२७-०७-२०१२. शुक्रवार
मीठे बच्चे,
तुम्हारे सच्चे तीर्थ है- शान्तिधाम और सुखधाम, तुम्हे रुहानी पण्डा सत्य तीर्थ कराने आया है, तुम राजाई और घर को याद करो ।
प्रश्नः तुम्हारी किस मेहनत को बाप ही जानते है ? बाप ने उस मेहनत से छूटने की कौनसी युक्ति बताई है ?
उतरः बाप जानते है बच्चों ने आधाकल्प भक्तिमार्ग में दर-दर भटक कर बहुत ठोकरें खाई है । बहुत मेहनत करते भी प्राप्ति अल्पकाल क्षण-भंगुर की हुई । एकदम जंगल मे जाकर फँस गये । विकारो रुपी डाकुओं ने लूट लिया । अब बाप इस मेहनत से छूटने की युक्ति बताते- बच्चे, सिर्फ मुझे याद करो । मेरे से ही सच्ची सगाई करो, इस बेहद की सगाई में ही मज़ा है । देह-अभिमान रुपी बड़े डाकु से बचने के लिए अपने को इस देह से न्यारी आत्मा समझो ।
गीतः ओम् नमो शिवाए....
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार
१.अपनी बुध्धि को नॉलेज से सदा फुल रखना है । बाप से आशीर्वाद वा कृपा मांगने के बजाए पढ़ाई पर पूरा ध्यान दे अपने ऊपर आपे ही कृपा करनी है ।
२.दुःखियों को सुखधाम का मालिक बनाने की सेवा करनी है ! ऍसा सपूत, सर्विसएबुल बनना है जो बाप भि बलिहार जाये ।
वरदानः निश्चिंत स्थिति द्वारा यथार्थ जजमेंट देनेवाले निश्चयबुध्धि विजयी-रत्न भव ।
सदा विजयी बनने का सहज साधन है एक बल, एक भरोसा । एक में भरोसा है तो बल मिलता है । निश्चय सदा निश्चिंत बनाता है और जिसकी स्थिति निश्चिंत है, वह हर कार्य में सफल होता है क्योंकि निश्चिंत रहने से बुध्धि जजमेंट यथार्थ करती है । तो यथार्थ निर्णय का आधार है- निश्चयबुध्धि, निश्चिंत । सोचने की भी आवश्यकता नहीं क्योंकि फालो फादर करना है, जो श्रीमत मिलती है उसी प्रमाण चलना है । सिर्फ श्रीमत के कदम पर कदम रखते चलो तो विजयी रत्न बन जायेंगे ।
स्लोगनः मन में सर्व के प्रति कल्याण की भावना रखना ही विश्व कल्याणकारी बनना है ।
27-07-2012, Friday
Essence: Sweet Children, your true pilgrimage places are the land of peace and the land of happiness. The spiritual Guide has come to take you on a true pilgrimage. Remember your home and the kingdom.
Question: Which effort yours does only the Father know about ? Which method has the Father shown you in order to free you from the effort ?
Answer: The Father knows that you children have wandered around from door to door and stumbled a great deal for half the cycle on the path of devotion. Even after a lot of effort, there was only temporary attainment. You became completely trapped in the jungle. Vices in the form of dacoits( armed robbers) looted you. The Father now tells you the way to become free from that effort: Children, simply remember Me. Have a real engagement with the only Me. Only in this unlimited engagement is there pleasure. In order to be saved from this great dacoit of body consciousness, consider yourself to be soul, detached from the body.
Song: Salutations to Shiva...
Essence for dharna
1.Always keep your intellect full of knowledge. Instead of asking for blessings or mercy from the Father, pay full attention to the study and have mercy on yourself.
2.Serve the unhappy ones to make them into the masters of the land of happiness. Become so worthy and serviceable that even the Father surrenders Himself to you.
Blessing: May you have faith in the intellect and become a victorious jewel by making an accurate judgement through your carefree stage.
The easy way to become constantly victorious is to have one strength and one faith. When you have faith in the One, you receive strength. Faith makes you constantly carefree and those who have a carefree stage are successful in every task because, when you remain carefree your intellect is able to make an accurate judgement. So, the basis of making accurate decisions is to have faith in the intellect and to be carefree. There is even no need to think because you have to follow the Father and place your footsteps in His steps and move along according to the shrimat that you receive. Simply continue to place your footsteps in the steps of shrimat and you will become a victorious jewel.
Slogan: To have benevolent feelings for everyone in your mind is to be a world benefactor.
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