Saturday, November 24, 2012

24-11-2012's Murli

२४-११-२०१२, शनिवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुमने जीते जी बेहद के बाप की गोद ली है, उनकी संतान बने हो तो श्रीमत पर ज़रूर चलना है, हर डायरेक्शन अमल में लाना है। 
प्रश्न: सृष्टि की वानप्रस्थ अवस्था कब से शुरू होती है और क्यों ? 
उत्तर: जब शिवबाबा इस ब्रह्मा तन में प्रवेश करते हैं तब से सारी सृष्टि की वानप्रस्थ अवस्था शुरू होती है क्योंकि बाप सबको वापिस ले जाने के लिए आये हैं। इस समय छोटे बड़े सबकी वानप्रस्थ अवस्था है। सबको मीठे घर मुक्तिधाम वापस जाना है फिर जीवनमुक्ति में आना है।  वैसे भी बाप जब इस ब्रह्मा तन में प्रवेश करते हैं तो उनकी आयु 60 वर्ष की होती है। इनकी भी वानप्रस्थ अवस्था होती है। 
मीठे मीठे सिकीलधे बच्चों प्रति मात पिता बापदादा का यादप्यार और गुडमार्निंग। रूहानी बाप की रूहानी बच्चों को नमस्ते। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.यह धर्माऊ युग है। इस समय धर्मात्मा बनना है। सबका कल्याण करना है। मुक्ति और जीवनमुक्ति में चलने का रास्ता बताना है। 
२.हमारी यह गाडली स्टूडेंट लाइफ है। बेहद का बाप हमको पढ़ा रहे हैं। इस ख़ुशी में रहना है। 
वरदान: अपने चेहरे और चलन से सत्यता की सभ्यता का अनुभव कराने वाले महान आत्मा भव। 
महान आत्मायें वह हैं जिनमे सत्यता की शक्ति है। लेकिन सत्यता के साथ सभ्यता भी ज़रूर चाहिए। ऐसे सत्यता की सभ्यता वाली महान आत्माओं का बोलना, देखना, चलना, खाना-पीना, उठना-बैठना हर कर्म में सभ्यता स्वतः दिखाई देगी। अगर सभ्यता नहीं तो सत्यता नहीं। सत्यता कभी सिद्ध करने से सिद्ध नहीं होती। उसे भी सिद्ध होने की सिद्धि प्राप्त है। सत्यता के सूर्य को कोई छुपा नहीं सकता। 
स्लोगन: नम्रता को अपना कवच बना लो तो सदा सुरक्षित रहेंगे। 
Essence: Sweet children, you have come into the lap of the unlimited Father while alive. You have become His children and so you definitely have to follow His shrimat. You have to put every direction into practice. 
Question: When does the age of retirement for the world begin and why ? 
Answer: When Shiv Baba enters the body of Brahma, the age of retirement for the whole world begins because the Father comes to take you back. At this time, it is the age of retirement for everyone, young and old. Everyone has to go back to the sweet home, the land of liberation, and then go into liberation-in-life. In any case, when the Father enters Brahma's body, Brahma's age is 60 years. It is his age of retirement too. 
Song: To live in Your lane and to die in Your lane. 
Om shanti. In whose lane are you going to die? People want to go to the land of liberation and to be threaded in the rosary of victory of the Supreme Father,the Supreme Soul, Shiv Baba. You children know that all the souls of human beings are definitely the rosary around the Father's neck just as the physical creation of a worldly father is definitely the garland around the physical father. Children remember their father and a father remembers his children. In the same way, all souls in fact remember the Father, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. That one is a limited father and this One is the unlimited Father. Every human being wants to attain liberation because, to be the garland around the neck of the Incorporeal means liberation, and to be the garland around the neck of Vishnu means liberation-in-life. The Father gives you liberation and liberation-in-life. If you become children of the unlimited Father, you will become the garland around His neck. Children are the garland of the neck of their physical parents. Those parents are themselves children of other people. People sing: You are the Mother and the Father.... When we become the garland around Your neck, we will remain constantly happy. People remember the unlimited Father, and they also want to know how to become the garland around His neck. It is only when Trimurti Shiv Baba comes and creates all three - Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar - that you can become the garland around the neck of the unlimited Father through Brahma. At first, you are the garland of physical parents. It is only when you die alive from them and come to the parlokik Mother and Father that you can receive your inheritance. When wealthy people adopt a poor child, he goes into the lap of those wealthy parents while alive and the poor parents are also still alive. The child remembers both. You too remember both worldly and parlokik relationships. You have a meeting with both. You have taken the lap of the parlokik Parent in order to receive infinite happiness from Him. That is a limited lap whereas this is the unlimited lap. You have taken the lap while alive. You know that by going into His lap, you will receive a lot of happiness in the deity clan. Therefore, you definitely have to remember the Mother and Father whose children you have become. Shrimat has been remembered. You are now following His directions in a practical way. It isn't that everyone is adopted instantly; no. You belong to Him gradually. The deity religion is now being established. The tree grows gradually. Of the Christians, Christ comes first. Then it grows to 10 to 20 to 50. This tree grows here in front of Him. Christ leaves, but he (his soul) is present here to the end. This One is the unlimited Father. Many have to become the garland around the neck of Shiv Baba because only then will they become the garland around the neck of Vishnu. Shiv Baba is incorporeal. He creates the mouth-born creation through Brahma. "Trimurti Shiva" has a meaning. There is no meaning in saying "Trimurti Brahma". Baba continues to give you corrections. Beneath the picture of the cycle, you have to write: Discus of self-realization (not spinning wheel). That Government has a spinning wheel. Here, you have the discus of self-realization. Day by day, you continue to receive corrections. Baba has explained that you always have to say, "Trimurti Shiv Jayanti". Shiva Baba gives you the inheritance through Brahma. Shiva is the Father, so He definitely has the inheritance to give. Therefore, Vishnu is the inheritance. "Destruction through Shankar" is remembered. This is why the picture of the Trimurti is the main one. The picture of the Trimurti has continued to exist. When you rule there, there will be the picture of Vishnu behind the throne. That is like your Coat of Arms. People don't understand the meaning of that. The Father has explained it to you. You receive this knowledge at this time. Deities don't have this knowledge. It is the third eye of you Brahmins that opens. The Father explains everything to you so easily: Manmanabhav! Remember the Father and the inheritance! You are the mouth-born creation of Brahma. You are also the Ganges of knowledge. You are the mouth-born creation who have emerged from the Ocean of Knowledge through the lotus-lips of Brahma. You are knowledgeable kumars and kumaris. Therefore, you are children of the Ocean of Knowledge. In fact, this is the real pilgrimage. This is the true sangam (confluence) of souls with the Supreme Soul: the Ocean of Knowledge and the Ganges of knowledge. These are very incognito matters and have to be understood. Those with gross intellects will not be able to understand these things. An easy method for them is to remember Shiv Baba and the inheritance through this one. By having this in your intellects, your mercury of happiness will rise. This is your Godly student life. The unlimited Father is teaching you. It is not Krishna, a human being, teaching you. Krishna is not called the Ocean of Knowledge. Krishna was not trikaldarshi. You have the knowledge of Raja Yoga in your intellect through which you receive your reward. There is no need for this knowledge there. It is needed here. The Father says: I come and teach you Raja Yoga every cycle. I explain to you the secrets of the beginning, the middle and the end of creation and how the cycle turns. All the praise is of the confluence age, when the Purifier Father comes and takes you from the old world to the new world. Preparations are taking place for destruction of the old world. You can see what is happening in the world nowadays. Today, someone may be an emperor whereas tomorrow the military would create opposition and put the emperor in jail. They kill anyone. There continues to be many such cases. Nowadays, you can't trust anything. There is nothing but sorrow everywhere. Today, someone has a child and becomes happy and tomorrow the child dies and there is sorrow. This is the world of sorrow. The Father is now making you worthy of the new world of happiness. The Father Himself says: You have become so unworthy! You can now become worthy and become the masters of heaven. You were deities and have now become like devils. Yesterday, you would sing praise of the deities and call yourselves degraded sinners. You used to sing: We are without virtue and have no virtues. Therefore, God would definitely have had mercy on someone. Who made those deities virtuous? You now know this. No one, apart from the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, can create deities. People have become completely vicious and impure. Even when they become old, they don't renounce the vices. Otherwise, it is the system that, at the age of 60, they should go into the stage of retirement. They used to do that in earlier days. They would settle all their burdens by the time they reached the age of 60 and give everything to their children. Nowadays, they themselves have children even at the age of 60. The Father says: When this one was 60 years old in the last of his many births, when it was his stage of retirement, I entered him and that was when he renounced everything. When the Father comes, it is the stage of retirement for the whole world because everyone has to go back. This is why the Father says: Constantly remember Me alone. Young and old, no one will remain. The Father comes and makes everyone sweet. Both the lands of liberation and liberation-in-life are sweet lands. Everything has to be destroyed. Everyone's karmic accounts have to be settled. It doesn't take long to experience punishment. When a person sacrifices himself at Kashi, he becomes liberated from his sins. Then his account begins again. However, not a single one goes into liberation. They think that by sacrificing themselves to Shiva, they will go to the land of nirvana. The Father says: No one can go back. Everyone has to take rebirth. This number one soul takes the full number of rebirths. Therefore, surely those who come after him will also take rebirth. You have taken 84 births. Your parts continue from the beginning. This is your benevolent leap birth. In this birth, that is, in this age of charity, you become righteous souls. All of those are limited things. That is the month of charity and the year of charity whereas this is the age of charity. Only for you Brahmins is this the leap birth. You Brahmins are the topknot and then you become deities. You know that Baba is now making you the garland around His neck. We souls reside in the incorporeal world. The Father Himself says: When you were bodiless, you used to live with Me. You have now understood that you will first go to the golden age. There, there is the deity religion. There is no need to make effort there. Only at the confluence age is effort made. This is the confluence age. You don't count the duration of the other confluences that take place. This confluence age has a duration. This is a very short age. It is only at this confluence age that the Father comes and changes it. Nothing happens in other ages. When there are two degrees less, the kingdom changes. You have had visions of how the kingdom is handed over. The Father comes at the confluence age and makes impure ones pure. That is why the duration of this age is counted from the time that the Father comes. Therefore, He definitely has come and He alone is the Ocean of Knowledge. His mouth-born creation are the rivers of knowledge, the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You have to receive knowledge from them. Baba has said: Create something new with which it will be easy to explain to others. Write 'Trimurti Shiv Jayanti' on that. Baba gives you directions, but those who create these things have to be clever. There are many types of obstacle to this sacrificial fire of knowledge and then service becomes slack. Shiv Jayanti is now about to come. You have to celebrate it with great splendour. In Delhi, there can be a lot of splendour. The Coat of Arms of both should be shown. Everything of ours would be spiritual. The Father is benevolent. Children also continue to benefit others. The Father is pleased when He sees you doing this. It is said "Charity begins at home." You also have to explain to your friends and relatives. Otherwise, they will complain afterwards. You receive very good points. There are also very good pictures. The rosary is also so good. The rosary of Rudra is created and then the rosary of Vishnu is created. You Brahmins are those who relate the true Gita. You explain the secrets of the true pilgrimage. While sitting here, remain on the pilgrimage of remembrance and your sins will be burnt away. There is no other way to become satopradhan from tamopradhan. There is a lot of praise of yoga. It is this that requires effort. Many storms also come. It is easy and also difficult. There are the images of your yoga tapasya and also of your kingdom. You become deities through Raja Yoga. You are Raj Rishis. Those people are hatha yoga rishis. You have natural locks of hair. We are now the garland around the neck of Shiv Baba. We are all brothers. You would receive an inheritance from the Father. Prajapita Brahma is also remembered. That One is the incorporeal Father and this one is the corporeal father. They portray Shankar opening his eye and destruction taking place. They have shown Shankar with Parvati and Ganesh and made him into a householder. There is a lot of blind faith. The Father says: I made you so wealthy! You built temples, wrote scriptures, gave donations and incurred so much useless expense and thereby reached degradation. That too is fixed in the drama and this is why the Father sits here and explains to you. Baba makes you trikaldarshi. You have the knowledge of all three aspects of time in your intellects. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.This is the age of charity. You have to become a righteous soul at this time. You have to benefit everyone. Show everyone the way to go to liberation and liberation-in-life. 
2.This is our Godly student life. Maintain the happiness that the unlimited Father is teaching us. 
Blessing: May you be a great soul and give the experience of the manners of truth through your face and activities. 
Great souls are those who have the power of truth in them. However, together with truth, there also has to be manners. Great souls who have the manners of truth in them have manners automatically visible in their way of speaking, looking, behaving, walking, eating, drinking and moving around. If there are no manners, there is no truth. Truth can never be proved by trying to prove it. It has the power of automatically being proved (right). No one can hide the sun of truth. 
Slogan: Make humility your armour and you will remain constantly protected. 

23-11-2012, Murli

२३-११-२०१२, शुक्रवार
मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - तुम्हें जितना बाबा कहने से सुख फील होता है, उतना भक्तों को भगवान वा ईश्वर कहने से नहीं फील हो सकता। 
प्रश्न: लोभ के वश लौकिक बच्चों की भावना क्या होती जो तुम्हारी नहीं हो सकती ? 
उत्तर: लौकिक बच्चे जो लोभी होते वह सोचते हैं कि कब बाप मरे तो प्रापर्टी के हम मालिक बनें। तुम बच्चे बेहद के बाप के प्रति ऐसा कभी सोच ही नहीं सकते क्योंकि बाप तो है ही अशरीरी। यहाँ तुमको अविनाशी बाप से अविनाशी वर्सा मिलता है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.सवेरे-सवेरे उठकर बाप को प्यार से याद करने की आदत पक्की डालनी है। कम से कम 3-4 बजे जरूर उठना है। 
२.बेहद बाप से सच्चा लव रखना है। श्रीमत पर चल पूरा वर्सा लेना है। 
वरदान: पवित्रता की रायॅल्टी द्वारा सदा हर्षित रहने वाले हर्षितचित, हर्षितमुख भव ।
पवित्रता की रॉयल्टी अर्थात् रीयल्टी वाली आत्मायें सदा खुशी में नाचती हैं। उनकी खुशी कभी कम, कभी ज्यादा नहीं होती। दिनप्रतिदिन हर समय और खुशी बढ़ती रहेगी। उनके अन्दर एक बाहर दूसरा नहीं होगा। वृत्ति, दृष्टि, बोल और चलन सब सत्य होगा। ऐसी रीयल रायल आत्मायें चित से भी और नैन-चैन से भी सदा हर्षित होंगी। हर्षितचित, हर्षितमुख अविनाशी होगा। 
स्लोगन: संसार में सर्वश्रेष्ठ बल पवित्रता का बल है। 

23-11-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet children, devotees cannot feel as much happiness when they say "Bhagawan" or "Ishwar" as you feel when you say "Baba". 
Question: What desires do worldly children have due to greed, which you children cannot have ? 
Answer: Worldly children who are greedy wonder when their father will die so that they can become the masters of his property. You children can never have such thoughts about the unlimited Father because the Father is bodiless. Here, you receive an imperishable inheritance from the eternal Father. 
Song: Look at your face in the mirror of your heart! 
Om shanti. Om shanti. When it is said twice, first it is Baba saying it and the second time it is Dada saying it. One is called a soul and the other is called the Supreme Soul, that is, the One who resides in the supreme abode. That is why He is called the Supreme Soul (Paramatma). What is the relationship between souls and the Supreme Soul? The Father is one whereas the children are innumerable. When human beings call out in English, they say, "Oh God, the Father". Therefore, He is the Father. By simply saying "Paramatma", "Prabhu" or "Ishwar" there isn't as much pleasure. By saying "Father" you receive happiness. The parlokik Father is the One who gives you happiness and that is why He is remembered so much on the path of devotion. God, the Father, means He is our Father. It is said: We are all brothers. It is also called a brotherhood. When the people of Bharat say that they are all brothers, their attention is not drawn to souls. They are drawn towards body consciousness. They don't understand that they are souls who are brothers. The Father of all of us is One. If God were omnipresent, you wouldn't say that you are brothers. It is only when you consider yourselves to be souls that you say you are brothers. You children are now sitting personally in front of the Father and He is teaching you. You souls say: We have now found the Father. You have found the Father, which means you have found everything. You receive an inheritance from the Father. As soon as a son is born, it is understood that an heir is born. As soon as the child says "Baba" it proves that he is an heir. Generally, daughters say "Ma, Ma". They have greater love for their mother. A son would say "Ba, Ba". A son would have greater love for the father. An inheritance cannot be received from the mother. An inheritance is received from the father. Here, all of you souls are brothers. All of you are claiming your inheritance from the Father. The Father's shrimat is: Each one of you has to consider yourself to be a child of the Father and continue to give everyone the Father's introduction and also explain the secrets of the world cycle. Only from the Father do you receive the inheritance of heaven. The unlimited Father says: You were residents of heaven, so how did you become residents of hell? How did you go around the cycle of 84 births? These are matters of detail. However, the Father has given you recognition of Himself and you will definitely receive the inheritance of the golden age from the Father. Achcha, who received it? There is that picture of Lakshmi and Narayan; they received the Father's inheritance. So where did it go? This is a matter of the cycle. You are now receiving the inheritance of the golden age and then you definitely have to take rebirth and take 84 births. You now have the cycle of 84 births in your intellects, numberwise, according to the effort you make and you also have the faith that this is your last birth. You have been around the cycle of 84 births and completed it. Now, when you go back, everyone else will follow you back. You children have already claimed your inheritance from the Father. You have already learnt Raja Yoga. Therefore, you know that you will come to rule in the new world. At that time, none of those religions etc. will exist there. Everyone will go back. Then we, who belong to deityism, have to come first. We belonged to the shudra clan and we now belong to the Brahmin clan. Then we will belong to the sun and moon-dynasty clans. We are claiming our inheritance of the Brahmin, sun and moon dynasty clans - all three clans - from the one Father. In the golden and silver ages, no one comes to establish a religion. There is just the one religion of Bharat at that time. Then those of Islam and the Buddhists come later. Bharat is a very ancient land. At first there are just the deities. They have now been converted to other religions. There are so many different languages. Among the Europeans they have different languages. Americans have their own language and the French have their own language, even though all of them are Christians. Similarly, look at the Chinese. They all belong to the one Buddhist religion, but the language of the Chinese is different from that of the Japanese. They all belong to the Buddhist religion, but when growth takes place, they all become separate. They even have enmity for each other. Bharat has no enemies. It is those of other religions who come and fight here. They create conflict amongst the people of Bharat and make them fight. Otherwise, war never took place between the people of Bharat. It was others who made them fight because of greed. This too is a play. The people of Bharat have forgotten that they were the masters of the world and that the Father had given them the kingdom. In the golden age you don't have any knowledge of how you claimed your kingdom. You now know how you are claiming that kingdom. This Father sits here and explains to you. It is very easy, but people's intellects are locked in such a way that they don't even know who gave Lakshmi and Narayan their kingdom or when. They don't even know how many children they had. In the golden age it was the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan. How long is the duration of the golden age? They say that it is hundreds of thousands of years old. Then, how many dynasties were there in those hundreds of thousands of years? How much expansion took place? How many emperors and empresses would there have been? In hundreds of thousands of years, there would have been countless. A hundred thousand years of the golden age and then hundreds of thousands of years of the silver age, and they say that even the iron age has another 40,000 years. No one's intellect works on these things. They have given them all such a long duration. You should know the Creator, Director and the duration etc. However, no one knows this. It is said that 3,000 years before Christ, Bharat was heaven and that it used to be the kingdom of gods and goddesses. How many years did it last and how did it continue? They don't know any of this. If Radhe and Krishna were the prince and princess of the golden age, they must have received their status from someone. If Krishna related the Gita, then when did he do that? Only the Father explains all of these things. At school, you are first taught Alpha and beta. Then, you gradually pass higher examinations. So there is so much difference between the study of Alpha and beta and the study later on. It is the same here. What is explained to you now is even easier than that which was explained to you earlier. As you progress further, even easier things will be explained to you. When a new person comes, he is first asked to fill in a. form and then everything is explained to him. He is asked: What is your relationship with the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul? He is definitely the Father of all. Only those who are to understand these things will understand them. This is when they have the deep faith in their bones that they can claim their inheritance from only the unlimited Father. The Father creates heaven. Therefore, He would definitely give you the inheritance of heaven.These things will sit in the intellects of those who had faith in the previous cycle. You can see how some children are unable to wake up in the morning. They have been making effort for 10 to 15 years, and in spite of that, they are unable to wake up on time. At least wake up at 3.00 or 4.00 am! Even devotees wake up early and sit in meditation. They chant something in the name of Hanuman or Shiva. However, there is no benefit in that. Although some develop a good character through that, they cannot receive liberation or liberation-in-Iife through that. It is their stage of descent. Lakshmi and Narayan, who used to rule in the golden age, then continued to come down in their second and third births etc. It continued to be their stage of descent. Then, when half the cycle was over, they went onto the path of sin. Then the path of devotion began. So many temples were built. Even now, there are so many temples. Some have even been demolished. There are the images of their going onto the path of sin. They are wearing the costume of deities. In fact, their dress was different and it continued to change later. Some would have one type of turban and others would have another type. Some would have one type of crown and others another type. The way the crowns were worn was also different. The style of dress of the sun-dynasty kings was their own. That is the turban of so-and-so. Baba has had visions. Dwarikadhish (an emperor) wore his turban at an angle. The whole drama that takes place will repeat in the same way from the beginning to the end. You will go onto the path of sin and there will be differences of opinion between everyone. The customs and systems will be different; those of the sun dynasty will be different from those of the moon dynasty. This play is predestined and has to repeat. You know that you are the ones who are receiving liberation and salvation from the unlimited Father once again. The old world has to be destroyed. The unlimited Father is teaching you Raja Yoga. The world doesn't know that He is teaching us Raja Yoga. You children know this very well and you also love the Father. Not everyone can have the same love. Even on the path of ignorance, not everyone has the same love. Out of greed, some say: Let my father die so that I can receive his property. Here, Shiv Baba doesn't have a body. Baba is imperishable. He has taken this body on loan. You know that you have taken the full 84 births. Baba doesn't take rebirth. He enters this body when He comes. Otherwise, should He enter the body of Lakshmi or Narayan? However, they are masters of the pure world. This is the impure world and an impure body because it has been created out of poison. Baba tells you in exactly the same way that He did in the previous cycle: I enter an ordinary body. I definitely need an experienced chariot. Good actors receive good prizes. This chariot of Baba's has also been remembered. It is said that establishment takes through Brahma. They have portrayed Brahma as old. The forms of Prajapita Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are all different. The form of Brahma is absolutely accurate. The Father has named this one Brahma. He has taken the full 84 births. This is why you have come and met the Father first. Our kingdom is being established once again. You also have to explain: You say "Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, Oh God!" Therefore, the Father must surely be considered to be God. However, people are unable to understand that the Father of all souls is the incorporeal One. It is because He is the Father that everyone remembers Him on the path of devotion. It is because souls received happiness that they remember Him at times of sorrow. You too have been remembering the Father for half the cycle. The Somnath Temple is built at the beginning. Therefore they would definitely remember the Father. You know that that is the Father's temple. The Father Himself gave you the inheritance. Therefore, first of all, they built a temple to the Father. You have now become the Father's heirs. The Father is the Creator of the world. Only from Him do you receive that inheritance.What did all the rest do? Why do we worship them? They take 84 births. However, devotion also has to become adulterated. All the paraphernalia of devotion is required for half the cycle. There is no need for that paraphernalia in the golden and silver ages. All of this has to be imbibed by your intellects. In fact, there is no need to write anything down. If the intellect is solvent, you are able to imbibe very quickly. However, you take notes in order to relate it to others. There is also no need to keep books etc. Who would study our books later on? The scriptures of others continue after them. There are people who read them. You don't have to study any of that; you will have received your reward. There is nothing of any of the scriptures for half the cycle. This knowledge vanishes. All the scriptures are destroyed. First of all, explain to everyone that you have two fathers. You have your physical father and he too remembers that Father. It is remembered that everyone remembers God at the time of sorrow. This applies to Bharat. The Father only comes in Bharat. There is also the birthday of Shiva. You would say that you are celebrating such-and-such a birthday of your Father. Since there are Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, the Father must definitely have come. This is the sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Shiva. So Brahmins are definitely needed. Where did Brahma come from? Brahma is adopted and then, when children are born, they are created through his lotus-lips. First of all, give everyone the Father's introduction. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Wake up early in the morning and instill the firm habit of remembering the Father with a lot of love. Wake up at least at 3.00 or 4.00 am in the morning. 
2.Have true love for the unlimited Father. Follow shrimat and claim your full inheritance. 
Blessing: May you remain constantly cheerful by being happy hearted and happy-faced with the royalty of purity. 
Souls who have the royalty of purity, that is, who have reality, constantly dance in happiness. Their happiness never decreases. In fact, day by day, at every moment, their happiness increases. They would not be one thing internally and something else externally. Their attitude, vision, words and activity would all be truthful. Such souls who are royal and real would remain constantly cheerful in their hearts and features. They would be eternally happy hearted and happy faced. 
Slogan: The most elevated power in the world is the power of purity. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

22-11-2012's Murli

२२-११-२०१२, गुरुवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - कोई भी देहधारी को याद करने से मुक्ति-जीवनमुक्ति नहीं मिल सकती, बाप ही तुम्हें डायरेक्ट यह वर्सा देते हैं ।
प्रश्न: बाप का बनने के बाद भी माया किन बच्चों को अपनी ओर घसीट लेती है ? 
उत्तर: जिनका बुद्धियोग पुराने सम्बन्धियों में भटकता है, पूरा ज्ञान नहीं है या कोई पुरानी आदत है, ऐसे बच्चों को माया अपनी ओर घसीट लेती है। बाहर का संग भी बहुत खराब है, जो खत्म कर देता है। संग का असर बहुत जल्दी लगता है, इसलिए बाबा कहते बच्चे एक बाप के साथ बुद्धियोग रखो। बाप को ही फालो करो। कोई भी देहधारी में प्यार नहीं रखो। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
१.कर्मबन्धनों के चिन्तन में नहीं रहना है। बुद्धि को देह-धारियों से हटाना है। बेहद का सन्यास करना है। 
२.बन्धनों से छूटने के लिए पूरा-पूरा नष्टोमोहा बनना है। सच्ची दिल रखनी है। ज्ञान में मजबूत (पक्का) और हिम्मतवान बनना है। 
वरदान:- अचल स्थिति द्वारा मास्टर दाता बनने वाले विश्व कल्याणकारी भव ।
जो अचल स्थिति वाले हैं उनके अन्दर यही शुभ भावना, शुभ कामना उत्पन्न होती है कि यह भी अचल हो जाएं। अचल स्थिति वालों का विशेष गुण होगा - रहमदिल। हर आत्मा के प्रति सदा दातापन की भावना होगी। उनका विशेष टाइटल ही है विश्व कल्याणकारी। उनके अन्दर किसी भी आत्मा के प्रति घृणा भाव, द्वेष भाव, ईष्या भाव या ग्लानी का भाव उत्पन्न नहीं हो सकता। सदा ही कल्याण का भाव होगा। 
स्लोगन: शान्ति की शक्ति ही अन्य के क्रोध अग्नि को बुझाने का साधन है। 
Essence: Sweet children, you cannot receive liberation or liberation-in-life by remembering bodily beings. It is the Father Himself who gives you this inheritance directly. 
Question: Which children does Maya drag to herself even after they belong to the Father ? 
Answer: Those whose intellect's yoga wanders to their old relationships, who don't have full knowledge and who still have old habits; such children are dragged by Maya to herself. The company outside is very bad and completely destroys you. The company you keep very soon affects you.This is why Baba says: Children, connect your intellect's yoga to the one Father. Only follow the Father. Don't love any bodily being. 
Song: Having found You, we have found everything. The earth, the sky all belong to us!... 
Om shanti. You sweetest children know that you are now receiving your inheritance from the unlimited Father. This is something to be understood very well. It is said: The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, sends all the founders of religions to establish their own religions. So they come and establish their religions. It isn't that they give anyone an inheritance; no. There is no question of an inheritance there. It is only the one Father who gives you your inheritance. The Christ soul is not the Father of everyone that he would give an inheritance. He is not even the father of Christians that he could give an inheritance. The question arises: Which inheritance would he give and to whom? He (Christ) comes to establish a religion. All the other souls of the Christian religion continue to follow him down. There is no question of an inheritance. You have to receive your inheritance from the Father. For instance, Abraham, Buddha and Christ came. What did they do? Did they give an inheritance to anyone? No. It is the Father's duty to give an inheritance. He Himself comes here. Souls continue to come down here and expansion continues to take place. An inheritance is always received from the Creator. One creator is a worldly father and the other is the Father from beyond this world. These things have to be imbibed. Only those who donate to others are able to imbibe these things. The unlimited Father has now come to give all the children their inheritance. Only the unlimited Father gives the children their unlimited inheritance. The Father of the Christians, the Buddhists and those of Islam is the same. Everyone calls Him God, the Father. Christ also spoke of God, the Father. No one ever forgets the Father. Only the one incorporeal One is called God, the Father. The Father of all incorporeal souls is One. That incorporeal Father is also the Father of all the founders of religions. Only from Him is an inheritance received. Everyone calls out to Him: God, the Father. It is in Bharat alone that they say that God is omnipresent. It is from Bharat that everyone else learns to say that God is omnipresent. If God is omnipresent, why do they remember God? For whom do sages make spiritual endeavour and to whom do they pray? The Father would ask this, would He not? The Creator of all is One. He alone is the Purifier. In the golden age, everyone is pure. Then, how do they become impure? It is written that the deities went on to the path of sin. The pure world is now being created once again. The impure world begins from the copper age onwards. The Godly kingdom and the devilish kingdom last for half the cycle each. This is a matter of Bharat alone. It is in Bharat alone that people burn an effigy of Ravan. So, Baba has explained that none of the other founders of religions give an inheritance to anyone else. They establish a religion and so they are remembered. Although you remember Christ, Brahma, Vishnu or Shankar or pray to them, they cannot give you anything. Only the one Father is the Bestower. He personally has to come here. No one believes that God comes in Krishna. The Father says: I only come once to give you souls your inheritance. The Father gives an inheritance to you children. Only the two are called Baba. One is the Baba of the body and the other is the Baba of souls; no one else can be Baba. You cannot receive an inheritance from this Baba, that is, from Prajapita Brahma. Only from Shiv Baba do you receive an inheritance. Brahma also claims His inheritance from Him. He is the Bestower of Salvation for All. He is the Bestower of Liberation and Liberation-in-Life for All. This is why anyone who comes has to be given the Father's introduction first of all. Even though an elderly man is called Baba or Pitaji, he is not really a father. There are only worldly fathers and the Father from beyond this world. This Brahma is also a physical father. He adopts you children. Although you call Brahma 'Baba', you receive an inheritance from that One, do you not? Which inheritance? That of salvation. Everyone is liberated from degradation and a life of bondage. At this time, Bharat in particular and the whole world in general is in bondage to Ravan. Souls who come experience liberation-in-life first and then they experience bondage-in- life. They have to experience happiness first and then sorrow. This should be made to sit in your intellects. You cannot receive liberation or liberation-in-life by remembering any bodily being. Even messengers don't give anyone an inheritance. Only the Father comes and gives you the inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life. However, some receive it directly and others receive it indirectly. The Father is personally in front of only you children. Day by day, you will see that Baba won't go anywhere outside Madhuban. What does this old world have to offer? Shiv Baba says: I don't even have the happiness of going to heaven or even seeing heaven. So, where would I go in this world? Such is My part! I come in the impure world. They speak of the seven wonders of the world, but they don't show heaven in that. Heaven comes into existence later. I have to come into the impure world, in an impure body in a foreign kingdom. It is sung: The Resident of the faraway land. Only you children can understand the meaning of this. We are now making effort and then we will come back into our own land. OK, the souls who come down from the copper age will come into the foreign kingdom, that is, into the kingdom of Ravan. They will not come into the pure kingdom. Their parts are those of a little happiness and a little sorrow. You experience full happiness from the golden age onwards. Each one has received his or her own part. The Father sits here and explains to you children the secrets of how He establishes the deity religion. There is nothing but happiness in that and I make you worthy of it. You understand that you were the masters of heaven and that Maya then made you completely unworthy. The Father says: You have now become so senseless! There is the story of Narad. You can understand how a devotee who plays a musical instrument could not possibly marry Lakshmi until he had studied Raja Yoga and become pure. The body of everyone is corrupt because it is created through corruption. You are the mouth-born creation. These matters have to be understood. The Father Himself comes and gives you the knowledge of the Creator and creation. No one would be able to understand all the points. As soon as you leave here and get into someone's bad company, everything ends. It is said: Good company takes you across and bad company drowns you. Although you are sitting here, the intellect's yoga of some of you is not completely here. Because they don't have knowledge, they fall due to the influence of bad company. If you keep the company of anyone who has a habit, you very soon become affected. Here, you have Baba's company. Those who follow the Father and also uplift others claim a high status. Many new children say: Baba, can I leave my job and become occupied in this service! Baba says: As you progress further, Maya will catch hold of you by the nose in such a way, don't even ask! Experience says: Many left their jobs in this way and then left Baba. They took a Godly birth, but then Maya dragged them away. Maya punches very good children just once and makes them unconscious. They are the children whose intellect's yoga wanders outside to their old relations. This is why Baba says: Don't keep your intellect's yoga connected to bodily beings a great deal. No matter how much love you have for this Baba, don't connect your intellect's yoga to him. If you don't remember the Father, your sins can't be absolved. Don't love any bodily being. At other spiritual gatherings, it is bodily beings who relate everything. Some mention the name of another great soul. They don't say that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, is teaching them. The Father sits here and explains to you children: I am the Living Seed of this creation. I have the knowledge of the whole tree. Those seeds are non-living. If they were living, they would also speak. I, the Seed, surely have the knowledge of the beginning, middle and end of the tree. This is a matter of the unlimited. At this time, the kingdom is tamopradhan, and so there would definitely be the splendour of that. They give themselves such big names: Gyaneshwar, Gangeshwarananda etc. However, no one can receive anand (bliss). Sannyasis themselves say that happiness is like the droppings of a crow. However, they don't forget the name of heaven. They say that so-and-so went to heaven and then they invoke that departed spirit. That soul enters someone and speaks. However, no one knows how the soul comes. The body is someone else's and it is that one's soul that eats. The food would go into the stomach of that one (whose body is being used).However, that other soul does take the fragrance. Shiv Baba is Abhogta (beyond the effect of experience). He doesn't eat anything. When the soul of Mama comes, she eats. When departed spirits come, they eat. These matters have to be understood. So, no one apart from the one Father can be called Baba. What inheritance can you receive from them? You won't be able to receive anything. Did Christ give an inheritance? They established a kingdom by fighting. It is the Christians who battled. Only when wealth has been accumulated can a kingdom be run. It isn't that Christians gave the kingdom. You would say that the kingdom is received according to the drama plan, according to the effort you make. However, human beings cannot give anything to human beings. If they do give something, that is only temporary happiness. Now they are all tamopradhan. There is a lot of force of Maya. You now have to battle with Maya. Those who conquer Maya conquer the world. People beat their heads so much in order to stay in peace. The mind cannot become peaceful just like that. It is just that they learn something and they make people unconscious by hypnotizing them. This requires effort. Some people's brains also become spoilt. The Father says: If your intellects continue to be pulled by karmic bondages or by your friends and relatives, your sins will not be absolved. The intellect has to be removed from bodily beings. Forget everyone! When you die, the world is dead for you. When you remember the world, punishment is received for that. You say: Baba, I have died. I now belong to You. So, why is your intellect pulled to your friends and relatives? It means that you have not died, that you don't belong to the Father. There are many who are worried day and night about their karmic bondages. Even when they sit in remembrance, they continue to have those thoughts. When you stay in Baba's lap here, it means you have died. So your intellect's yoga should not go anywhere else. Sannyasis leave their homes and families which means they have died. If they continued to remember them, how would they be able to stay in yoga? Some even return home again. Some are very firm and they therefore don't remember anyone at all. If the intellects of you children wander outside, you cannot claim a high status. Since you have become children, you have to follow the Father completely. There should not be any attachment at all. However, if it isn't in their fortune, they go to the other side even after they have died. Only 5% of their intellects are here, 95% of their intellects are outside. They continue to wander everywhere. They neither belong here nor there. Once you belong to the Father, your intellect is finished; it has died. Scarcely anyone is able to have this unlimited renunciation. Only they are the ones who can become beads of the rosary. This is fortune. Those who come and stay here should not find anything difficult here. However, it is seen that those who stay here find it more difficult. Those who live outside go ahead very fast. They don't have attachment to anyone. They feel: Let me become free from this bondage so that I can occupy myself in service. However, it has to be seen whether they are strong in knowledge. If someone is weak and her husband dies, it is like putting salt on a wound. Until you have died completely, it is like putting salt on a wound. Therefore, here, you just say "Baba" and that's all! You belong to Baba and all your old relationships are broken. That person is responsible for himself and his own actions. Why should I be concerned? There should be that much enthusiasm. There are very few like this. When you find the Father, that's it! You are then not concerned about anyone else. You need this much courage. You should have an honest heart. If you continue to follow shrimat, no one can stop you. No one can create obstacles to your becoming pure. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Do not have unnecessary thoughts about your karmic bondages. Remove your intellect from bodily beings. Have unlimited renunciation. 
2.In order to become free from bondage, become a complete destroyer of attachment. Have an honest heart. Become strong and courageous in knowledge. 
Blessing: May you be a world benefactor and become a master bestower through your unshakable stage. 
Those who have an unshakable stage have the good wishes and pure feelings for others to become unshakable too. The special quality of those who have an unshakable stage is that they are merciful. They constantly have the feelings of a bestower for every soul. Their special title is "world benefactor". They cannot have any feelings of dislike, conflict, jealousy or defamation for any soul; they constantly have benevolent feelings. 
Slogan: Only the power of silence is the means of extinguishing the fire of anger in others. 

21-11-2012's Murli

२१-११-२०१२, बुधवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, विकारों को दान देने के बाद भी याद में रहने का पुरुषार्थ जरूर करना है क्योंकि याद से ही आत्मा पावन बनेंगी | 
प्रश्न: तख्तनशीन बनने वा रूद्र माला में पिरोने की विधि क्या है ? 
उत्तर: बाप समान दु:ख हर्ता सुख कर्ता बनो। सभी पर ज्ञान जल के छींटे डाल शीतल बनाने की सेवा करो। किसी को भी दु:ख देने की बातें छोड़ दो। कोई भी विकर्म नहीं करो। अच्छे मैनर्स धारण करो। अपना टाइम बाप की याद में सफल करो तो बाप के दिलतख्तनशीन बन रूद्र माला में पिरो जायेंगे। अगर कोई अपना टाइम वेस्ट करता है तो मुफ्त अपना पद भ्रष्ट करता है। झूठ बोलना, भूल करके छिपाना, किसी की दिल को दु:खाना - यह सब पाप हैं, जिसकी 100 गुणा सज़ा मिलेगी। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.पावन बनने के लिए जब तक जीना है, माया के विघ्नों की परवाह नहीं करनी है। 
२.सभी पर ज्ञान के छीटें डाल शीतल बनाने की सेवा करनी है, किसी की दिल को कभी भी दु:खाना नहीं है। बाप समान दु:ख हर्ता, सुख कर्ता बनना है। 
वरदान: सदा सत के संग द्वारा कमजोरियों को समाप्त करने वाले सहज योगी, सहज ज्ञानी भव !
कोई भी कमजोरी तब आती है जब सत के संग से किनारा हो जाता है और दूसरा संग लग जाता है इसलिए भक्ति में कहते हैं सदा सतसंग में रहो। सतसंग अर्थात् सदा सत बाप के संग में रहना। आप सबके लिए सत बाप का संग अति सहज है क्योंकि समीप का संबंध है। तो सदा सतसंग में रह कमजोरियों को समाप्त करने वाले सहज योगी, सहज ज्ञानी बनो। 
स्लोगन:- सदा प्रसन्न रहना है तो प्रशन्सा सुनने की इच्छा का त्याग कर दो। 
21-11-2012, Wednesday
Essence: Sweet children, even after donating the vices, you must definitely make effort to stay in remembrance because it is only through remembrance that the soul will become pure. 
Question: What is the method to become seated on the heart-throne and be threaded in the rosary of Rudra ? 
Answer: Become a remover of sorrow and bestower of happiness, the same as the Father. Sprinkle drops of the water of knowledge on everyone and do the service of making them cool. Let go of all the things that cause anyone sorrow. Don't perform any sinful actions. Imbibe good manners. Use your time in a worthwhile way in remembrance of the Father and you will become seated on the Father's heart-throne and be threaded in the rosary of Rudra. If someone is wasting his time, he is degrading his status for nothing. To tell lies, to make mistakes and hide them and to hurt someone's heart are all sins through which you receive one hundredfold punishment. 
Song: Neither will He be separated from us, nor will we experience any sorrow. 
Om shanti. This is a song of the gopikas. Which gopikas? They are the mouth-born creation of Prajapita Brahma. Then, they are called the gopes and gopis of Gopi Vallabh, that is, gopes and gopis of the Father. However, all the rest are just stories. It is understood that when you truly belong to the Father, the devilish, vicious community becomes your enemy. Swans and storks cannot live together. There are a few swans and millions of storks. While living at home with your family, you have to remain as pure as a lotus. There is praise of this. While living at home with your family, remain pure. Yes, there will be many obstacles. Those who have been impure for half the cycle cannot become pure that quickly. There is such a tug of war because of vice. Innocent ones are assaulted and that was why Draupadi called out. There isn't just one Draupadi. At this time, all are Draupadis and Dushashans - they undress them. This is the vicious impure world. The golden age is called the viceless world. This is the vicious world, the kingdom of Ravan. There is so much sorrow in this world: weeping, wailing, fighting and quarrelling. Look what is happening all the time! When the deities used to rule in the new world, there was purity, peace and happiness; there was no religion that caused peacelessness there. Now, there are so many religions that spread peacelessness. You then prove to them that the oldest enemy is Ravan, the one who made Bharat impure and as worthless as a shell. The Father sits here and explains to you the philosophy of action, neutral action and sinful action. In the kingdom of Ravan, no matter how many donations people give, how much charity they perform, how many sacrificial fires they create or how much chanting and tapasya they do, they still come down. Whomever they donate to are also vicious, sinful souls. Having continuously performed sinful actions, there is now a huge burden of sin on your heads. You souls, who were satopradhan, have now become tamopradhan. The Father explains all of these things exactly as He did in the previous cycle. The Father alone comes and makes you into deities every cycle. He speaks easy Raja Yoga and knowledge: Consider yourself to be a soul and remember the Father. This is easy, is it not? Everyone says: O God, come! Come and purify us impure ones! So, the Purifier is the Father alone. You know that the Father is inspiring us to make effort to become pure. Although someone may have donated the fives vices, he still has to have yoga. How can the sins that have been on your heads for birth after birth, through which you have become tamopradhan, be burnt away with anything except yoga? You donate the five vices so that you will not commit any more sins. However, how can you become free from the account of sin of many births? The method for that is to stay in remembrance of the Father for as long as you live. It is only through this remembrance that your sins will be absolved. Impure souls cannot go there. Each one has received their own part and status. Just as human beings have a status, in the same way, souls have a status. First of all the soul will go to heaven. The number one souls are Lakshmi and Narayan. Their parts are the biggest. In the drama, the souls of the deity religion play the best roles and experience the maximum happiness. Then, they have to go through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. Alloy continues to be mixed into them. Now, how can that alloy be removed? When gold is put into a fire, the alloy is removed. This is the fire of yoga through which sins are absolved. No one knows that sins can be absolved with the fire of yoga. Children say: My yoga repeatedly breaks and I forget the Father. This is an obstacle of Maya. If there were no obstacles, your yoga would be connected quickly and destruction would take place quickly. However, it doesn't happen like that; it takes time. You continue to have yoga until the end when you reach your karmateet stage. Then the world will also end. You are conquering Ravan by following shrimat. The things mentioned in the Gita, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana etc. are all the paraphernalia of devotion. Whatever tasks you performed at the confluence age, all of those temples are memorials of this time. Memorials continue to be created from the copper age. First of all, the memorial to the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva,who comes and purifies the impure, is created. Praise of the deities is sung. There is a big temple to Lakshmi and Narayan. No one knows why they are worshiped so much. They definitely have to become worshipers from being worthy of worship. When they are worthy of worship, they are experiencing their reward. Just as the biographies of the great kings are remembered, in the same way, the praise of Lakshmi and Narayan, the first number empress and emperor of the golden age, would definitely be sung. However, people don't know how they became that. Similarly, it was Shiva who taught both Brahma and Saraswati. People have made His name disappear from the scriptures and created confusion. Sensible children understand these things, numberwise. Thisdrama continues. Whatever you became in the previous cycle, you are becoming that now. This tree will continue to grow. The fruit will definitely ripen. It takes time for the tree to grow. When the tree is ready, you will become deities. All the rest will be destroyed. You children are now being ripened. Some ripen fully, some a little less and some experience storms. There are bad omens while earning an income. Baba says: Continue to have yoga so that all your sins are burnt away. This is such a big income and this is why the ancient yoga of Bharat is very well known. However, no one knows what happens through it. The Father now explains to you: You souls have alloy in you. You human souls become worthy of worship and then worshipers  God cannot become this. If He too were to become a worshiper, who would make us worthy of worship? It is the Father who makes us worthy of worship. We were worthy-of-worship, pure deities and then, by coming down, we became shudras. Deities of the golden age are called the new creation of God. It is sung: It didn't take long to change human beings into deities. The Father explains: Study well! It is the duty of the Father, Teacher and Guru to inspire you to make effort. Children, don't waste your time\ Your status will become degraded for nothing and then there will be great repentance. You would say: This is what my stage will be every cycle. At that time you won't be able to do anything. You will have visions. You will have the firm faith that every cycle you will attain such degradation. The Father continues to explain: When this result is out, you will have to cry a great deal. Just as when a class is transferred they sit there numberwise, so we too are being transferred to the new world. A rosary of Brahmins is not remembered. It is only the rosary of Rudra that is worshiped. However, no one knows what that rosary is. They show the dual-bead at the top (below the tassel). The dual-bead is Vishnu. Shiv Baba is the tassel (flower) at the top, then there is the rest of the rosary. You Brahmins are now making effort and you will then become threaded in the rosary of Rudra. This is why you should make such effort that you become seated on the throne. Let go of all the things that cause others sorrow. The Father is the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness. If children cause sorrow, who would consider them to be the children of God? You mustn't commit sin, commit suicide, or tell lies. When you are defeated you have to ask for forgiveness. In devotion too, when something happens they cry in repentance. This is the path of knowledge. You mustn't hurt anyone's heart here. Drops of knowledge are something that makes you cool. You children have come here to study. You have to have good manners when studying. This too is a study. The incorporeal Father is teaching you. He knows everything inside you. Once Baba received news from a centre that when a child made a mistake he was punished by Dharamraj. This Baba didn't know anything about that. There are many who indulge in vice and then don't tell the truth. In order to save themselves, they hide their mistakes. However, they cannot hide them from Shiv Baba. It is Shiv Baba who is teaching you. You even forget Him! This is said to be foolishness. Here, no one's lies or mistakes can remain hidden. This Baba says: I am not antaryami (one who knows everything within everyone). Shiv Baba is Antaryami. The Father Himself says: I am incorporeal and I know everything. This one is corporeal. Whereas this one comes into birth and death, I am beyond rebirth. That is why I say to this one: You don't know your own births. I tell you about them. I tell this to all those who belong to the sun-dynasty clan. Many children hide their mistakes. They don't even come in front of Baba. Baba has told you: Don't hide anything from this one. Tell him everything and you will be forgiven. Even then, you are My children. I know everything. How would this one know? This is why you have to tell this one everything. The account of your previous births is accumulated with Me, but whatever you have done in this birth, tell this one and so I can also hear that. While sitting at home, you cannot think that Shiv Baba knows everything; no. You have been doing that on the path of devotion. I have now come personally in front of you, so you have to tell Me so that you can also be cautioned. The Father says: Don't dirty your face! Otherwise, there will be a lot of repentance. The final period is very delicate. A lot of punishment is received. You continue to hear and see such examples. Never hide your sins from the Surgeon. This one will forgive you, not that One. By committing sin at this time, it will multiply a hundred times. Don't tell lies unnecessarily. Baba gives a warning to all the children. This is such a big, unlimited pathshala. You brothers can do a lot of service in incognito dress. If you explain to them, it will definitely touch their hearts that there is this Government too. This knowledge is incognito. You have to know the Seed, the tree and the world cycle. This is the cycle of four ages. They have kept a spinning wheel. You are the BK Pandava Army. You should take this Coat of Arms with you. Would truth bring victory simply by turning a spinning wheel? This is a matter of the world cycle. You should not be afraid. You can disguise yourselves and go anywhere. The children of the One with Many Forms should also have many forms. However, this doesn't enter the intellects of you children. You become happy just doing a little service and your head goes up in the sky! You still have a lot more service to do. You have to make many types of effort. Baba gives you many points. This sacrificial fire of the knowledge of Rudra is going to continue. Continue to invite people from all sects. You can even invite the kings etc. You can hold conferences too. You should print cards according to the people: Come and understand how this world cycle turns. Come and we will tell you the biography of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and the story of 5000 years. It is a wonder, is it not? Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.In order to become pure while you are alive, you mustn't be concerned about the obstacles of Maya. 
2.Sprinkle drops of knowledge on everyone and do the service of making them cool. Never hurt anyone's heart. Become a remover of a sorrow and bestower of happiness, the same as the Father. 
Blessing: May you be an easy knowledgeable soul who finishes weaknesses with the constant company of the Truth. 
Any weakness comes when you step away from the company of the Truth and are coloured by the company of others. This is why it is said on the path of devotion: Constantly stay in the company of the Truth. Satsang (spiritual gathering, company of the Truth) means to stay constantly in the company of the true Father. The true Father's company is very easy for all of you because you have a close relationship. So, constantly stay in the company of the Truth and become easy yogi and gyani souls who finish all weaknesses. 
Slogan: In order to remain constantly happy, renounce any desire to hear your praise. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20-11-2012's Murli

२०-११-२०१२, मंगळवार

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे - श्रीमत पर चल स्वच्छ शुद्ध बन धारणा कर फिर युक्तियुक्त सेवा करनी है, अहंकार में नहीं आना है, शुद्ध घमण्ड में रहना है |
प्रश्न: किस एक बात के कारण बाप को इतनी बड़ी नॉलेज देनी पड़ती है ? 
उत्तर: गीता के रचयिता निराकार परमपिता परमात्मा को सिद्ध करने के लिए बाप तुम्हें इतनी बड़ी नॉलेज देते हैं। सबसे बड़ी भूल यही है जो गीता में पतित-पावन बाप की जगह श्रीकृष्ण का नाम डाला है, इसी बात को सिद्ध करना है। इसके लिए भिन्न-भिन्न युक्तियां रचनी है। बाप की माहिमा और श्रीकृष्ण की महिमा अलग-अलग बतानी है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
१.हर काम बहुत युक्तियुक्त करना है। हर्षितमुख, अचल, स्थिर और ज्ञान की मस्ती में रहकर बाप का शो करना है। 
२.ज्ञान की नई और निराली बातें सिद्ध करनी है। 
वरदान: साक्षी बन माया के खेल को मनोरंजन समझकर देखने वाले मास्टर रचयिता भव ।
माया कितने भी रंग दिखाये, मैं मायापति हूँ, माया रचना है, मैं मास्टर रचयिता हूँ-इस स्मृति से माया का खेल देखो, खेल में हार नहीं खाओ। साक्षी बनकर मनोरंजन समझकर देखते चलो तो फर्स्ट नम्बर में आ जायेंगे। उनके लिए माया की कोई समस्या, समस्या नहीं लगेगी। कोई क्वेश्चन नहीं होगा। सदा साक्षी और सदा बाप के साथ की स्मृति से विजयी बन जायेंगे। 
स्लोगन: मन को शीतल, बुद्धि को रहमदिल और मुख को मृदु (मीठा)बनाओ। 
20-11-2012, Tuesday
Essence: Sweet children, follow shrimat, become pure and clean, imbibe this knowledge and then do yuktiyukt service. Don't become arrogant but maintain your pure pride. 
Question: Due to which one aspect does the Father have to give so much knowledge ? 
Answer: The Father gives you so much knowledge in order to prove that the Creator of the Gita is the incorporeal Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. The biggest mistake is that they have put Shri Krishna's name in the Gita instead of the Father's, the Purifier. You have to prove this. You have to create various methods for this. Show the difference between the praise of the Father and that of Shri Krishna. 
Song: To live in Your lane and to die in Your lane. 
Om shanti. You children heard the song. It says: I have come to Your door to die alive. Whose door have you come to? The same things come up. If ShriKrishna were the God of the Gita, as they say, these things couldn't take place. He is the prince of the golden age. Krishna didn't speak the Gita. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, spoke the Gita. Everything depends on this. If they understood this one thing, then all the religious scriptures of Bharat would be proved false. All of those are the path of devotion. There are stories of physical rituals, going on pilgrimages, chanting and tapasya etc. written in them. You have been making so much effort on the path of devotion. There is no need for any of that. This is a matter of just a second. The Father has to give so much knowledge just in order to prove this one thing. This is the ancient knowledge that God alone gave. Everything depends on the Gita. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Himself, came and taught easy Raja Yoga and knowledge for establishment of the deity religion. That has now disappeared. People think that Krishna will come once again and speak the Gita. However, you now have to prove very clearly that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, who is the Ocean of Knowledge, spoke this Gita. The praise of Krishna is separate from the praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He is the prince of the golden age and he gained his fortune of the kingdom by studying easy Raja Yoga. His name and form when he is studying are different from when he attains the fortune of the kingdom. You have to prove that he was at first impure and that he then became pure. Krishna can never be called the Purifier. The Purifier is only the one Father. The same Shri Krishna soul that has become ugly is now once again studying Raja Yoga from the Purifier and will become the prince of the future pure world. You need methods to explain and prove this. You have to prove this to people abroad. The Gita is the number one jewel of all scriptures, the mother of all scriptures. Who gave birth to the mother? The Father Himself adopts the mother. It would not be said that Christ adopted the Bible. People make the Bible out of the teachings that Christ gave and they continue to study it. However, who gave the teachings of the Gita that people made a book of it and continue to study? No one knows. They know about all the other scriptures. You have to prove who it was who gave the teachings of this easy Raja Yoga. The world continues to become tamopradhan day by day. All of these thoughts can only remain in a clean intellect. Those who don't follow shrimat are unable to imbibe knowledge. Shrimat says: You cannot explain anything at all. Baba instantly tells you. The main thing is to prove that the God of the Gita is the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. He alone is the Purifier. People say that He is omnipresent, or they say that He is the brahm element. They continue to say, without understanding, anything that enters their minds. The whole mistake has been made in the Gita by them calling Krishna the Creator of the Gita. So you have to create methods to explain this. Baba used to tell Guptaji: In Banaras, explain and prove to people that the God of the Gita is not Shri Krishna. Conferences now take place in Delhi. They are inviting all religious people to discuss what they can do for there to be peace. However, it is not in their hands to establish peace. They say: O Purifier come! Therefore, since they continue to call out, how can impure ones establish peace? They don't know the Purifier. They say that it is Rama, the king of the warrior clan, but he isn't that. They call out to him inaccurately; they don't know anything. Who would go and explain this to them? Very good children are needed. There are many who consider themselves to be very knowledgeable, but they are nothing at all. There is the example of the mouse who found a piece of turmeric and thought he was a big grocer. It is numberwise. You need great tact in this because, through this, it can be proved that God created the Gita. They say: Whoever it is, all are God. Baba says: God speaks: I adopt that Shri Krishna soul who takes the full 84 births and is now in his last birth. I name him Brahma and give you knowledge of the Gita through him. Through this easy Raja Yoga, that Brahma then becomes the first prince of the golden age. This explanation is not in the intellect of anyone else. Among you children too, you don't have that pure pride accurately in your intellects. You hold so many exhibitions etc. and yet you haven't proved this. First correct this mistake and explain how the Shrimad Bhagawad Gita is the mother and father of all scriptures. Who was its creator? Christ gave birth to the Bible and that is the scripture of Christianity. Achcha, who is the Father of the Bible? Christ. That is not called the mother and father. There is no question of a mother there. It is here that you have the mother and father. Christians have competed with the Krishna religion. Those people believe in Christ. Who spoke the Gita? Which religion was established through it? No one knows these things. They would never say that the Purifier, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, created this sacrificial fire. You can understand from the picture of the cycle that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, truly did give this knowledge. Radhe and Krishna are sitting in the golden age; they didn't give themselves knowledge. There has to be someone else who can give knowledge. Someone must have helped them pass. Who gave the knowledge for the attainment of a kingdom? Fortune is not made by itself. It is a father or a teacher who makes your fortune. A guru gives salvation, but no one understands the meaning of liberation or salvation. There is salvation for those on the family path. Liberation means everyone comes to the Father. No one understands these things. They have opened great big shops of devotion. There isn't a single shop of real knowledge. All of them are shops of devotion. The Father says: All the Vedas and scriptures etc. are the paraphernalia of devotion. You cannot attain Me by chanting, doing tapasya etc. I give you children knowledge and I purify you. I grant salvation to the whole world. You have to go into salvation via liberation. Not everyone will go to the golden age. This drama is predestined. Whatever you were taught in the previous cycle and whatever pictures were made, they are being made now too. Once this biggest mistake is corrected, you can tactfully make these pictures. They say that the world is standing on the legs of three religions. The leg of the deity religion is broken and this is why the world continues to shake. At first, the world remained first class standing on just one leg. There was just the one religion, which was called the undivided kingdom. Then that one leg was lost and three other legs emerged. They have no strength at all. Fighting and quarreling continue amongst them. They don't know the Master at all and have become orphans. You need great tact to explain to others. The main thing to explain at the exhibitions is that the God of the Gita is not Shri Krishna but the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, whose birthplace is Bharat. Krishna is corporeal whereas He is incorporeal. His praise is separate. Make cartoons with such cleverness that you can prove that the Supreme Soul spoke the Gita and made Krishna become what he is. It is said that the day of Brahma is knowledge and that the night of Brahma is devotion; it is now the night. Who establishes the golden age? Where did Brahma come from? Where did he come from even in the subtle region? The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, adopts Prajapita Brahma. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, first of all creates the subtle world. They have shown Brahma there. There is no Father of the People there. Where did Prajapita Brahma come from? No one can understand these things. In the last birth of Krishna, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, made him His chariot. This is not in anyone's intellect. This is a very important class. A teacher knows what a student is like, so would his father not know? This is an unlimited class of the unlimited Father. Everything here is unique. In the scriptures they have shown annihilation and confused everything. You know that Krishna did not speak the Gita. He just heard the knowledge of the Gita and attained the royal status. You have to prove that the God of the Gita is incorporeal Shiva and that these are His virtues. Bharat has become like a shell because of this mistake. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, has now placed the urn of knowledge on the mothers. It is the mothers who open the gates of heaven. Note down all these things and explain them to others. Devotion is in fact for householders. This is easy Raja Yoga for the family path. We have come here to prove this to you. You children have to do everything very tactfully. Children have to show (reveal) the Father. Always remain cheerful, unshakable  stable and intoxicated. As you progress further, such children will definitely emerge. A Brahma Kumar or Kumari is one who enables others to receive an inheritance for 21 births from the Father. There is great praise of the Kumaris. Mama is the main one. That one is the Sun of Knowledge and this one is the incognito Mama (Brahma). Hardly anyone understands this secret. The temples that have been created are also to that Mama. There is no temple to this incognito old Mama. We are the mother and Father in the combined form. Krishna is the prince of the golden age. God cannot enter Krishna. The praise of the God of the Gita is separate. He is the Purifier, the Liberator and the Guide. Therefore, the praise of the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is completely separate. How could they be the same? The main thing is: Who spoke the Gita? The Vedas and scriptures etc. are all children of the Gita. All the rest is the paraphernalia of devotion. Nothing like that happens on the path of knowledge. Achcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna: 
1.Perform every task very tactfully. Remain cheerful, unshakable and stable in the intoxication of knowledge and show (reveal) the Father. 
2.Prove the new and unique things of knowledge. 
Blessing: May you be a master creator and a detached observer who observes the games of Maya as entertainment. 
No matter how many colours Maya shows, I am a lord of Maya. Maya is the creation and I am a master creator. Observe the games of Maya with this awareness; do not be defeated in the games.Continue to observe them as a detached observer considering them to be entertainment and you will claim the first number. For such a soul, any problems of Maya will not seem like problems and there won't be any questions. Constantly be a detached observer and, with the awareness of the constant company of the Father, you will become victorious. 
Slogan: Make your mind cool, your intellect merciful and your mouth sweet.