Monday, December 9, 2013

05-12-2013's Murli

०५-१२-२०१३, गुरुवार
सार: “मीठे बच्चे  अपनी रॉयल चलन से सेवा करनी हैश्रीमत पर बुद्धि को रिफाइन बनाना है,माताओं का रिगॉर्ड रखना है
प्रश्न: कौन-सा कर्तव्य एक बाप का हैकिसी मनुष्य का नहीं ?
उत्तर: सारे विश्व में पीस स्थापन करनायह कर्तव्य बाप का है मनुष्य भल कितनी भी कान्फ्रेन्सआदि करते रहें पीस हो नहीं सकती | शान्ति का सागर बाप जब बच्चों से पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञा कराते हैंतब पीस स्थापन होती  | पवित्र दुनिया में ही शान्ति है | तुम बच्चे यह बात सबको बड़ी युक्ति से औरभभके से समझाओ तब बाप का नाम बाला हो |
धारणाके लिए मुख्य सार:-
1. बाप का प्रिय बनने के लिए ज्ञानी और योगी बनना है | देह-अभिमान में नहीं आना है |2. मुरलीचलाने का हौंसला रखना है | अपनी चलन से बाप का शो करना है | बातचीत बड़े मिठास से करनी है |
वरदान:- सन्तुष्ट रहने और सर्व को सन्तुष्ट करने वाले शुभ भावना शुभ कामना सम्पन्न भव
ब्राह्मण अर्थात् सदा सन्तुष्ट रहने और सर्व को सन्तुष्ट करने वाले इसलिए कुछ भी हो जाएकोई कितनाभी हिलाने की कोशिश करे लेकिन सन्तुष्ट रहना है और करना है – यह स्मृति रहे तो कभी गुस्सा नहींआयेगा | यदि कोई बार-बार गलती करता है तो उसे परिवर्तन करने के लिए गुस्सा नहीं करोबल्किरहमदिल बनकर शुभ भावनाशुभ कामना की दृष्टि रखो तो वह सहज परिवर्तन हो जायेंगे |
स्लोगन:- परमात्म प्यार के अनुभवी बनो तो कोई भी रुकावट रोक नहीं सकती |

05-12-2013, Thursday
Essence: Sweet children, you have to serve through your royal behaviour and make your intellects refined by following shrimat. You also have to give regard to the mothers.
Question: Which task is only the one Father’s and not that of any human being ?
Answer: To establishpeacein the whole world is the Father’s task. No matter how many peace conferences etc. people have, there cannot be peace. When the Father, the Ocean of Peace, makes you children promise to remain pure, पवित्रता की प्रतिज्ञाpeace is established. Only in the pure world is there peace. When you children explain this aspect very tactfully and with great pomp, the Father’s name will be glorified.
Song: I am a small child and You are the Almighty Authority!..
Essence for Dharna:
1.In order to be loved by God, become gyani and yogi. Don’t be body conscious.
2.Have the enthusiasm to speak knowledge. Show(reveal) the Father through your behaviour. Speak with great sweetness.
Blessing: May you be filled with good wishes and pure feelings and remain content and make everyone content.
A Brahmin means one who remains constantly content and makes others content. Therefore, no matter what happens or how much someone tries to make you fluctuate, if you remain aware that you have to stay content and make others content, you will never get angry. If someone repeatedly makes a mistake, do not become angry to transform that person, but become merciful and have a vision of good wishes and pure feelings. That person will then easily be transformed.
Slogan: Experience God’s love and no obstruction will prevent you from doing anything.

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