Saturday, September 15, 2012

14-09-2012's Murli

मुरली सार:
मीठे बच्चे, - इस समय सभी की तकदीर बिगड़ी हुई है, क्योंकि सब पतित हैं, तुम्हें अब श्रीमत पर सबकी तकदीर जगानी है, पावन बनने की युक्ति बतानी है |
प्रश्न: सबसे खराब चाल कौन सी है, जिससे बहुत नुकसान होता है ? 
उत्तर: एक दो को पत्थर मारना अर्थात् कडुवे बोल बोलकर जख्मी कर देना - यह है सबसे खराब चाल जिससे बहुत नुकसान होता है। तुम बच्चों को अब रूप-बसन्त बनना है। अच्छे मैनर्स धारण करने हैं। तुम्हारे मुख से सदैव अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्न निकलने चाहिए। आत्मा को भी याद से रूपवान बनाना है और बाप, जो ज्ञान रत्न देते हैं, उनका दान करना है। बहुत मीठे बोल बोलने हैं। कड़ुवे बोल बोलने वाले से किनारा कर लेना है। 
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार 
१.निंदा करने वाले का संग कभी भी नहीं करना है। न ग्लानी करनी है, न सुननी है। बुद्धि को पारस बनाने के लिए मुख से ज्ञान रत्नों का दान करना है। 
२.ज्ञान मटेरियल से मनुष्यों को देवता, काँटों को फूल बनाने की सेवा करनी है। अपना और सर्व का कल्याण करने का ही धन्धा करना है। 
वरदान: न्यारी अवस्था में स्थित रह हर कार्य करने वाले सर्व के वा परमात्म प्यार के अधिकारी भव ।
जैसे बाप सबसे न्यारा और सबका प्यारा है। न्यारापन ही प्यारा बना देता है। जितना अपनी देह के भान से न्यारे होते जायेंगे उतना प्यारा बनेंगे। बीच-बीच में प्रैक्टिस करो देह में प्रवेश होकर कर्म किया और अभी-अभी न्यारे हो गये। ऐसे न्यारी अवस्था में स्थित रहने से कर्म भी अच्छा होगा और बाप के वा सर्व के प्यारे भी बनेंगे। परमात्म प्यार के अधिकारी बनना-कितना बड़ा फायदा है। 
स्लोगन: शुभ भावना का स्टॉक फुल हो तो व्यर्थ को फुलस्टॉप लग जायेगा। 
14-09-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet children, at this time everyone's fortune is spoilt because everyone is impure. You now have to follow shrimat and awaken everyone's fortune. Show everyone the way to become pure. 

Question: What very bad activity causes a lot of damage ? 

Answer: To throw stones at one another, that is, to speak bitterly to someone and hurt that person in that way is very bad; it causes a lot of damage. You children now have to become rup and basant and imbibe good manners. Only the imperishable jewels of knowledge should constantly emerge from your mouth. Make the soul beautiful with remembrance and donate the jewels of knowledge that the Father gives you. Speak very sweet words. Move away from those who speak bitter words. 
Song: No one is unique like the Innocent Lord. 
Om shanti. Fathers are always innocent. One is a limited father and the other is the unlimited Father. There are worldly fathers and the Father from beyond this world. Everyone knows their worldly father. You Brahmins know both your worldly fathers and your Father from beyond. A worldly father is also innocent. He creates children, looks after them, works hard and then gives them everything. He sometimes even tells lies in earning money and accumulates it so that he can leave it to his grandchildren. A father has a lot of love for his children. A child begins to say "Baba, Baba" in his childhood. The word 'Babul' (father) is very sweet. You children now know the unlimited Father. The unlimited Father has worked wonders. He gives you so much unlimited knowledge. A worldly father cannot explain that to you. Although he gives you wealth etc. he cannot put right that which has been spoilt. It is only God, the Innocent Lord, who puts right that which has been spoilt. Every cycle He is the One who puts right that which has been spoilt and He is the One to give salvation and liberation to all. No worldly father, teacher or guru can make you into the masters of the unlimited. No one else knows the unlimited Father or has the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. Among you children, too, how the unlimited cycle turns is in your intellects, numberwise, according to your efforts. You children know that this drama is predestined. It is this that inspires us to make effort. We will definitely make effort. Whatever effort each of you made in the previous cycle according to shrimat, you are doing exactly the same now in order to reform everything of yours. You can see that all brothers and sisters are engaged in the effort of putting everything right. The people of Bharat call out: O Purifier, One who reforms everything that has gone wrong, come! It is Ravan that has made everything go wrong. Through this, you have become corrupt in your religion and actions. You children have now come to know all of this from the Father. The human world, which is also called the kalpa tree, is very well known. The secret of this is now in your intellects. When people see your pictures and how you have made the kalpa tree with a duration of 5000 years, they say that all of that is your imagination. We explain this very well. They too compare the kalpa tree to a banyan tree. They also say that there used to be the original eternal deity religion which has now disappeared. According to the drama, all the other religions exist now. The main world history and geography of heaven that are remembered have to repeat. The best history and geography is of heaven. Everyone says: We want the kingdom of Rama where there is no name or trace of sorrow. It is now Ravan's kingdom but none of them understands that they are Ravan. These things are in the intellects of you children. .Human beings don't know anything at all. How does the One who puts everything right come and how does He reform everything ? Impure ones are said to be those who have become spoilt. How your intellects and your fortune were spoilt is now in your intellects. Their customs and systems are those of Ravan, whereas your customs and systems are those of Rama. It isn't the Rama of the silver age; he didn't speak the Gita. Nowadays, they relate the Ramayana etc. abroad too. Some wear saffron robes and go and live in huts. You children don't have to stay in huts. Can there be a school in a hut ? It is religious beggars who live there. This is your study. However, it is a new Government and this is why no one can understand who you are. If you explain to one Minister, another one would say that you are buddhus. These things are completely new. Baba continues to explain to you. Also continue to make corrections. You definitely have to write 'Prajapita Brahma' in front of Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. By writing the word 'Prajapita', he is proved to be the father. We ask the question: "What is your relationship with Prajapita Brahma ?" This is because many people have the name Brahma; even some females have the name Brahma. No one has the name Prajapita, and this is why it is essential to have the name Prajapita. They speak of Prajapita and Adi Dev, but they don't understand the meaning of Adi Dev. Prajapita would definitely exist here. Adi Dev is then that Brahma (the subtle one). Adi means the first one. Prajapita Brahma's daughter is Saraswati. He cannot have a daughter in the subtle region. The creator is here. Only those who have broad and unlimited intellects are able to imbibe these things. Together with imbibing, you should also have good manners so that anyone who sees you becomes happy. The words that you speak are called jewels. The Father is Rup and Basant. He makes souls beautiful. Souls have now become ugly and they have to be made beautiful with yoga. You children are now becoming rup and basant. Only the imperishable jewels of knowledge should always emerge from your mouth. You children should have very sweet manners. Only jewels should always emerge from your mouth. There are many who continue to throw stones. The Father gives you jewels of knowledge. This is the business of you children. It is a very bad act to throw stones at one another. They only cause themselves harm. The Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. It has been explained to you how subtle His form is. Those people say that He is a lingam (oval shaped). First of all, give the Father's introduction. Let them think that He is an oval-shaped light. Explain the deep things later. Then, later, ask them what the form of a soul is. Everyone says that a soul sparkles in the centre of the forehead, and so it would definitely be small. A big lingam wouldn't even be able to sit there. There would be a bump there. First of all, make the relationship of the Father and child sit in their intellects. He is the unlimited Father. Where does Brahma come from ? The Father comes and adopts this one, that is, He enters him. Your adoption is separate from his adoption. The Father enters this one. The Father says: This one is My wife. I have adopted him. I enter him and tell you: You are My mouth-born creation. I have created you through the mouth of Brahma. I don't have a mouth of My own. How would Shiva say: You are My mouth-bom creation ? It is explained to you so well. The Father says: All of you souls are My children; you are brothers and sisters. This should enter your intellects. The Father is the Creator of heaven. So, why shouldn't we receive the kingdom of heaven ? Not everyone can go to heaven. The Father says: I grant salvation to everyone. You go into liberation and then come down numberwise to play your parts. Everyone receives liberation. Everyone can be liberated from the sorrow of Maya. You will then have to come down numberwise to play your part. You are the first ones to go into liberation-in-life because you study Raja Yoga. Those who studied in the previous cycle are the ones who will come and study according to the drama. The drama is in front of you. There are now innumerable religions. There was just the one religion in the golden age. Who established the sun and moon dynasty religions ? No one knows this. You know that only the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, establishes the Brahmin, deity and warrior religions. It truly is only the one Father who puts right that which has gone wrong. In the golden age you won't call out: One who puts right that which has gone wrong, come! Here, your fortune has been ruined. There are the omens of Rahu. The highest omens are those of Jupiter. There are now the omens of Rahu. The whole world is eclipsed by the omens of Rahu. The whole world has become ugly. The golden-aged world was gradually eclipsed and the degrees continued to decrease and it has now become the iron-aged world. The Father now says: Make a donation and the eclipse will be removed. You have to conquer Maya, Ravan with the power of yoga. Vices are donated so that the omens are removed and you become full of all virtues. This is a matter of the unlimited. There are now no degrees remaining in souls and this is why they receive such tamopradhan bodies. Gold is measured by carats: 14 carat, 18 carat and now there are no carats in human beings. They have no sense at all. The Father says: I made you so sensible! I sent you to heaven. Then, by taking 84 births, look what you have become! You have been around the cycle so many times. You claim the kingdom every cycle and then lose it. While you are taking rebirth, there is expansion of everything. The intellects of you children should be very intoxicated. The kingdom is now being established. The garden of flowers is established at the confluence age. Only you Brahmins know the confluence age. Here, you children receive jewels. Then, when you go outside, you begin to throw stones. Maya hurts you a great deal. Such souls are called sinful souls. The Father says: Donate the imperishable jewels of knowledge. By throwing stones at one another your intellects have become complete stone. Your intellects are now becoming golden from iron. So, why then do you throw stones? If anyone tells you wrong things, consider that person to be your enemy. Never keep the company of or listen to such ones. Many people defame others. Some have the habit of defaming others. Such ones never say anything good about anyone that could benefit him. Baba always says: Continue to donate jewels of knowledge. Tell others what Baba tells you. You children will surely receive the return of service. You have to benefit yourself. Don't defame anyone. You children have a huge responsibility. The Father has come to change you from thorns into flowers, and so this is also the business of you children. The Father is teaching you this business. Therefore, this is a factory for changing human beings into deities, thorns into flowers. Your knowledge is the material with which you change from humans into deities. So you should study this art. Continue to put right that which has gone wrong. Make those with stone intellects into those with divine intellects. This is your Godly mission just as Christians have missions; they convert others into Christians. Your Godly mission is to purify impure beings. People remember the Purifier. Therefore, He must definitely have come. He must have started a mission and this was how impure ones became pure. Ravan's mission is to make pure ones impure whereas Rama's mission is to make impure ones pure. The main thing is yoga. Why would you not remember BapDada from whom you receive the inheritance of the sovereignty of heaven ? You have been remembering bodily beings for the whole cycle and you now have to remember the bodiless One, the One without an image. The One who doesn't have an image definitely has to come here. It is remembered that the Brahmin, deity and warrior religions were established through Brahma. This is straightforward. Brahmins don't have anyone else. You know that Shiv Baba is your Teacher and also your Satguru. There is just the one Satguru. He is also the Guru of Brahma. He wouldn't be called the Guru of Vishnu. He became the Guru of Brahma and made him into the deity Vishnu. How could He be the Guru of Shankar ? Shankar doesn't become impure. He has no need of a guru. Brahma takes 84 births. You cannot say that there are 84 births of Vishnu or Shankar. These are such good points to imbibe and to inspire others to imbibe. Only those who imbibe them and make others imbibe them can receive a high status. If you don't imbibe anything, your status becomes low. Aehcha. 
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children. 
Essence for dharna 
1.Never keep the company of those who defame you. Don't defame others or listen to others who do so. In order to make your intellect divine, donate the jewels of knowledge through your mouth. 
2.With the material of knowledge, do the service of changing human beings into deities and thorns into flowers. Only do the business of benefiting yourself and others. 

Blessing: May you have a right to receive love from everyone and God by performing every action in the stage of detachment. 
The Father is detached from everyone and is loved by everyone, and it is this detachment that makes Him loved. The more you become detached from the awareness of your own body, the more loved you will become. Every now and again, practise entering the body to perform actions and then instantly become detached. By remaining stable in a stage of such detachment, your actions will be good and you will be loved by the Father and everyone. To claim a right to God's love has such huge benefit. 
Slogan: When your stock of pure feelings is full, a full stop will be applied to all waste. 

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