Always have the awareness that you Brahmins are the mouth-born creation of Brahma. Your clan is the highest of all. You have to become pure and make others pure. Become a helper of the Purifier Father.
2.Never be careless about remembrance. It is because of body consciousness that Maya causes obstacles in remembrance. Therefore, first of all, renounce body consciousness. Destroy all your sins with the power of yoga.
Blessing: May you be a soul who experiments and, with the spiritual endeavour of easy yoga, gain victory over the facilities.While having facilities and experimenting with them, your stage of yoga should not fluctuate. To be a yogi and then to experiment is known as being detached. While having everything, experiment with them all as an instrument and without having any attraction to them. If there are any desires, they will not allow you to become good. Your time will be spent in working hard. At that time, you will be trying to make spiritual endeavour and the facilities will attract you to themselves. Therefore, be a soul who experiments and, with the spiritual endeavour of easy yoga, become victorious over the facilities, that is, over matter.
Slogan: To finish all the many relationships of the consciousness of “mine” is to become an angel.
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